How are all you new mummies doing?

Sick of these cycles! I like knowing when I can wear white knickers lol
What is with this thread jinxing things! I've had af this week too and it's been the heaviest ever!! I can't wear tampons with my stitching problem so constantly felt minging!! These babies just mess up our whole bodies! ;-)

Think I've finally got S dropping a bottle touch wood. She's only had 24 oz today so will see if she wakes up in the night for one... Please no!!
I thought I'd try as have a natural birth next time but the more I think about it the more I'm swinging towards another c section now.

I've decided to come off the pill in December in prep for ttc January - arggggh!

In other news don't know if anyone (other than toria) saw my Facebook but managed to get a free little tikes cozy coupe as Amazon sent us the wrong one and don't want us to send it back. They're still sending us the right one too
My best mate had a c sec and is now 17 weeks

She wanted a home birth last time and after 4 days of labour ended up with a c sec - she considered another attempt at natural but decided she's now going elec c sec as she knows what to expect and can organise everything easier

She would hate another dragged out labour with a c sec at the end :)
I thought I'd try as have a natural birth next time but the more I think about it the more I'm swinging towards another c section now.

I've decided to come off the pill in December in prep for ttc January - arggggh!

In other news don't know if anyone (other than toria) saw my Facebook but managed to get a free little tikes cozy coupe as Amazon sent us the wrong one and don't want us to send it back. They're still sending us the right one too


And lucky you!
Yeah mind my foof stitches healed wrong. Tried a regular tampon the other day to wear with the towel it was so heavy, and I went to sit in the car and literally jumped out my seat cos it made the tampon hit off the sore bit! :-/ no fun :-(

How exciting pumpkin!! How long were you with Thomas? x
I would without doubt go for c-section again. We wanted to start trying decembervut I don't think that will happen because if my cycles
I'm feeling really broody ATM but have no chance we need to move first! I've not had a period since having Macie n going on mini pill I just spot now and again! Hope u have all had a brill weekend Macie is so nearly tiger with the crawling! Keeps doing this!
then rocking she just can't work out how to move lol xxxx
Yeah mind my foof stitches healed wrong. Tried a regular tampon the other day to wear with the towel it was so heavy, and I went to sit in the car and literally jumped out my seat cos it made the tampon hit off the sore bit! :-/ no fun :-(

How exciting pumpkin!! How long were you with Thomas? x

I came off the pill in March, had my first period in April and was pregnant by May. I waited for my first proper period so that I knew dates roughly although thomas was 8 days early anyway!

Not sure it will be that quick this time as i have no idea how my body will react after pregnancy and the mini pill.

I was on the combined pull for 14 years before conceiving thomas.

It scares me now though. It was always the plan but I love thomas so much I can't imagine another now. I know I'll love them just as much but it's hard not to focus on my one little treasure completely and it's not happening yet. Plus I'm kinda scared about the work load, but I want there to be a small age gap if possible and in 32 next year so it gives me a good chance of having enough time if it's not as quick
I know exactly what you mean, I often think that about having another. Go for it tho! Plenty more reasons for than against!

Yay go macie, it's the same in our house, plenty time spent with her bum rocking in the air and shuffling back but just won't go forward yet. She's doing some great push ups! ;-)
Do u think u will have another Jen? I was an only child until I was 16 so I def want moo to have sibling closer in age always said I'd wait 3-4 years but waiting that long makes me a bit sad but same I think how could I poss love anyone as much as moo?!! Yes lots of rocking! Took her to my aunties today n they have laminate she loved shuffling about lol xxxx
It's too cute! They will be better twerkers that Miley just now! ;-) I defo will have one maybe 2 more. Like you say it's just money and childcare really. We will probs wait til S is 2 to start trying again so she will be in nursery when bubs is born. Tbh, I need to build myself up for the ttc rollercoaster again - we both had pretty rough rides!
Aww Jen, I was really lucky last time as I fell pregnant as we were going and on honeymoon. I put it solely down to the fact I was mega relaxed. If I'd have been at work I think it would have taken me along time as in so stressed when I'm there
Defo I try not to think about it I do think about my lost babies alot I'm lucky in the fact we could get preg really quickly just couldn't seem to hold on to my beans but I have now so I no my body can do it so I try to think positive it's just the heartbreak! Xxxx
It's funny you say that. It used to bug the hell out of me when my friends said to me 'just relax and it'll happen' bearing in mind I have the most fertile friends who all fall at the drop of a hat. I WAS fairly relaxed until after mc then it kinda got to me a bit more. Anyway, we booked a late last minute honeymoon to Vegas and New York and after a lovely relaxing fortnight, boom! Came back pregnant! So maybe there is truth to being 'relaxed'! Haha
U try n relax but it's always there in back of your head! I was fed up of doctors telling me your young there is plenty of time grrrr!! Xxxx

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