Hey Ladies...whos due in Feb???? x

I am glad its not just me who feels like going to fall asleep at desk! I have had a nap both yesterday and today for a few hours! No idea how going to get through work!

My boobs are also getting really sore and think will be out bra shopping too soon.

Im due 22nd Feb so few days after you girlies. Trying not to get too excited until had a scan. Docs have agreed to send me to Early Pregnancy scan as i had a laproscopy for endometriosis only last year. x
First day back after a week off and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Could have done with a nap at about 2:30pm though! Also keep thinking I'm going to let something slip out about being pregnant!
Hey all I'm due in Feb, but not 100% on dates yet so bare with me, I'm about six weeks so around end of feb. :)
I've got sore boobs, and bloated tummy, also veryy tireddd.

I am now 7 weeks and 4 days and I'm due 16th feb2012!! :)

I have only few symptoms ( don't feel much different)

I'm very tired all the time and could sleep all day :( but unfortunately work very long hours :(
Boobs arnt too sore on,y a little but I have little White spots around nipples?
Feel sick every now and again and have vomitted a few times from smells a couple of times in past 2 weeks

I am a zumbathon instructor and my classes are quite intense I teach 7 classes a week and I have been easing off a bit but not sure if I'm ok with all that bouncing around? Does anyone know?? Hoping to see midwife on fri as I have had food poise ing from tunisia 2 weeks ago :(

Good luck with all ur baby's!!!! X x
Hey all, stacey, usaually they say if ur used to that level of exercise then it should be fine to continue but I'd check with ur Midwife, I was running with my 1st PG and continued o do so rght from the day we found out and unfortunately MC, no idea if it was related but been abit warey of exercise since. This time I not doing a tng till after 12weeks (if I get that far ths time).
Bet it keeps u fit n at least ull not be gaining much :) xx
Hi every one i am due on the 7th of feb, ive already had 2 scans and photos which seemed strange to me,,,,,after having chemical misscariges (think thats what they call them)and an ectopic pregnancy im an emotional mess lol.
I wish everyone the very best xx good luck and god bless xx
Hi every one i am due on the 7th of feb, ive already had 2 scans and photos which seemed strange to me,,,,,after having chemical misscariges (think thats what they call them)and an ectopic pregnancy im an emotional mess lol.
I wish everyone the very best xx good luck and god bless xx

hi hun your due the same day as my hubbys birthday!!!!!!!!!! good luck and fingers crossed for you im sure everything will be fine this time round xxx
Hi every one i am due on the 7th of feb, ive already had 2 scans and photos which seemed strange to me,,,,,after having chemical misscariges (think thats what they call them)and an ectopic pregnancy im an emotional mess lol.
I wish everyone the very best xx good luck and god bless xx

Hoping everything goes well for you this time round. x
Hi gregorysgirl thank u for advice!! This is my first so I have no idea what I should be doing have app with mw next weds so will check with her but I have been told that you shouldn't put your arms above your head and lift heavy things? I didn't think this would count for so early but its worried me! I really hope all goes well for u this time round! No1 deserves to have to go through what u did and I wish u all the best! X x
Awwww cheers staceysmummy, that means so much, I'm praying everyday!!!!xxxx
Hi all,
I'm due Feb 11th - until this week I had only a few symptoms, but this week the tiredness and sickness has really started to hit... hopefully that's a good sign!
Good luck everyone!

This is my first post on here!! Think Im around 7 weeks prob due around February time, appointment on Monday with gp to book in for scan. This is all new to me and apart from sore boobs, sickness and bloated it doesn't feel real!!!!

Good luck to all you Yummy mummys to be

Vicky x

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