How are all you new mummies doing?

Are these your baby friends from the group that were being funny or is this a new group ?

I'm sat at the dentist - daddy taken Oscar to docs as he's still poorly :(

Yes and no, same group but a few different people (actually well over half different!) so was good.
Caaaaake! Can I come next time? ;)

Oh dear Bex. Is it from nursery again? I expect austin to pick up illnesses from nursery but I hope it's not as bad as Oscar has. Poor lad seems to have something every week!

Everyones welcome for cake!! Although monty ate half of a victoria sandwich when I wasn't looking :(
Haha! Persie thinks he has the right to eat anything too!
Ahhhh, I could do with tea and cake :-)

Good news Stacey. You all must be so relieved.

Jen, I've posted on the other thread too. Glad S is on the mend.

I'm on count down till kids go back to school. Emma and I aren't feeling well and the older two are fine so bouncing off the walls. This is hard work!lol. Early night tonight I think!
That's us home yay!! S all tucked up, alarm set for every hour tonight just to check. They say the virus will take about a week to be gone so I'll be keeping an eye out til then.

Just seen that other thread I witch! He/she was so rude! x
Glad you are home and well! Fingers crossed that's it!

I didn't get that other thread? The last post was 2012? X
That's us home yay!! S all tucked up, alarm set for every hour tonight just to check. They say the virus will take about a week to be gone so I'll be keeping an eye out til then.

Just seen that other thread I witch! He/she was so rude! x

What other thread? I'm confused?!?!?
Aw the one about the baby voting. Someone had put a rant on 2012 post about the people who run it being a scam and all I witch said was it was an old post and she got a smart arse reply that there was no need for. My comment will probs get deleted too!
Damn it, I always miss the juicy threads when the trolls are about
Aw Bex you would have went at him! Haha

I'm lying here awake feeling sick to my stomach. Everytime S makes the slightest noise I'm through there, I've got alarms set to check on her! I feel a bit traumatised I think and can't stop thinking about what's happened. Hopefully it'll just take a few days until I know for defo she is better and not gonna sieze again. Sorry I'm on such a downer but id rather let it out here then with friends and family who would only worry and fuss x
When I looked at it the only new comment was yours so that's what confused me!

Don't be silly it's completely understandable to be worried, we would all be the same. Sounds like you're doing amazing taking cake of her! Do u have an angel care monitor? X
We would all feel the same Jen, it's normal to feel like that after seeing your baby poorly xxx

Stanley's been waking At 6:30 since the clocks went back argh!
I know, thanks ladies, think it's just going to take time. Yeah we have it mrs b, the only thing is it won't pick up a fit because she's convulsing. I would hope that mothers instinct would kick in. Was seriously thinking about putting tinfoil or something under her sleeping bag so I would hear the rustle - think I'm going too far now tho!!

She got some money of my mum and some of my dad to treat her to something so we are going today to get her some new sensory toys. She loved them in the hospital. How's everyone else doing? x
So pleased Scarlett's home Jen! Could you turn the mic sensitivity up on the monitor? That way you can hear her more easily? Maybe it's pick up my the movement? Might drive you insane & you'll go in loads but it'll give you a peace of mind until she's over the virus.

Yeah the poster of that old thread seemed strange. I found it suspicious that they did a good search in that app & joined the forum to comment on it despite knowing it was over 2 years old!

Austin's learned to say dada & has been shouting it continuously for over an hour this morning. Also did it in the middle of the night which was helpful coz it made me smile & not want to cry at another night of disturbed sleep lol!
It's been a while since I posted on here! I miss all you ladies (if you remember me that is)

How is everyone? Please update me!
It's great that scarlet is home and doing well, but of course you're going to be worried - it's normal and you have the right to worry as much as you like!

I'm irritated. Trick or treaters showed up on
Luke's nap time and rang and rang and knocked until they woke him up- I told them I had no sweets and they asked for money and I said they had no chance and they just kept braying on my windows so I for Luke and went over to their parents and told them that if they didn't stop terrorising me I was going to call the police (their 'kids' are 14-17!)

I hate trick or treating... It's fine if they're people you know or If they leave when you tell them you have nothing but this kind piss me off!

Sorry to grump but it's irritating me

Plus next doors dog is going mad!
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We have a sign on the door asking trick or treaters not to knock. We printed it from our local police website a few years ago. No-one has ever knocked, but then we aren't usually in until quite late. We have new neighbours that have totally covered their house in Halloween decorations, so if there are trick or treaters around they know where to go! Although we don't do Halloween, we have made spooky hand and footprints today - ghosts and a spider :-)

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