How are all you new mummies doing?

That's fantastic news. You must be relieved.

I've been thinking about you both today.
Brilliant news! You must feel like a huge weight has gone despite the doc saying she couldn't be sure she'd react like this in the future
Glad she appears on the mend Jen

Fingers crossed this is just a one off occurrence bless her x
Posted on your other thread too Jen :)

Some more good news here my stepdad got his results back today and the cancer hasn't spread so he has to have an op to remove the tumour and he should be fine. They reckon the tumour has been there for 2 half years :| but only since it's increased in size has been able to notice... Scary stuff.

Tonight we've been decorating our house for Halloween! Decided to have a little party here for stepson n a few others! Stanley is at baby social tomorrow and is going as Dracula :lol: then on Friday he's at a Halloween party at the mess around group he goes to! :)
Aww nice Stacey. Thomas is going to a birthday party on Friday dressed as super baby. I have some mums coming over tomorrow morning so should be good. A lot of the babies can crawl and pull themselves up so will see how effective the baby proofing is!!
That's great news Jen! Hopefully it is just a one off and S will be fine in future dealing with any infections ect x

When my ex had picked Hayley up i told him it had been a while since her last feed so she'll need to be fed with him. he dropped her off at 7pm and he hadnt given her a bottle or any food whatsoever. Said he "doesnt have time" as he needs to drop her off - he has 3 hours, he put her to bed for 30 mins even though i had told him she'd just woken up. This isn't the first time he's left her ages without a feed. Don't see the point in coming to an agreement that we will communicate better at mediation if he just ignores what im telling him with regards to hayley. :wall2::wall2::wall2:
Hubbie has royally pissed me off. We were having a disagreement about tidying up (basically his idea of cleaning the kitchen is only half doing it!!) anyway I said that he never really helps just makes more work, which isn't true all the time but feels like it and he turns round and says the only time the house is tidy is when I have people round, the rest of the time it looks like a crap heap. Arggggh seriously could have swung for him cheeky *******.
Great news for your stepdad Stacey!

Aww all the partys sound like great fun! I'm taking hayley to a softplay tomorrow, pretty excited :D
Kerry, just keep making notes and everything. Bloody ridiculous not feeding her after you'd said.

Soft play sounds good. I've never been to one. Think I'll have to investigate option to take thomas when he can move Abit better
He seems to be constantly bringing her back unfed!

Stacey great news!
Great news Stacey!! Aww the parties sound brill I'm dressing Macie up n going to soft play fri with some other babies she's a cat! We need to post pics of our Halloween babies! Xxxx
Some more good news here my stepdad got his results back today and the cancer hasn't spread so he has to have an op to remove the tumour and he should be fine. They reckon the tumour has been there for 2 half years :| but only since it's increased in size has been able to notice... Scary stuff.

Great news it hasn't spread. I hope the op goes well. Cancer's so damn scary - when my dad was diagnosed with thymoma in Feb last year, the tumour measured 9cm across and according to the consultant, must have been growing slowly for over a decade :shock: Had only just started causing problems.
That's amazing about your step dad Stacey so pleased for you!!
Hopefully they can get the op done quick and you can mine forward x

Good night here, no more seizures and a very sleepy baby so she's was out 8-5. Will know more by lunch time when the docs do their rounds so will keep you posted x
That's excellent S hasn't had any more seizures Jen! Hopefully you get even more good news once the doctors see her x

Hayley slept until 8am again this morning, I could get used to this! :D going to soft play for the first time today, very excited. My cousin works there and said theres a seperate bit for young kids thats great.
Luke was in a great mood giggling away at us saying different wires but then his dad says Tyrannosaurus Rex and he started screaming! Then I said other words and he laughed then repeated Tyrannosaurus Rex and he cried again... Wtf? Lol
Omg I'm tired. 1 dog, 6 babies and patents makes for a busy 3 hours. Just cleaned up, thomas is asleep so I'm enjoying a slice of cake and tea
Are these your baby friends from the group that were being funny or is this a new group ?

I'm sat at the dentist - daddy taken Oscar to docs as he's still poorly :(
Caaaaake! Can I come next time? ;)

Oh dear Bex. Is it from nursery again? I expect austin to pick up illnesses from nursery but I hope it's not as bad as Oscar has. Poor lad seems to have something every week!

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