How are all you new mummies doing?

I love Halloween I don't mind trick or treaters coming in our area we put a pumpkin in the window and the kids only come to the houses that are decorated or have pumpkins saying that we aren't in this year because we are going out for the night as Halloween is also Petes birthday! Xxxx
I love Halloween too but hubby's dad died on Halloween so it's not the best time for him to reminded by corpses coming to his door. I also hate the concept of trick or treating (I never went and Luke won't be going) plus it's rhe if they ant sweets but kids around here ask for money!

I have no sweets because I got them in last year and nobody came
I don't agree with money but think it's nice in our area as kids will only go to the houses with pumpkins. Think it's bad when teenagers go round asking for money! Cheeky gits! We are off to Marco Pierre white steakhouse can't wait! Xxxx
Unfortunately we've had kids knock on our door. I just ignore it. We have no decorations out the front - a lot of our neighbours do.

I personally don't agree with trick or treating on strangers doors. Why do people think that randoms should give their kids free sweets? Do a party or arrange to go to friends. It's an American pile of crap anyway. We Should be talking about All Hallows' eve.
Hello ladies,

I often read this thread but don't think I've ever posted. I'm after a bit of advice if you don't mind....

My little boy is 11 weeks, he's always been really good at night and we had him sorted into a good routine, which he's recently adapted. He waking about 7am ish now, having milk at half 7, napping 8:15-9am, 10:30-11:30, more milk etc, napping 1-3:15pm today.

Now, once he's woken up at 3pm ish he refuses to have another nap! He used to happily have one but this week total refusal which isn't like him. Anyway, he's then not due to be fed until 7:30pm, but by then he's falling asleep. So we've been bathing him, massaging and then having bottle at 6:30pm. Today, he managed 3 ounces, went to bed for 45mins totally zonked and then woke up again - has had rest of bottle and will hopefully be settling back down at by 8pm at the latest.

I wondered if there was anything I could try to get round this? It just seems a bit strange!

Alipops x
Aw i quite like Halloween I have to say. Trick or treating I'm
On the fence about. Wouldn't want S doing it but don't mind other kids. I make them work for their sweets mind. A group of 4 came and this cocky boy didn't want to embarrass himself by doing anything so gave the others sweets and not him haha!

I would say this is quite normal behavior at 11 weeks, they are still at that fickle stage where a routine that works one week doesn't necessarily work the next week and your constantly changing and adapting them.

Getting him down for 8pm is good going so id be inclined to go with it until you get him back to having a short nap after 3 again. What about taking him out for a wee walk about 5 and seeing if that settles him even for a 15 min cat nap?
Just got S down and because her virus is in her throat she dry coughing like crazy. I'm in the bath and hubby has the monitor, I can hear her coughing away and I'm thinking, whys he not moving? Shout to him and he goes through to find S had already coughed herself sick and it was everywhere!! Could actually cry for my wee chicken and hit hubby across the face! :wall:
Yea I would be inclined to say the same - routine isn't about time - it's about a sequence of events they learn the patterns :) etc :) just keep doing what your doing - it will be abit of trial and error to start with - even now a simple cold throws oscars illness out

Lots of trick or treaters here - but this area MIL lives in is a nice area so all the children are really polite and the mums that come with them are all friendly too :)

I can't wait to take Oscar trick or treating - it's just abit of harness fun :)
I would say this is quite normal behavior at 11 weeks, they are still at that fickle stage where a routine that works one week doesn't necessarily work the next week and your constantly changing and adapting them.

Getting him down for 8pm is good going so id be inclined to go with it until you get him back to having a short nap after 3 again. What about taking him out for a wee walk about 5 and seeing if that settles him even for a 15 min cat nap?

Thanks, I just find it so frustrating that he is refusing a nap after 3pm. I'm going to try taking him for a walk and attempting to get him at least 20 mins tomorrow. He used to regularly nap about 4:30pm, I even watched for his sleep cues this afternoon but he just refused and screamed! xx
Awwww poor Scarlett :-( fingers crossed it passes before a weeks up.

Emma had a Halloween party at nursery today, then I picked her up and a quick change of outfits (down to £3 each at tesco :-) ) then off to a Halloween party. Emma loved it. She's a weird one. Kept laughing her head off when Jack put his zombie mask on.
Round here there's an unwritten rule that you only knock on the door where they've put a pumpkin out. We came across a few tonight where they just put a note and a bowl of sweets out, the kids took one each and we moved on. We came across some older kids. Bit weird really.
It's been a while since I posted on here! I miss all you ladies (if you remember me that is)

How is everyone? Please update me!

Hi how are you? We're very good in the whole although I'm pretty sure thomas is teething right now (he had no teeth yet) so we're having very unsettled sleep despite dosing him up
I've never heard of putting pumpkins out if you don't mind trick or treaters. Mustn't do it up here. That's amazing for Emma's outfit! S was a good old asda job! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1414790836.525059.jpg
You guys will probs see my other posts but do your babies go stiff as boards when you try and sit them up sometimes? It was her back and legs that were doing it? x x
Austin does that Jen when he doesn't wanna sit down. He's learned how to tantrum already.

I like halloween :) we don't live in a particularly nice area but the kids were all polite & Young...parents were too! Austin was dressed as a pirate, I had a crack at carving a pumpkin & making a cake! I definitely need more practice :)



The pumpkin and cake are really good. Better than I could do!

Jen, thomas goes stiff too when he wants to stand and not sit. He's also developed tantrums now, when he doesn't want to do something, when you take something he shouldn't have away from him etc.. Etc..
It's been a while since I posted on here! I miss all you ladies (if you remember me that is)

How is everyone? Please update me!

I remember seeing your name but I'm useless with the rest :)

Austin's growing fast. 4th tooth is on the way & he's not been great with it. He commando crawls everywhere - I think coz he thinks it's faster than proper crawling. Cot is now at its lowest because he's learned how to stand & he started saying dada a couple of days's all he's said today! I'm shattered coz he isn't sleeping through the night but thankfully I have 2 months before I have to go back to work!

Refresh my memory please :) how are you & your LO?
The pumpkin and cake are really good. Better than I could do!

Jen, thomas goes stiff too when he wants to stand and not sit. He's also developed tantrums now, when he doesn't want to do something, when you take something he shouldn't have away from him etc.. Etc..

Thanks :)

I dabble with cakes but wish I could do it properly! The pumpkin was done with a knife. Next year gonna get proper carving kit :D

And that sounds like austin. I didn't think they'd do that this early!
I think it's this leap (categories) that means they are able to express their emotions so you can see happy/sad etc..
Thomas is having a terrible night so far. He's stirring again now. Hasn't been to sleep properly yet :(

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