preggo ladies help......PLEASE


Jun 3, 2005
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Hi, my name is Autumn. I am 20 yrs old and in feb. i had an ectopic pregnancy. Looking back the only symptoms i remember are feeling car sick when i would drive with my bf, very very tired. at the end of feb, beginning of march i started the patch. i didn't like the side effects of the patch so after i took the patch off for my period on march 21 i never put it back on. then on april 1 i had break through bleeding which was heavy and lasted a few days. all of april i had pregnancy symptoms and all the test were negative. then on april 30 i started what i thought was my period. it was really light and on and off for about 4 days. nothing like my normal periods which are medium to heavy and last about 6-7 days. i figure my cycle is about 30 days long but i have no clue. i am about 4 days late. i took a test yesterday but it was negative. i have a doctors appointment june 6 for an ultraound. my symptoms for the past two months have been: Nausead all day, tired, fatigued, dizzy, lite cramping in lower abdominal area mostly on right side, leg/calf cramps, hungry... ice cream which i hate and salty foods, headaches, nipples are sore, boobs feel heavy a little sore, pee alot, bloated all the time. i have had this discharge its like a lotion texture and very wet. yeterday it left my underwear soaked. i am sure there are more. what do you ladies think? all test are negative. but why am i feeling this way? what else could all this mean? PLEASE HELP.
hi there, i just replied in your thread in symptoms

Could it be a reaction to the patch?

Sounds like pg symptoms, but then hormones around AF time are haywire anyway so could you be coming on?
i don't think so. i was only on patch for 3 weeks. could but i really ont thnk i had it on long enough.

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