How are all you new mummies doing?

I was too scared of the big needle to have an epidural. That's probably why the thought of another natural birth scares me. Lol.

Worst part of the section for me was having to be at hosp by 6am and not being able to eat.

Needles don't bother me but I can honestly say I never felt it. They took the gas & air from me & told me to sit as still as possible & hubby said that's exactly what I did. He says he was amazed because I didn't budge with the contraction either which is surprising with how much pain I was in given the reason for begging for one.

How do they administer an epidural? I think I had a spinal anaesthetic although I'm my sure as I can't remember a lot of the details
Jojo, that's a hard decision. The sticks to bang the drums would be fun for him. But the bongos are pretty cool too. I got a big musical fisher price set from costco that I'll keep for Emma's first birthday.
I had a spinal for my episiotomy - they prepped me for a section incase forceps didn't work! Weird feeling

Oscar really poorly and now has sticky eyes :( he's off nursery with dad - I've got dentist at 10 so am working 11-7 today as I'm also off tomorrow moving and at alton towers Friday :/
Jojo, that's a hard decision. The sticks to bang the drums would be fun for him. But the bongos are pretty cool too. I got a big musical fisher price set from costco that I'll keep for Emma's first birthday.

I'm considering asking mum not to get Luke the ballpit now and huts using the travel cot as a ballpit and getting her to get him the toot toot parking tower and some toot toot cars, he loves rolling his flashing up big along and it's something to build on for birthdays etc.

Pumpkin, they sit you forward and put a needle and line into your lower back, I had gas and air during it and it was fine. The needle is usually about 8cm long but they scan your back first to find the space and size if needle they need.
I was too scared of the big needle to have an epidural. That's probably why the thought of another natural birth scares me. Lol.

Worst part of the section for me was having to be at hosp by 6am and not being able to eat.

Needles don't bother me but I can honestly say I never felt it. They took the gas & air from me & told me to sit as still as possible & hubby said that's exactly what I did. He says he was amazed because I didn't budge with the contraction either which is surprising with how much pain I was in given the reason for begging for one.

How do they administer an epidural? I think I had a spinal anaesthetic although I'm my sure as I can't remember a lot of the details

Yea it was spinal but I think if the pain & I should add the exhaustion is bad then you don't particularly care lol! Clearly you must not have felt it that much either to not remember it
I had an epi then a spinal when I got took to theatre I didn't feel the needle at all but was in so much pain I wouldn't have cared what they would have stuck in me! Lol the spinal was weird I couldn't stop shaking when they have me Macie I was like in going to drop her I can't feel my hands lol the gas n air through a free flow mask was the best in theatre I refused to give it back they has to prise it off me lol xxx
Hayley woke at 7 and has been abit grumpy so far. She's had a bottle and a bowl of muesli for breakfast and I've put her in cot for a nap as she's tired. Can hear her babbling away on the monitor so doubt she will go to sleep, she always fights it.
They gave me a local first before the spinal, I remember that much lol! I also remember thinking how the bloody hell am I supposed to sit still with these contractions! Ha
I thought the same but Chris said the anaesthetist told me to keep still & he couldn't believe I just froze!
OMG I forgot about the shaking!! You've just reminded me about how much I was !

The most pleasant part of my labour was the maccies breakfast which hubby got when my waters broke and then the laughs we had on theatre table after my spinal :D
The only thing that I didn't like about my c-sec was that I didn't get to hold him for an hour and eveyone got to hold him before me... On and that I got promised tea and toast and never got any!!
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I 'held' thomas if having a lump placed on your chest is holding!!

Did anyone else go mega hot then freezing cold with their contractions?
Yea - I ended up doing my labour in pants and a vest top and a blanket !!

Hot flushes - was sick twice aswell!
I didn't! I do remember being too exhausted to remove my pants or lift to have them removed in the later stages of labour. I made the midwife cut them off
I just had one of Simons old big tshirts on the entire time, had to proper waddle to the loo every now and again pushing the bloody drip along! All very dignified! Haha x
I ended up wearing a hospital gown. I had packed clothes to wear during but my ex was bringing it and the midwife told me just to put the gown on just now. Then I had a drip in my arm so wasn't able to change - to be honest I wasn't caring at that point!
I was always going to be in the gown .. Didn't see the point in wearing anything else
I had my own nightie I was going to wear. Didn't like the idea of the open backed gown with my whole arse on show! Didn't stop me leaning onto the bed with my bum facing the door as a lovely welcoming into my labour room for all the nurses haha

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