How are all you new mummies doing?

Jen, no I don't stack pillows next to him cause I'm worried the same as you. He normally sleeps in the middle but I had to swap sides as he'd snugled in to mess I didn't have a lot of room left :wall2: so completely my fault.

Toria, that sounds like a good idea. I'm going to look into that today.

We're finishing baby proofing the house today. We'd bought a load of stair gates but they're the wrong ones so we're collecting the new ones today from boots which don't have a footplate at the bottom. Didn't realise our stairs are abit awkward so we've got a stair gate in the middle of a step right now and it's impossible to put your foot on it
Maud, that sounds painful. How are you finding it without Isabelle in your room now?

Jen sounds like S is getting better, glad she's on the mend.
Hopefully S gets over the viruses soon Jen! And you get information from the neurologist

Sharp little teeth Maud!!

Glad thomas didn't get any bumps, cheeky boy rolling away.

I'm having an awful weekend. Started feeling ill on friday night and got progressively worse. I woke at 4am last night and ive been sick every 30 mins since. I can't keep anything down, my stomach is in so much pain from heaving for hours. So weak and dizzy. Really hope this passes soon, can't cope much longer :sick: :sick:
Morning ladies glad we have been on thread it is getting a but quiet now I think it's poorly babies and that quite a few of us are back to work :-( time is going too fast!
Glad to here S is getting there Jen poor girl and I've been following bex updates re oscar on FB it's such a rubbish time sending u both big hugs can't even begin to understand what u r both going through!
Nothing to report here Macie happy and healthy still no teeth but she's so cheeky n funny to be around but growing up too fast! Ive got an interview back at my old job on thu so I'm praying I can go back as I really miss it and hate the co op they are always messing my shifts about n I'm so bored!
Hope everyone else is ok sorry to hear a few of you are feeling poorly xxxx
aww kerry, must be a nasty sickness bug. i hope it goes quickly. i felt like total shit when i had it but it went pretty quickly.

good luck with the interview nat
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There's so much going about Kerry, a nasty sick bug is rife here just now so sounds like you have that :-( hope you feel better.

I defo need to start baby proofing soon, she's like a whippet rolling and backwards shuffling. Not long for crawling too defo. Between baby proofing, next car seat, clothes and Christmas I'm gonna be skint!

That would be great if you got a job back at your old work nat, you haven't been happy at co op eh? How's things with your oh now? x x
No I'm just so bored there Jen it's mind numbing and the money is rubbish I miss the responsibility of my old job and the sense of really helping ppl we will see tho what will be will be! Oh is ok we been getting on brilliant just recently but this weekend he's drove me mad so selfish but that's men all over! Xxxxx
Yep sounds about right. I've come to the conclusion that the quicker I accept it's a mans world.. The quicker I'll have a happier marriage!! :wall:

Well keeping everything crossed for this new job then hon x
Thanks Hun I feel sick thinking about it I've got to have an assessment for a job they know I'm more than qualified for I hate assessments!!!! How is s? Bet your worried sick with it all! Not sure were everyone is on here ATM? Xxxxx
Bex is still with Oscar in hospital. Not sure where Jojo is. Toria is still about and iwitch. Most of the others Pop on and off more. Now the babies are on the move its move difficult to have a spare minute! Plus loads are back at work.

I'm not back yet but I seem to be really busy these days
I no bex is having it rough bless her seen it on FB funny Jo jo not been on it's def much harder to pop on now work is in the way it spoils everything lol! And moving babies my goodness u can't take ur eyes off them I've had a big clear out today to baby proof but dreading the Xmas tree going up! X
I'm on and off here!
Stanley's really full on at the minute! I haven't baby proofed anywhere argh! We are moving out of here in jan/feb which I am very much looking forward to! Stanley's got two teeth at the bottom now!
He's started dropping more Oz leaving a few in his last bottle might have to see about the vitamin drops.

Hope all the babies and sick people feel better soon! I'm full of cold again and I've just booked on some swimming lessons with stanley Monday mornings at 9am starting tomorrow!! ive got 17 lessons for the price of 5!
I certainly find I'm not sitting much with Emma so much now. So not much time on the iPad. More like chasing after her removing all the dangers. Our house is bare these days. I'm sure shes trying to figure out the kitchen cupboards now too. Our lounge/dining/ kitchen is all open plan and just separated by an island. I'll call her and she pops out from behind the island looking like shes done something.

I've noticed in the last few days that shes starting to understand more too. She will look at me or come to me when I call her name. I'll ask her where her manky (little blanket thing) is and she will go get it. When Chris is due home, I'll ask her where daddy is and she will go to the gate by the front door and just stand there waiting. Very cute.
I certainly find I'm not sitting much with Emma so much now. So not much time on the iPad. More like chasing after her removing all the dangers. Our house is bare these days. I'm sure shes trying to figure out the kitchen cupboards now too. Our lounge/dining/ kitchen is all open plan and just separated by an island. I'll call her and she pops out from behind the island looking like shes done something.

I've noticed in the last few days that shes starting to understand more too. She will look at me or come to me when I call her name. I'll ask her where her manky (little blanket thing) is and she will go get it. When Chris is due home, I'll ask her where daddy is and she will go to the gate by the front door and just stand there waiting. Very cute.

That's so cute! It's funny how clever they are already! Ryan's started waving in the last week, it's my favourite thing ever! He also seems to know what our cats are, when we play 'what noise does a X make' he always looks at one of them when u say cat or meow but never for any other animal x
I certainly find I'm not sitting much with Emma so much now. So not much time on the iPad. More like chasing after her removing all the dangers. Our house is bare these days. I'm sure shes trying to figure out the kitchen cupboards now too. Our lounge/dining/ kitchen is all open plan and just separated by an island. I'll call her and she pops out from behind the island looking like shes done something.

I've noticed in the last few days that shes starting to understand more too. She will look at me or come to me when I call her name. I'll ask her where her manky (little blanket thing) is and she will go get it. When Chris is due home, I'll ask her where daddy is and she will go to the gate by the front door and just stand there waiting. Very cute.

That's so cute! It's funny how clever they are already! Ryan's started waving in the last week, it's my favourite thing ever! He also seems to know what our cats are, when we play 'what noise does a X make' he always looks at one of them when u say cat or meow but never for any other animal x

<3 prince ryan & his royal wave!

Aaaww toria! I hope your Chris isn't like my Chris & doesn't keep her waiting for long!

Yeah it's hard to find time to read all the posts & post frequently now! I'm constantly moving austin from the tv in the living room. He's taken a shine to pulling our nas drive & messing with the sky box especially when the blue light is going round when you're not watching live tv! Now I know our room isn't big but no sooner to I move him to the opposite side he's back again! He's like one of those pull back toys lol!

Thursday he crawled up the stairs with me hovering behind & yesterday he figured where to put his weight on the walker & managed to walk with it!

I don't know about recognising a dog but if I ask where persie is he looks around for him! More than he does when he's asked where mummy & daddy are!
I've not been on for ages! Just busy unfortunately. Wrk all week last week and this week, plus hubby is sick with manflu and I'm not feeling great. On top of that I've wrapped up 167 Xmas gifts for a fayre on Saturday, all my grandmas gifts and my gifts too lol still about 100 more hinges to wrap before Saturday and bake cakes too.

Took Luke for his Xmas photo shoot on Saturday and our happy smiley baby cried all the way through!! Got to see hem pics next week.
He also took a nosedive off the chair in his bedroom on Saturday- just crawled right off right onto his head! He's done though but j think I cried more than him lol.
Awww these babies are getting far too clever!

I ask Hayley where Rascal is (my mums cat) and she'll look about to find her. She's starting to copy animal sounds - cat says meow and lion says roar. The rawr she does is very cute haha.

Hayley still doesn't crawl (still hates being on her tummy for more than a few seconds), but always wants to be on her feet. Shes too wobbly so ill always be holding her and if im holding her body she'll grab my hands so im holding her hands to walk about hehe.

I took her to soft play the other day, which she enjoyed. But got bored quickly. Wasn't too much to do for young babies, but spoke to a friend from school and we're going to go together at somepoint as she has a 14 month old girl. Think hayley will enjoy seeing another baby as she doesn't get to spend time with other kids really. Think i'll enjoy spending time with someone my own age too ha

Jeez jojo, how did you find the time! I sometimes struggle to make time for a shower lol. Aw poor Luke, glad he's ok.

Hope all poorly babies are feeling better x
Half the reason I'm not posting as much is my iPhone keeps freezing. Everytime in halfway through a post it freezes and I lose what I type, then don't have time to do it again!
Glad everyone is ok omg jo Jo you are busy!! All I've had for the past week is da da da I keep trying mum mum mum but she's having non of it!! How rude after I carried her and gave birth! Lol xxxx
Luke escaped in church on Sunday lol was sitting on the floor playing with his giraffe (translation: bashing it on the floor and going no no baaaa mam lol) and next thing I know he's gone!! Crawled through the legs and luckily I waved to my friend Mathew to get him - we just think he was going to see his girlfriend ( his daughter is 13 months and they afore each other) lol he's a saint especially with 2 kids of his own to watch. Funny though
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