How are all you new mummies doing?

I've just got in from work. I'm rota for 8-2 Xmas eve, 8-2 Boxing Day and 8am-10pm New Year's Day but got home and told hubby and he said "oh who's looking after Luke Xmas eve?" I asked what he meant? He works 5-9 and he said "not on Xmas eve, I do 12-4 (leave at 11 and back at 5) " no idea what I'm going to do! I have nobody to watch him and my boss said the meeting was the last word on it!
I've just got in from work. I'm rota for 8-2 Xmas eve, 8-2 Boxing Day and 8am-10pm New Year's Day but got home and told hubby and he said "oh who's looking after Luke Xmas eve?" I asked what he meant? He works 5-9 and he said "not on Xmas eve, I do 12-4 (leave at 11 and back at 5) " no idea what I'm going to do! I have nobody to watch him and my boss said the meeting was the last word on it!

If you're juggling the childcare between you & that's the only problem you've encountered so far then I think you're doing well.

At least you got a fair bit of notice to try & make alternative arrangements
I can't sort it out though. Hubby can't change his shift and I don't have anybody at all to look after him.
So had thomas' 8 month review today. Development all as expected and no concerns. Weighed him and he's now 19lb 9 (just above 50th centile) he's now tracking 75th centile for length (at one point he was on 0.4 centile!) and his pea head is on the 25th for circumference so all in all no issues at all.

Just got to wait for his hospital appointment about his testicle now to see what's going to be done as it's still going in and out of his body.

They also recommend that once he switches to cows milk at a year old he has vitamin drops (or supplements) too as there has been an increase nationwide in rickets due to lack of vitamin d (apparently we don't have enough sunlight, I could have told them that lol)
I can't sort it out though. Hubby can't change his shift and I don't have anybody at all to look after him.

I take it your mum is out of the question?

If it's your hubby that has changed shift times then in my book it should be his work that has to accommodate something so you have childcare
It's in his contract and there's no leeway. It's stated that working shifts change Xmas eve and nye to allow for different opening times. It would've been fine if I told boss but hubby duent tell me and I forgot.

Mum is working Xmas eve and my friend moved away and I have no care.
Xmas Eve is a hard one to get anyone to help with too. What about swapping times with someone Jojo?
Well done Thomas, sounds like he's doing very well :D

Are you able to swap shifts with someone you work with jojo?

Bit annoyed. After Hayley wss taken to hospital on Mondya night I text my ex to let him know. He didn't bother to reply until Tuesday evening, Then he's just picked her up now and casually made the comment "oh your still breathing" As if it's all a big joke :wall2:
It's in his contract and there's no leeway. It's stated that working shifts change Xmas eve and nye to allow for different opening times. It would've been fine if I told boss but hubby duent tell me and I forgot.

Mum is working Xmas eve and my friend moved away and I have no care.

Those specific hours or just Xmas eve? I work for a retailer and if someone has childcare issues we work round it if we are trying to change those contracted hours on those days.
Well done Thomas, sounds like he's doing very well :D

Are you able to swap shifts with someone you work with jojo?

Bit annoyed. After Hayley wss taken to hospital on Mondya night I text my ex to let him know. He didn't bother to reply until Tuesday evening, Then he's just picked her up now and casually made the comment "oh your still breathing" As if it's all a big joke :wall2:

Your ex is unbelievable sometimes. I bet if it happened on his watch (touch wood it never does) he'd crap his pants
Nobody would swap Xmas eve and even if tye would his shift falls right in the middle of the day so I wouldn't be able to do the later shift either.

Spoke to my mum who said that she might be able to go into work late and take Luke with her as she only really needs to go in for carol service but I'm going to see if I can get off an hour early so she diesnt have to.
It's in his contract and there's no leeway. It's stated that working shifts change Xmas eve and nye to allow for different opening times. It would've been fine if I told boss but hubby duent tell me and I forgot.

Mum is working Xmas eve and my friend moved away and I have no care.

Those specific hours or just Xmas eve? I work for a retailer and if someone has childcare issues we work round it if we are trying to change those contracted hours on those days.

It's primark, they don't work around anything.
I sent him off to HR today to ask but doing a later shift isn't an option as hey close at 4 then mark clothes for the boxingn day sale afterwards - the shop isn't open later to do a later shift and he's contractually obligated to work mon-fri - an early shift wouldn't make any difference, in fact it would be harder in some ways and we would still need someone to care for him.

I don't want to be a pain because I've only been back three days and me and my boss haven't had a run in yet.
On another note - it took 8 months but Luke is finally napping in cot! It's the travel cot but he's napping :) only thing is he likes it too much
Nobody would swap Xmas eve and even if tye would his shift falls right in the middle of the day so I wouldn't be able to do the later shift either.

Spoke to my mum who said that she might be able to go into work late and take Luke with her as she only really needs to go in for carol service but I'm going to see if I can get off an hour early so she diesnt have to.

See :) you're already working on sorting it. My point being at least you both know the rotas well in advance. My step-mil still has no idea about their rotas for Xmas.

And you can't be penalised for having childcare issues. Worst case scenario is one of you'd have to take unpaid leave. I understand that it's not ideal but again at least it's something you can plan for.

Any update on Scarlett? I'm working my way down the thread
Hey ladies. So finally got taken for MRI and lumber puncture after fasting my wee chicken for 9 hours! Preliminary results are that they are clear we are just waiting on the full report tomorrow. So docs are putting it down to virus. It's a massive relief obviously! Am now going to be soo worried about her tho when she has any infections or viruses in the future. When I asked the doc she said that she couldn't say if it was going to be a one off or just the way that S copes with viruses/infections. Either way I think we are going to be on edge for a while. They would only let me stay with her so hoepfully we have a good night. Thanks for the thoughts x
I'm so pleased that it's just the virus and nothing else from what they've seen. Hope you have a good nights sleep with S and you can go home tomorrow x

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