How are all you new mummies doing?

Aw Stacey that's horrendous! Either a massive lack of communication or giving everyone a restful sleep before the fights back on :-( either way, what's horrible news for you all. :hugs:

Have an amazing day tomorrow toria, and plenty pics :-) x
Aw Stacey that sounds just awful. I really hope they sort it at this new hospital.

As for the milk I thought a year too but I wa also told that at the point you switch away from cows milk its a good idea to supplement with vitamin drops as there has been a rise in children with rickets due to lack of vitamin d.

We've had a lovely weekend. Sil and her hubby are staying with us, just been to oh's grandmas 90th birthday and went to a Christmas fayre earlier. Now tucked up in bed
Yeh they said it knowingly told my mam on the phone the same thing, just cos the surgeon had finished and gone home by the time My SD came round from the op so the nurses said that it went fine. And then to tell him in the morning. It's just give him a total lack of trust now which is sad
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That's horrendous Stacey! So sorry for you and your family Hun :-(
Hope today goes ok Toria can't wait to see the pics xxxx
Yeah that's makes it worse Stacey, the fact that they did it in their own interests and not in your step dad's :-(
How awful stacey! Could you complain to the ward manager? Really not acceptable!

Jen how's Scarlett doing?

Bex hope oscars mri doesn't show he needs another op.

Austins been full of cold for past few days. Calpol vapour plug has been amazing tho & got a sleep through last night! (7-6.45, dummy in & back to sleep until 8.20!) shame I'm unwell too so haven't felt the benefit.

Another ewan broke so we now have 3. The company have been brilliant so haven't put me off purchasing the dog...well we need a dog to herd the sheep!

And we purchased Phoenix Nights Live tickets for 1st feb! I'm sooo excited .


Hope all the other babies are well!
I can't wait either. We were strategic tho...Man Utd are at home on Saturday for a 3pm kick off. We're travelling from yorkshire so no doubt would hit the full time traffic :/
Never thought of that. We're only half an hour away but going to get train in and they don't run on Sundays from our local station.
That's awful about the op! I'd expect honesty regardless of whether the consultant had gone home or not! I would def be making a complaint about it.

Luke had his first cold - nasty cough and a terribly runny nose! Combined with his top teeth cutting through it's not great right now. He wouldn't settle until 11pm (from going to bed at 6:30() and screamed from 7-9pm until we took his sleeping bag off him and he was calm but still woke
Up a few rimes screaming.

We've got the nasal aspirator, cough syrup and paracetamol... Is there anything else anyone uses when their LO has a cold?
We bought one last week & has helped massively. We leave it on overnight. He's definitely slept well because of it
Thing is thst if we left it on overnight it woukd be a refil a night which is very expensive for a plugin
She's doing much better thanks I witch, have a scan on fri so should know more about the future after that.

Tilt up his cot too jojo, I put a steaming bowl of olbas or a tissue at under mattress at bottom of cot. Snuffle babe was really good too.

I got them as a wee treat for S today. I need to stop buying now tho!
Thing is thst if we left it on overnight it woukd be a refil a night which is very expensive for a plugin

5 refills with the plug. Worth every penny for him to sleep. I'll continue to buy until he's better too. For some reason tho it's the same price for a pack of 5 refills as it is for 5 refills & the plug?!
She's doing much better thanks I witch, have a scan on fri so should know more about the future after that.

Tilt up his cot too jojo, I put a steaming bowl of olbas or a tissue at under mattress at bottom of cot. Snuffle babe was really good too.

I got them as a wee treat for S today. I need to stop buying now tho!

Glad to hear :) hope the scan sheds some light for you

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