How are all you new mummies doing?

Thankyou ladies I'm really chuffed can't wait to see the others Macie loved it and was right showing off for the camera lol xxxx
We have had a few tentative steps for a while now, but today she's been charging right across the room, so I think we can officially say we have a crawler! :-)
Aww maud that's awesome. Thomas still hasn't figured it out. However we have had a full on daddy and hiya! He now waves hello and goodbye plus clapping so I'm guessing he's working on language before movement!
Clever boy!! We had some heeeeooo lol but he's learned how to go from feet to knees instead if falling down when he's done standing. He also threw a small plastic phone and hubby today and I laughed so hard I almost wet myself lol right in the eye!

Luck doesn't crAwl traditionally but he's bloody fast with his soldier shimmy and apparently my brother never got past that

He's also come down with a little cough but I'm not sure it's a cough because I have one at the moment and it's kinda like a mimic... How do I know if/when to give him some baby cough stuff?
I saw the crawl on fb Jojo. Very cool!

Emma thinks clapping is putting her hands above her head and and flinging her arms We've had dada, and mama, but she has no clue what she's saying. She called some socks dada the other day.
Right ladies, I need some advice. Totally off topic! Can't ask on fb as I'm friends with the person involved.

So.... On fri am a friend told me my son had been sent to the principals office for biting another child! I was so angry, he hasn't bitten since he was like 2 (he's 8 now). Before he got out of school, I saw the other child's mum in the playground so went to speak to her. She was oblivious to any incident the prior day, and wasn't even bothered. When Jack came out I had a bit of a go at him there and then. He cried, so I got him home and told him to explain what happened. Turns out 3 days prior, he and the other child were playing a game. The other child pretended (no teeth touching skin) to eat Jacks arm, he then did the same back. I asked him to show on me, and it was like how he would pretend to eat Emma's toes but with more growling. So who knows why the other child then told on him 3 days later. Jack got pulled out, told off and sent to the principal before being allowed to explain. He now has to write an apology letter to the other child, and I have to sign it!

I've told him to write the apology letter for pretending to bite as I don't want him apologising for something he didn't do. I'm actually annoyed with how the teacher didn't let him explain, and as a result he's been sent to the principal for the first time ever and is a bit traumatised by that, and then I've just assumed the teacher knew what she was doing and he's had a big telling off from me too.

I've also spoken to some other mums, and their kids were playing the same game and confirm there was no actual biting!

Anyway, would you write to the teacher too? And if so what would you say? I'm afraid I'll be too sarcastic and she will end up picking on Jack for the rest of the year :-/
I would write to the teacher and point out that the game has been being played by a number of children and tbh I would also be putting in the letter how you are unhappy with the way it was managed as if a child is reprimanded they deserve to be able to put their side of the story across. Just be polite and keep to facts, but I would most definitely write one... If they pick on jack then that is unfair and abusive and I would be making the head teacher aware of the situation if it arose... It should not happen if the teacher is professional and of they're not then that issue needs to be taken higher.
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I feel out if touch with you all!! Hope your all ok!!

Toria I wouldn't write a letter intially - if have a chat and just explain - it's easier to explain in person than it would be via letter x
I wouldn't write a letter either I'd go in and speak to the teacher direct. But then I know my cousin did this with her son and the teacher wasn't very nice to him the rest of term, pretty sure she called him stupid :|

Stanley cut his first tooth today Finally ha! He's also trying to master crawling, he gets his bum up and pushes his legs I reckon he will be crawling in a couple of weeks :D exciting times!
Think we are moving again after Christmas about 10 mins up the road into my brothers house as he is buying another it's a much nicer house, it's bigger, better area, bigger garden and theyve just had it all renovated so I'm hoping things go to plan :)
I wrote the letter. She's not there in the morning, and never around in the afternoons as the kids come down on their own. So unless I asked for a meeting, it wouldn't happen. Although I think it's best I don't speak to her face to face, as I'm a bit blunt.

We shall see what she says!
Today is a good day! My manager said he hasn't issues with staff who want to better themselves and is allow
Img me to do my level 5 in leadership. It takes my earning potential triple of I were to use it :)
Toria - if you don't hear anything ask to speak to the head. I teach 8 year olds and would always hear both sides - I also would be finding out why it took 3 days for the other child to say anything. I hope it gets sorted out. X
Toria - if you don't hear anything ask to speak to the head. I teach 8 year olds and would always hear both sides - I also would be finding out why it took 3 days for the other child to say anything. I hope it gets sorted out. X

Thanks, I think that's what I will do. That's exactly what I was thinking about hearing both sides of the story. I don't understand why she didn't.

Earlier in the school year the class had a problem with some kids picking another child in the class and making it the days 'mission' to get that child in trouble before the end of the day. I'm wondering if it's a continuation of that.
Today is a good day! My manager said he hasn't issues with staff who want to better themselves and is allow
Img me to do my level 5 in leadership. It takes my earning potential triple of I were to use it :)

Woo hoo!
My father in laws girlfriend popped in today, she had Emma, and said "oh, you didn't tell me Emma had teeth!", so I checked and she's got both bottom ones just coming through. They weren't there yesterday!
My father in laws girlfriend popped in today, she had Emma, and said "oh, you didn't tell me Emma had teeth!", so I checked and she's got both bottom ones just coming through. They weren't there yesterday!

They just pop up don't they? I didn't realise luke had his until he bit me. Has she been fussy with it?

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