How are all you new mummies doing?

I've never heard of putting pumpkins out if you don't mind trick or treaters. Mustn't do it up here. That's amazing for Emma's outfit! S was a good old asda job! View attachment 51922

Awwww cute! Did the tights come with her outfit? I might do the rounds of the supermarkets and see what's on sale and stock up for next year!

Also, Emma used to do the stiffening thing and refusing to sit. I realised it was because her trousers were too tight / uncomfortable when in that position. So she just didn't like it. So now she's more mobile I just have her in lose fitting clothes and she's much happier.
Aww I love Halloween! We took stanley out with Chris son up the street then when he went to bed we went back out with my cousin and her boy whilst Chris stayed in with stan :D they got loads of sweets and about £8 between them.. We made them sing the halloween song though and not just say trick or treat! I decorated our house too and Made jacket spuds with curry and hot dogs and onions :lol:

Stanley was Dracula

Stanley at mess around today!

Jen, Stanley's been known to do that when I put him in the car seat! He's proper strong can barely get a nappy on him these days either such a wriggler! :|
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I was hoping to get lots of trick of treaters, but the door only went once! In the last few years I wouldn't have answered the door, but it was purely as I would be in bed early for work (no kiddies came to our door anyways!) . But being back at my parents it reminds me of when I was young and went door to door, great fun. I want Hayley to be able to do it when she's older so she has a memory of it like I do :)

Had a great day today, Hayley slept until 8am again - hurrah! I went to opticians and got new glasses. Also found out my pupils are slow to react, think my body is getting old ha. Hayley had bangers & mash for dinner - but it was a disaster as she was vomiting loads everywhere afterwords. Urgh. Honestly thought of raiding my medicine drawer to find her ranitidine to try giving her it again. Thankfully, her tummy settled down and she went to bed fine as normal :)
I'm over these early mornings! Emma was up at 6. Tried to let her cry it out, but went to take a sneaky peak through her door and she was standing up walking back and forward in her cot. Problem is she can't get back down. Driving me around the bend! Think I'm gonna have to get the walker we've got her for Xmas out early.
Yeah Emma was up a few times in the night too, although I've stopped going to her. Just leave her crying for 10 mins and she's going back to sleep. But the broken sleep is a killer.

You've got work too. Don't think I'd be able to cope! Make sure you get some naps in this weekend. I'm already looking forward to 2:30 this afternoon :-)
I'm in work tomorrow - my boss off for 2 weeks so I have this massive increased workload - been so busy of late that I've got sign off for admin support role! Means I can get back to what I do best lol! Happy about that

But yeah Oscar was up 3.30 to 5.30 Friday morning - was cream crackered :(
Ours has yet another cold so was up about 8 times last night. Fortunately it only took a quick cuddle to get her back to sleep each time (except for her night feed) and OH did more than his fair share of them, but still an exhausting night! I'm sure breastfed babies are meant to get less colds but she's had about 6 already and it's not even winter yet :-(
Aw hopefully your babies start to sleep better soon! Maud hopefully she gets over her cold qui ily x. Hayley slept thru until 7.45, stirred a little but nodded off herself. I caved yesterday and gave her the crawl and learn ball I bought for Christmas, thought it might help her learn now rather than waiting.

Hayley has a walker and she absolutely loves it. Hayley always wants to walk, lately she's having fun running but it's a killer on my back holding her so the walker is a godsend.
I'm not sure about this immunity marlarky with breastfed babies. I'm sure it has benefit don't get me wrong.

Well after 2 hours of struggling to get thomas in a deep sleep, he finally went down at 10pm and slept through till 7.45!! Best nights sleep I've had in ages
Just recovered from Halloween, now it's time fore fireworks tonight!
Well that didn't go as planned. Emma fell asleep 10 mins before the fireworks, and slept through it!lol. Got home just before 9. She spewed. Giggled a bit, then off to bed.....
We have our annual village ones next fri but I'm not going to this year because fire works don't start until 8 n Macie goes to bed at 6.45 and she sleeps do good so don't want to take her out of her routine il have to watch them out of the window lol xxxx
I don't think we would have gone if we just had Emma. But I couldn't deal with the whinging from the other two if we didn't go. Our one is at the local rugby club where my OH coaches, so we get the perks. Good spot of the covered balcony to watch, cheap wine, and all the kids know each other so I just chat with my friends and drink wine while the kids go off and play.
Ha ha sounds good Toria! At least Emma slept bless her! I don't no what Macie would make of them she loved the fair we took her to last week it's hard to do stuff in the evenings because she gets whingy when ready 4 bed! I'm feeling so guilty this weekend I hate working! They are shirt staffed and asked me to do extra so I've had to id all day today n all day Tomo I've only seen m for about an hour all day because we had to rush back from Nottingham this morn hate thinking I'm missing out in stuff I'd give anything to be able to afford not to work whilst she is so little. I keep wondering if maybe we are entitled to any tax credits or anything but I don't have a clue about stuff like that and what the criteria is xxxx
We've had to wash our car seat after poor Isabelle was very sick in it earlier (completely soaked through her clothes :-( ). I'm very worried the cover isn't going to dry easily though as it's absolutely sopping still. I had wanted to go out tomorrow but can't see that happening now. I need to go out monday but am worried it's going to be like the pushchair covers, which took several days to dry out. Anyone else washed theirs?
What car seat is it? E have the maxi cosi pebble & we hung ours on the airer over night then on the line the next day. We could use it by the afternoon but this was when the weather was a bit warmer. If theirs a wind tho it might be alright? Could you hang it in front of a radiator or something?
Fireworks seem to be getting earlier! We've had no bother so far but I'm expecting it this week. We have local shows too but think they are a bit late for S.

Praying for a good sleep tonight with no sickness! Fingers crossed
We've had to wash our car seat after poor Isabelle was very sick in it earlier (completely soaked through her clothes :-( ). I'm very worried the cover isn't going to dry easily though as it's absolutely sopping still. I had wanted to go out tomorrow but can't see that happening now. I need to go out monday but am worried it's going to be like the pushchair covers, which took several days to dry out. Anyone else washed theirs?

I have a maxi cosi cabriofix and I risked it (put it in the dryer on a low heat for abit) and it was fine

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