How are all you new mummies doing?

Like won't have porridge just made with water - he likes or with milk so I think he likes creamy porridge
I've got to have a few fillings done and some films ( no idea what that is!) and it's going to cost me a total of £260. Dentist said aonly a few things i need are covered and the rest i need to pay. Urgh! The filling i got yesterday certainly wasnt cosmetic as it was one of my back teeth that no one can ever see. I don't have any toothaches at all, maybe next time i should say ive Been having toothache haha
Sounds like your dentist is taking you for a ride...

I've had one filling and will be getting an inlay when I can be bothered to book it.
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Hun you need to check that out! I'm not sure if it's different in Scotland but here EVERYTHING is covered unless it's cosmetic!

Are you part of an nhs dentist??

I think he's taking. You for a ride! I'm getting a crown on certificate

Call your dentist and ask specifically what they're covering and what they're not!
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I've got a print out of what needs done and whow much each one costs. Hmmm maybe I'll phone another local dentists to get a second opinion! £260 is alot of money!
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i was told my crown isnt cosmetic because the dentist says so which is odd lol but i was told all fillings, checkups, x-rays and anything the dentist deemed neccesary was covered.

id deff get a 2nd opinon.
Yeh thats odd, the dentist said the tooth that needed the filling had decay and she wouldn't leave it tany longer to get a filling as it's just get worse and closer to the root so i'd end up needing a root canal. So i agreed to get it - but that's obviously nessesary then? It's not like i was asking for a teeth whitening procedure lol

Theres another dentist near me so ill give them a call and see what they say
Actually can't find their contact number online - might take a walk there tomorrow with Hayley to find out. I must have mug written on my face !
Kaedin is it a white filling at the back? That's classed as cosmetic but silver ones are free. 'Films' are X-rays and they are defo free with your expemption - how rude!! Can you take a pic of your bill and post it so I can see and maybe help. Front teeth are a thin line.. Some dentists will see it as cosmetic but I certainly wouldn't! I got my veneers on the front replaced for free mind, I'm hardly going to walk around with chipped front teeth! Haha.

God knows toria, she said that plastic surgery department would be better to look at it as it's more the scar tissue rather than particularly gynae??!!! God knows!!

She went through all my birth notes with me as part of the appt. was strange to see, it was like being zapped back to that night. No mention of the horrific time I had during stitches funnily enough!
Ahhh, I've got scar tissue issues too. No way I'm letting anyone back down there

Looking forward to bed time tonight! Got caught in a downpour coming home from school. Soaked and frozen to the bone. Then a bit of good news Chris came home an hr early. But when he got here apparently he's frozen his shoulder for having a cold shower and now can't help with the kids at all! He found the tv remote pretty quick though!grrr
Been out to get a monitor for Luke - not sure if I'm doing something wrong but the night light isn't very light at all

Also random but I have an awful stabbing pain in my right side tonight - it really gets my breath - I'm due on so I'm not sure if it's related to that but oh my god it feels like I should check to see if there's a knife in my side!
Jojo is it the same monitor??

Really crap afternoon and evening. Started well. My dad now has the bug and he passed out on the way to the bathroom as he felt sick. He hit his head on the entrance to the shower cubicle and cut his forehead open and part of his head.

When I got round there he was still in the floor but conscious so called for a paramedic and he's now in hospital. Luckily his head is fine (after the X-ray) they are just X-raying his chest as he had a quadruple bypass 2 years ago. His head has been stitched now though so not sure if they'll need to keep him overnight or not.

Feel so guilty as it was me that got the thing in the first place. He only came into our house for about 2 minutes, touched thomas for 20 seconds and the door handle for our front door! Argghh
I'll take a picture of the bill tomorrow Jen! I actually have 3 now with all different prices - my old dentist said £140, my new dentist said £210 and after i got that first filling it's now £260! Yeh i was a white filling at the back Jen!

Oh dear very sorry to hear about your dad! Glad his head is ok, try not to feel bad. I'm sure he won't be blaming you

I got stitched down below but I have no idea if it looks scarred! Too scared too look, the stitches after the birth was worse than labour. Horrid experience!
your poor dad! dont feel bad, its not your fault - as long as hes ok.

i got the bt monitor - it is good and doesnt blind you when youre sleeping either but the nightlight isnt very bright for luke. it also had a torch on the parental set but once you put the torch on it goes on mute which is weird.
Thanks guys,

He's in overnight but looking much better as he's been on a drip. He's got a right shiner on his face where he fell though. I expect he'll be sore in the morning. Glad he's being kept in as his blood pressure went very low earlier when he felt unwell again so they can keep a good eye on him and then hopefully he'll be out tomorrow.
Hope he feels better soon Hun- don't feel guilty I'm sure he will be just fine

As for your question a few pages back ( just properly catching up) that few includes all meals

Breakfast at 8.15, mid morning snack , lunch, then a finger food tea with organix crisps and fromage frais

As Osvars weight isn't best and he does to eat much of his finger food at 4pm when I get home with him about 5pm we usually have a play and at 5.30 he will have a prosper cooked meal ready for bath bottle bed at 7

I have a separate menu which is why they just put ate all lunch and pudding - I know what he's having each day 3 weeks in advance :)
Oh no pumpkin!! Glad he's ok but what a fright :-( absolutely not your fault hon.

That's what it'll be kaedin. White ones at the back are seen as cosmetic. Did he explain your options and tell you that a silver one would be free? If not I would argue your case!

Scarlett slept all night ladies!!! First time in 3 weeks yay x
Heres the treatment plan Jen. At my last dentist he said i'd need a metal filling in one of the teeth near the front - think it was a canine tooth? and I said i'd pay the extra to have it white as you might see if when im smiling

Hmm..I guess i'd rather have white ones all over - but it is expensive!


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Weird I had a white filling a few years back and it was in a back molar and I didn't have to pay, was working full time too

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