cooking question


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i'v gotta cook 2nite for when my boyf gets home from work (eek! i'v only ever cooked beans b4! lol) and i need olive oil. we dont hav any in the kitchen but we still got some left that we bought from the chemists from when millie was newborn and had flaky skin. can i use this for cooking?
lol... i have no go out and get some..

what about a spagetti bol or something.. thats pretty easy.. all u have to do it cook the mince till its gone from pink to brown, add onions, garlic, mushrooms if u want them? and a dolmio/tesco whatever tomatoe sauce, then let that simmer for like.. 30 mins turn it off and leave it in the pan with a lid on for the day.. when hubby gets home put the pasta on and the sauce on low - perhaps shove a garlic bread in? if u can eat that with bfing? grate some cheese and tuck in when the pastas cooked? good meal and pretty cheap?

if ur still stuck.. add me to msn if u have it? with what u wanna cook i can hlep u along if u like lol.. [email protected] xx
My guess is that the flavour may not be that great, but since you're using it for cooking rather than to splash over a salad (when flavour is paramount) you'll probably be ok.

Another easy dish for nervous first time cooks is a stir fry. You can either make your own sauce or buy one of those Blue Dragon sachets (they're about 90p) from the International aisle. The simplest accompaniment would be noodles which you can get from the same bit of the supermarket. Pick what meat you want and chop that up very finely. Fry that at a high heat first for a few minutes until it browns and then add a selection of finely chopped veggies (the noodles can be cooking while you do this). After a minute or two add the sauce and heat through. Drain your noodles and then mix in with the stir fry. And voila, you have dinner.

If you're going to be cooking frequently and want to learn, then I recommend getting hold of a book called 'Appetite' by Nigel Slater. He gives loads of recipes with several variations but they are all simple and the explanations given mean that you can branch out and start experimenting on your own, too.
Becksss said:
Olive oil
from the chemists??

Yep. Used to be quite common. In the 1950s when the cookery writer Elizabeth David was trying to persuade the British to sample the delights of Mediterranean cuisine, she complained that they had only heard of olive oil in that context and didn't associate it with cooking. It's often prescribed if you have problems with hardened ear wax as it can help to soften it.
oooh bloody hell ahahaa
i thought it was quite strange
Olive oil is sold in the chemists for ear wax softening and skin mositurising. In fact, in my hospital bag packing checklist supplied by my midwife, she has added a bottle of olive oil to the list, to help soothe baby's dry skin.

I don't think there's any harm in cooking with the olive oil from the chemists.

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