Oh dear Jojo that's a long time without getting paid for the work you'll be doing this month! Hopefully you manage to get your finances sorted to pay your bills on time!
Had a good morning, Hayley slept until 8am. Got up and had a 9oz bottle, a bowl of banana porridge which she devoured! Gave her a carrot stick and tomato slice organix crisp thing which she was sooking and chomping away at. She's been pretty grumpy today and yesterday as her teeth has been really hurting. so gave her teething granules and some calpol and she went for her nap at 10
5. We were going to go to the local bounce and rhyme for the first time here, but thats at 10:30 so we've missed it as shes still asleep. But if she was awake I'd probably skip as would want her to go when she's in a happy mood to enjoy it.
I had the dentist yesterday which was no fun. I don't mind the jags or anything but the noise and feel of the drill creeps me out and I needed a filling! Cost me £40 as it's not covered by the NHS apparently