How are all you new mummies doing?

I'm the exact same with fish I witch! Was gonna try tinned tuna in spring water first and see how she gets on. I'll try that fish tho too Bex x x
Shock horror but I've cooked thomas haddock before (vacuum packed) and there were no bones!

Iwitch, yeah I knew you meant the hairdresser, I use febreeze too, tbh never have much call for it except for today. I'm really anti smoking and the smell of her was horrendous. How she has a business I'll bever know when she needs to be close to people while cutting their hair
I don't even think £6.50 is cheap! Lol I hate smoking I have a fit if anyone smells of smoke or smokes near Macie it's disgusting x
I was a smoker untill I got my BFP!!

Best thing I ever did when I got that positive was quit! Now I'm a born again non smoker and bloody hate it
my dad smokes but hes got a jacket he wears when he goes out, then washes his hands and freshens his breath before coming close to him. luke doedn't like him when he smells of smoke.

i used to be a casual smoker but i hated tasting like an ashtray. its a horrid habit.
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Well done you bex. I can understand how hard it is to quit for some people so I'm all for the praise when people do
Well done bex! It's just something that's never appealed to me my mums husband smokes n it's never really bothered me until I moved out of home and our house has no smokers in it so I can now smell it dead bad I just hate it I no if someone has had even 1 at my mums! remember when u used to go out n come back stinking of fags the smoking ban in pubs is the best thing ever! Xxx
It's the vacuum fish that I spotted in the little asda. Just really wary after I found one in a frozen fish...they're so tiny!
I hate the smoking ban in pubs sometimes- when I go out with a smoker it gets lonely at the table when gets constantly popping out... At the same time I did hate smokey pubs.
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I can't even bring myself to touch the packs of fish in the supermarket. I literally run past that section. Funny thing is my eldest loves fish.

Both my parents smoked a lot, so my sisters, brother and I have never even tried it. I don't think I even know anyone who smokes now. Well other than the odd one who will have a quick cigarette when they are wasted. My mum died of lung cancer when she was 56 from smoking. If we see anyone smoking when we're out, my son always hunts them down to tell them :-/
Had a good sleep in till 8:15 this am. Woke up in a good mood. All fine for about three minutes! Spent yesterday making baby food and also a massive pot of chicken and vegetable soup for lunch today and my lunches for the week. Took ages. Had to roast the chicken, peel a pile of vegetables. Make the stock then go from there. So I went to bed earlier last night and asked Chris to make sure it went in the fridge before he came up as it was still warm. He FORGOT! It was still sitting on the hob this am. Soooo annoyed. Waste of money, waste of time :-/ he's now gone off to rugby for the day.
Toria I have no words just :wall2: how annoying! And sorry to hear about your mum

Daniel went out last night, came in banging around 1.30 in a mood with the taxi driver. I was sleeping upstairs in Thomas' room as he's waking a lot with this cold and cough. Daniel shut our bedroom door so monty couldn't get in to his dog bed so not only was I woken by thomas several times in between that I was woken up by monty as well.

Not impressed
That happened to me!! I made home made veg stock to freeze - it was in little pots and everything BUT NO - someone forgot GAH!!!

On a whole new note - I havnt really mentioned it but Oscar been poorly since fri - temp- up in night - anyway long storey short my friends little girl who goes to nursery with Oscar is off with chicken pox!

Oscars come out in spots around his mouth and a few on his hands! So I'm now thinking he's either got the pox or hand foot and mouth!!

Either way he's under the weather :(

Thanks re: quitting - it wasn't that hard but I don't think anything is when it's a risk to your baby you just stop don't you! These people who don't stop really piss me off - no excuse at all - if after 10 years I can do it so can everyone else of they truely care about their unborn baby inside them :)
Hayley was dropped off at 9am today, an hour earlier than usual as my ex is working today. He told me he gave her 2 puddings and a rusk yesterday and she had a pudding for breakfast this morning. Pudding for breakfast ?! :wall2:
Poor Oscar. Hope he's better soon. If it's chicken pox. They do cope much better when they are little. Has he got any blisters on his tongue? My niece had hand foot and mouth and that's what confirmed it.

Kathryn, go for a nap today. I had my sleep in, but as soon as Chris gets back from rugby, I'm going to have some time out :-)

Kerry, he's obviously taking the easy route giving her food that she likes cause it's easier. My husband would do that if I wasn't looking. Although maybe not a pudding. More likely a fruit pot and a pudding.
Had a nap when thomas did, feel slightly better now but still abit dodgey. Daniel is functioning today but def not 100%. And I woke him at 10.15 cause I'd had enough.
Early night then Kathryn.

Chris didn't get home till 4. No nap for me. Made him give Emma her dinner. What an ordeal!
My cycle is doing my head in. Day 46 and still no period!! My mum is freaking me out about it

Luke seems to be teething again, and has decided he likes oaracetamil now lol
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