Home cooking challenge!

Well i cooked lasagna for the first time on thursday evening and i was so chuffed as it turned out brill!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Bought my cod today, jeez was more expensive than meat!! £6.99 for a lb of it from the fishmongers at Tesco. But they did dice it for me :cheer:

DH wants to cook it tonight, do you think that because I only got plain cod it will be a bit bland? Should I add some cheese or something to the recipe?
im getting mine tomorrow kina.
im glad they diced it.
Budge help me!! Will it be bland if I just do it with that milk and flour sauce?
yeah i reckon it will kina. It need a bit of a kick.
Oh that's bloody helpful :shakehead:

What shall I kick it with? ;)
Have got peas, :puke: but will that definately liven it up a bit? Think that I've got black pepper in the cupboard :?
Why don't you make it in a Parsley sauce?? ad sweetcorn to it them mash pots wi cheese on top?
naff off jo i was going to suggest that :shakehead:
I bought parsley, will hold off the sweetcorn because I am still haunted by seeing it in Ella's poo (that was in her hand :puke: ).

So with some mature cheddar grated on top it should be tasty?

Don't want to waste my £7 of fish!!! :rotfl:
Don't have a piping bag for me mash, so no lynching me girls! :rotfl:
Christ Budge, our pies aint gonna be very pretty!
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Who pipes there bloody mash anyway?????? ( ooh can see argument starting!!) lol

just spread it with a fork and be done with it
Lucy said:
Does anyone remember a website where you put in the ingredients you had in your cupboard and it came up with a meal idea? I had the URL but it now says the site has moved :( I found that really good to give me meal ideas.


Enjoy.... I love this site!!

Emilia xx

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