Hey Ladies...whos due in Feb???? x

Hey - I have just found out i am pregnant this week! All quite a shock!

The due date calculators are saying 22nd Feb but i suppose will have to wait and see after a scan.

I am completely new to all of this and a bit of a wreck. Every little niggle and pain i keep thinking the worst. I have appt to see nurse next week so hopefully she can put my mind at ease a bit.

So far I have had period type pains, stomach cramping, constantly hungry and bloated! I didnt think i would feel "fat" for a while yet!

Nice to see there is a good forum to disuss these things on as we have agreed not to tell anyone until after scan x
my OH and I have also agreed not to tell anyone until after the scan either. its good to have these forums to chat although. i am getting cramps too and keep expecting the worse so you are not alone. ive read online that it can be normal so long as it is not accompanied by bleeing. that said, i wont rest until the first trimester is over and the risk of MC lessens. x
I am glad its not just me Pixie. But i agree i won't settle until I have seen a heartbeat on the scan.

Here is hoping the next 8 months go smoothly for us all x
Hi all. I believe I should be due early Feb. My symptoms include:
Peeing ALOT
MS/nausea from moment I wake to bed time - travel bands are helping tho
Sore boobs
Occasional cramps/stretching pains

This is my first and to be honest a little scared! But it's all exciting at the same time.

Nice to meet you all. :-)
Heeeeeeey ladies.

I totally agree these forums r fab for sharing thought, especially if ur not telling anyone and ur OH aint great andchit chat

Mine doesn't like going over n over stuff, and especially cos its such a worrying time after our MC 2mnths ago, he prefers not to go on abt it.
I'm a gemini tho, I like talking, lol!!!

So I was tempted to go get another preg test today (that would be number 5) cos I'm soooo paranoid about loosing this baby! :(

I almost feel detached from the reality of it, like I dnt wanna get attached the idea it could be ababy incase I loose it again.
Got an early scan on the 12th-3weeks to go :) gonna order some online cheapies I tnk so keep my worries away.
So glad to hear everyones symptoms- I love a good goss :) xx
I love reading everyone's symptoms too - just shows you how different it is for everyone.

Very tired today and feel a bit like crying and stamping my feet like a child. Not for any particular reason though!

Had a dizzy spell today too.

How do you get one of those baby things under your posts?
Hey bot,

Click on mine and it will open a website, u can then create ur own. Once u have it get the code for it and paste it into ur profile. The way to do it is to go to, user CP, edit signature and paste it into it. Good Luck xx
Hi ladies!!
Got my BFP this morning and going off my dates I'm due 21st feb!! No idea what to do now apart from pray bean stays put!
Do I call the docs to see a doc or a nurse?? Not sure?? Xx
Hi ladies!!
Got my BFP this morning and going off my dates I'm due 21st feb!! No idea what to do now apart from pray bean stays put!
Do I call the docs to see a doc or a nurse?? Not sure?? Xx

Congrats! I rang my gp to make an app do that then see where you go from there. Looks like we will be due roughly same time! xx
Eekkkkk how exciting!
Called the docs and ge made me a midwife appointment for 2nd aug as I'll be 10 weeks then.
Seems so long away!! X
Thanks GregorysGirl. I went to the website and made the thing but can't find an option to edit signature anywhere in CP!

Probably be being blonde or having early baby brain. - I got in the car to pick my husband up last night and realised I was sitting in the passenger seat. Giggled about it for ages.

Then got really cross (OTT) when I got to the pub and he wasn't ready to leave. I even drove off in a mood but the effect of this was lessened somewhat because managed to stall the car.

Today I've been crying - for no reason and in a really pathetic moany way!
Also - know what you mean babybo - my appt isn't till 22 July - feels so far away!
Ha ha awww bot, I had to take myself off t bed early last night cos I waas I a fowl mood n knew I'd end up falling out with OH if I carried on. Try user CP, then down the left side is 'edit signature'.....try that xx
Hey im due 30th january :) Baby number 4 on the way cant wait!! How do you post on this site? Only joined today, And how do you edit your due date and stuff :S
Done it! I think... I swear Edit Signature was not an option in that left hand menu earlier tonight. I clicked through each option 1 by 1! Maybe I really am going mad!
Mummy_Again - are you looking for "Edit Signature"? Try coming out of CP and going back in a few times - it wasn't there for me for ages (I'm sure) and then I went back in and it was right there - underneath "Edit Avatar".
Hey girls. I think you might have to have a minimum number of posts before you can have a signature so chat a bit more and it will appear. You're not going mad.

I am so forgetful at the moment, I walked the 20 minutes back to me car yesterday before realising I had left my handbag at work. Doh!!
Thanks mustard - good to know I wasn't being blonde!

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