Did you just know?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Hello ladies,

I've just popped over briefly from ttc as I wanted to ask a lil question please...

Before you got your BFP's did any of you just know that you were pregnant?

I have had two or three moments in the last few days of stunning clarity when I just know I'm pregnant. I also feel very relaxed, like a weight has been lifted and I have done what I have set out to do- it's lovely- weird but lovely.

Now, I will probably feel like a complete and utter fool when AF arrives this month (due on 17th so fx that she stays away!) but I've not felt like this before and it's quite exciting!!

So, did any of you have any idea that you were pregnant, not necessarily based on symptoms, just a feeling?

Thanks in advance (and if I'm right, I'll see you all again in just over a week!!!!)

hi,i just knew,even after 5 negative results i was still sure i was and the doctor confirmed it, my mind was just telling me that i was.then i kept havin dreams about babies. gud luck hun really hope u r xxxx
I didn't conciously think I was pregnant, but I did have an overwhelming need to settle on a girl's name for about a week before i got my bfp. Guess I knew deep down.. And we are even having a girl!
To be perfectly honest I thought I had ovarian cancer. After all the cysts I had, my mum's medical history and trying for 10 years when I missed my period I really thought something was terribly wrong. I only did the test at home because I knew that's the first thing my doctor would check anyway. When I finally managed to pick my best mate up off the floor I was really happy lol and realised I should have known sooner xxxxxxxxxxx
I knew this time A couple of days before I took the test but oh didn't believe me! And I knew with my daughter aswell!

I also knew I was having a girl last time and I'm pretty site Im having a boy this time too!
I knew and I tested every day for 5 days as although they were coming out negative I just 'knew' !! fingers crossed for you x
I knew because I didn;t ball my eyes out when my best friend told me she was pregnant again.

Normally I would have been a crying mess, in fact my other asked if I was ok and all I said was yep i'm fine!!
i knew but i did have every possible symptom going ... but funnily enough even before that my partner knew? he just said to me in the car one day, we've done it this time, i know we have? but i think deep down i knew? cuz after 3 negatives i still felt the need to test until i got my BFP , hope this is it for you!

Make a pregnancy ticker
I actually didn't know. And I still don't fell pregnant! I felt more pregnant the months that I actually wasn't...but perhaps I'm just a bit odd?! Still expecting AF to turn up...
I knew really early on. First month trying and also thought I was going a bit mad but I had a feeling! Had no other symptoms than cramps and got 3 negatives before my BFP.
With my first I didn't have a clue but this time I had a feeling I was a few days before my period was late. But I think it was because I recognised the signs more. Good luck and hope you get your bfp xxx
The night after I had 'the sexy time' that I think led to conception, we were out for my husband's birthday, and after dinner we walked back to get a taxi home, and I felt what can only be described as fireworks going off in my ovaries, like someone had put that crackle dust stuff inside me!!! At first I thought I'd had a dodgy curry (!!) but then realised it was in my front parts, not my bowel. It only lasted about 15 mins, and then I forgot about it, but 2 weeks later I did my test and it was positive - I still think that it was his soldiers meeting my egg and then everything exploded like the big bang theory inside me!!! lol!!!
I just knew last month but ended up chemical but same thing happened again this month and I just knew, had lots of symptoms too tho xx good luck huni xx
I knew right after conception!! Even told a few friends "this is the month" - and it was xxx
i feel really niaeve now, i didnt have a clue, it was only coz i mentioned i was late and then they all started winding me up saying i was pregnant, thought it was just pre period bloating and low and behold a posotive test, what a shockx
OMG I really hope this means we've done it this month! I still feel like I know I'm pregnant but no real symptoms other than sore BB's. Normally do get them before Af but generally only a few days before, so very early for them to be sore already!

AF is due on the 17th so will wait and see!

OMG I'm soooo excited!!!!

i knew from 3dpo....just knew....and i was right xxx
I Had NO IDEA. I had cramps for a few days and it was only when i realised i had no period that i realised i was 4 days late. I took a test & u would of thrown it away the line was so faint so i did 4 more a day later just to be sure :p If it wasnt for the missing period the sore boobs & the tiredness i still wouldnt think i was 8 weeks pregnant :).
I wish you the best of luck darlin & i hope you'll be joining us soon .. il do some positive thinking for you :) xx

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