How are all you new mummies doing?

Well now we know it can happen nat, so fingers crossed :-) x
Kathryn, I've had one natural birth followed by 2 sections. And would definitely chose a section. My sister in law had 2 sections, then decided she wanted to experience a natural birth. So gave that a go. Then cursed herself for even thinking of doing that. Then went back to a section for her 4th. Lol.
So Emma has discovered slapping. Was funny last night when she was slapping Chris in the head while he tried to get some wind out of her. Not so funny today when she was slapping my hands while I was trying to feed her!

Got her one of those Vtech balls today. She's loving it. Hope it lasts!!
luke is doing the hitting thing, and also into the trying to remove peoples eye from their sockets lol
Kathryn, I've had one natural birth followed by 2 sections. And would definitely chose a section. My sister in law had 2 sections, then decided she wanted to experience a natural birth. So gave that a go. Then cursed herself for even thinking of doing that. Then went back to a section for her 4th. Lol.

My thoughts were exactly I'd like to experience a natural birth as I didn't last time (got to 7 centimetres and then they thought thomas was having difficulty).

Haven't seen pampers anywhere. But I haven't really been looking. Should have been though as I've only got 3 packs left
luke is doing the hitting thing, and also into the trying to remove peoples eye from their sockets lol

Yip we've got the eye removal thing happening too. Maddie has scratches all onus one eye thanks to Emma. Lucky school photos were last week!
Kathryn, I've had one natural birth followed by 2 sections. And would definitely chose a section. My sister in law had 2 sections, then decided she wanted to experience a natural birth. So gave that a go. Then cursed herself for even thinking of doing that. Then went back to a section for her 4th. Lol.

My thoughts were exactly I'd like to experience a natural birth as I didn't last time (got to 7 centimetres and then they thought thomas was having difficulty).

Haven't seen pampers anywhere. But I haven't really been looking. Should have been though as I've only got 3 packs left

Hmmmm, so you may be fine delivering naturally. I got to fully dilated and pushed for 2 hours and nothing. Then Jack got distressed so they rushed me to theatre for emergency section, but he was quite low so they got him out with ventouse and then forcepts. Then they told me he was back to back and his head was coming out on the side and he was too big for me. I could have told them that!lol. So when they estimated Maddie was going to be 10lb, they booked the section there and then.

I'm down to half a pack with the nappies. I've either gone through them faster than I though, or I've put some in a "safe place"
Boots have a baby event on at the mo. I got two big boxes of 4+ for £20, 140 or 160? Can't remember how big the boxes are either 70 or 80 x
I think I will definitely have a csection next time, I don't know what could change my mind, my hind waters broke on Friday morning, nothing 24 hours later so went in to be induced on Saturday... But everyone and anyone kept coming in further along than me, my waters broke early hours of Sunday. 4 lots of that drip to include, gas n air and epidural later and I got to 9.5 and they gave me half hour for the last bit and it didn't happen. His heartbeat kept going low so they rushed me for section, and I had him just before 9 on Monday morning. I didn't sleep from the Friday, didn't go home til weds and hadn't really slept then, think it took me another three days to actually sleep at home, midwife said I almost developed post natal insomnia. I really think it was due to being so uncomfortable during the induction that I couldn't sleep. I don't want to go through anything like that and risk having to have a section again anyway! I think I'd much rather just turn up have it happen and go home, hopefully that will irradiate the sleep issue pre birth meaning and I can cope with a new born constantly feeding abit better and fb longer! X
I didn't have a bad birth or labour really tho I didn't really expect to be waiting what seemed a life time for an epidural (good few hours because they only had one anaesthetist on & he was dealing with emergencies in A&E)! If we decide to have a 2nd I'd avoid a csection like the plague if I could! The idea of being awake on an operating table is my worst nightmare. Obviously if they say I need one I wouldn't question it but I'll be doing everything I can to try avoid it tho I know that it's not always possible
After weeks of fussy boy I seem to have got him back to his 7pm bedtime. Funny because he's also started to sit properly without support and working on crawling now.
I was too scared of the big needle to have an epidural. That's probably why the thought of another natural birth scares me. Lol.

Worst part of the section for me was having to be at hosp by 6am and not being able to eat.
Had a nice day today with my girl. Went into town to buy a birthday pressie for my brother. Glad I went today as weather was fine and theres wind warnings for tomorrow. Bought hayley an ELC rainmaker too as she was laughing so hard when she seen and heard it, so I couldnt resist!

Thankfully my labour was quite quick once it had fully started, the agony for days beforehand was bad but the stitches below was the worst pain of all!

Well done Luke! Hayley still hates being on her tummy, I don't think she'll ever attempt to crawl at this rate!
I was too scared of the big needle to have an epidural. That's probably why the thought of another natural birth scares me. Lol.

Worst part of the section for me was having to be at hosp by 6am and not being able to eat.

Whilst I was in labour my ex was sitting next to me eating homemade soup & had nice cold juice...all I had was warm water to sip :evil: Yuck
Kerry, thomas crys when he's on his tummy now. He can actually hold himself in a crawl position but refuses to move so I don't think he'll be doing it quickly either!

It's the stitches that scare me. Arggggh no idea why I'm thinking about this already, just can't help planning ahead
Had a nice day today with my girl. Went into town to buy a birthday pressie for my brother. Glad I went today as weather was fine and theres wind warnings for tomorrow. Bought hayley an ELC rainmaker too as she was laughing so hard when she seen and heard it, so I couldnt resist!

Thankfully my labour was quite quick once it had fully started, the agony for days beforehand was bad but the stitches below was the worst pain of all!

Well done Luke! Hayley still hates being on her tummy, I don't think she'll ever attempt to crawl at this rate!

He was like that and then the penny just dropped! He's been all commando shuffling but he was rocking on all 4's today
I was too scared of the big needle to have an epidural. That's probably why the thought of another natural birth scares me. Lol.

Worst part of the section for me was having to be at hosp by 6am and not being able to eat.

Needles don't bother me but I can honestly say I never felt it. They took the gas & air from me & told me to sit as still as possible & hubby said that's exactly what I did. He says he was amazed because I didn't budge with the contraction either which is surprising with how much pain I was in given the reason for begging for one.

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