How are all you new mummies doing?

Hey everyone just popped on as Joseph is asleep. Sorry I am not on much but Joseph is now crawling, standing and trying to walk so I need eyes in the back of my head. I hope everone is well. I try and keep up as much as I can. Hubbys shifts are crap at the moment as well. His been at work since friday and isn't finished until at least 19.30 on friday this week. Employer thinks it is acceptable for him to do 8 shifts on the trot without a day off. God I hate them. x
Aren't they breaking working time directive by doing that? Aren't you entitled to a day of after 6 continuous?
I used to work 7, 8 sometimes 9-10 days in the trot. If you sign the waiver to get extended hours over 47 (or whatever t is) they can do it.
I think it's awful how employers decide to be extra nasty once people have kids. The thing is, most people go through this stage at some point. Why can't they just give you a break!
My manager told someone that he was sick of all these worn "shitting out kids" and he was thinking about adopting just so he could dictate whatever hours he wanted. He also asked someone if they knew if I was planning on breeding more brats. There's just no consideration for others with management sometimes
The director of Petes company told me he doesn't employ women cus it's so annoying having to give mat leave and I argued with him about him keep ringing pete when I was in labour n just had m n he said it wasn't his fault I had her 2 weeks early n the job he was running was more important!! Dreading the Xmas do I'm still mad about it now he's a right tosser never at Work pays his staff peanuts to run his company whist he swans About he was in Abu Dhabi at the weekend watching the racing! I could punch his lights out! Xxx
What people fail to realise is that family time improves people's morale. Therefore if you're fair to people and give them a good work life balance they'll work better/harder for you because they'll actually be grateful.

I don't understand how managers and employers think that anything other than this would work. Basically just idiots.
Yes exactly I will never forgive them for being such knobs to pete when I first had Macie n going back on there word of 2 weeks full pay for all his hard work then last min day before pay day decided to pay him smp Petes always been so loyal to the company but he's never been the same either so wish he could find another job there's just not alot out there really xxxx
I'm fortunate that my employers are completely against discrimination! Well, apart from positive discrimination.

What I can't understand is why people stay loyal to companies like that (no offence). Where work is concerned, I have no loyalties what so ever. If I didn't like it, I'd be looking for another straight away & wouldn't rest until I found one. The last local authority I worked for was awful. I was only happy for a year in the middle when I had a secondment. During the rest of the time, I was searching & applying for jobs! The problem is I've been spoiled with flexi time & that narrows down the job market quite a bit :)

Took me 5 years to find the right job. Now everyone pulls their weight, policies & procedures are followed properly including discipline procedures. A lot better :D
I'm loyal but I think it's different on my job. I work with people with learning disabilities and mental health problems and it feel like leaving could disturb progress of ongoing support plans.
Richard Branson has just given all his staff unlimited holidays and time off as long as their work
Load and teams are not effected - read an article on it. It's the way forward

My work have been cool... So far....

Just want to go home now :(

Hole your all ok! I havnt really read back to be honest x
hi guys. He works for the ambulance service so a lot of it goes out of the window they also get away with it as they state the working are starts on a Sunday
they are just a pain. You would think after 7 years I would be used to him finishing late, working loads of weekends and most bank holidays
they don't care. At least my employers a bit better joseph has a hospital appointment the day I go back. They have given me the day off (unpaid) but at least I'm off x
the worse of it is he loves his job. Hes worked for them from being 19 and finishing uni its all he has ever wanted to do. He loves the job its the management he hates x
It's one of the things that is just a horrible side effect or working in healthcare unfortunately. I've worked most bank hoidays and almost every Christmas bar a few since I was 17.

I'd hate that whole giving people unlimited holidays because some people would take a lends and good workers would be left to Cary them. I do think that we should get more holidays though.
Jojo it's a nightmare. We have gone from ''why should you have christmas off to why should you expect to have christmas off just because you have a child.) I firmly believe and I think this should go for every company not just healthcare that if you have christmas off one year then someone else has it the year after. I don't expect him to have every christmas off as that would be unfair but I am pleased that this year which way his shifts have fell he is on a rest day christmas day. He is back in boxing day. x
It's one of the things that is just a horrible side effect or working in healthcare unfortunately. I've worked most bank hoidays and almost every Christmas bar a few since I was 17.

I'd hate that whole giving people unlimited holidays because some people would take a lends and good workers would be left to Cary them. I do think that we should get more holidays though.

No because that's why you have management teirs. If the team are at all effected then it's not allowed. But to be able to take time off whenever actually boosts moral and creates better working conditions. As long as the policy is managed properly which in sure it is there's no reason why it would effect anyone?
It's one of the things that is just a horrible side effect or working in healthcare unfortunately. I've worked most bank hoidays and almost every Christmas bar a few since I was 17.

I'd hate that whole giving people unlimited holidays because some people would take a lends and good workers would be left to Cary them. I do think that we should get more holidays though.

No because that's why you have management teirs. If the team are at all effected then it's not allowed. But to be able to take time off whenever actually boosts moral and creates better working conditions. As long as the policy is managed properly which in sure it is there's no reason why it would effect anyone?

Agree however will never happen when you work for the government. My hubby works in private sector & does not see the benefit of flexi to a company. The fact that I have to minute disciplinary hearings that can run over my hours works to their advantage as I get my time back & that's just one example. Of course it's subject to business needs as to when I can take it back & I'm restricted to how much I can carry over every 4 weeks.
It's one of the things that is just a horrible side effect or working in healthcare unfortunately. I've worked most bank hoidays and almost every Christmas bar a few since I was 17.

I'd hate that whole giving people unlimited holidays because some people would take a lends and good workers would be left to Cary them. I do think that we should get more holidays though.

No because that's why you have management teirs. If the team are at all effected then it's not allowed. But to be able to take time off whenever actually boosts moral and creates better working conditions. As long as the policy is managed properly which in sure it is there's no reason why it would effect anyone?
I think maybe it would depend on your sector. It wouldn't work in mine at all.
hey ladies,

Been busy thomas proofing the house now. We've put up four stairgates, lowered the height of his cot and just generally been tidying stuff up so we are now fully ready for him. He's started dragging himself around all over the floor and likes waking aided so we've got the start of it for definite.

I'm not so sure about the richard branson thing. I don't see how you could ever guarantee it wont effect your team. Would worry me leaving to go on holiday in case something happened and i got reprimanded for it.
Retail is nearly as bad as healthcare. I only normally get christmas day off, work most bank holidays, weekends, have funny start and finish times and shift patterns but at least it's pre-agreed in advance and as a rule i can normally leave on time if i want to unless there is an emergency situation. Only thing that is a pain is that i can't take holiday in December or the first week of january.
A lad I work with has been allowed to take holiday from dec 26th until January 2nd and I'm not happy as he has avoided working at all at Xmas and he's not supposed to be allowed.

Hubby works in retail and his times are the same barring xmas eve but it messed my work Rota up which is irritating. I don't mind working Xmas day, just not every one. There's a girl I work with who hasn't worked Xmas day in. 8 years! That's shocking IMO.
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