Hey Ladies...whos due in Feb???? x

Not had my booking appt yet Vivk, got scan on 12th and then booking appt on the 18th all being well :)
How u feeling today?
I've felt ok, but had about 2 bouts of nausea.
Keep wanting to do tests, must resist the urrrrrrge !!
Not had my booking appt yet Vivk, got scan on 12th and then booking appt on the 18th all being well :)
How u feeling today?
I've felt ok, but had about 2 bouts of nausea.
Keep wanting to do tests, must resist the urrrrrrge !!

oooooo exciting isnt it ive felt very tired today no sickness hungry my legs and arms feel like they have cramp like ive walked too much but have been told thats because the blood is going to my uterus to cussion the baby but other than that fine hope im going to miss the feeling sick bit oooooooooooomaybe its a girl because this is totally different to my pregnancy with my son!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx
Yiiiiiikes!!wish I could get excited, but cnt till I know everythings ok.
Someone told me (old wivetale) that if ur craving sweet stuff its a gir n savoury its a boy!!! I'm loving the cheesey puffs right now!!!!
not bothered about food tbh as longas its in my tummy its all good lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey girls

My symptoms are slightly changing this week. I am so sensitive to smells the slightest whif of something strong and it sets my nausea off big time. Not been sick yet though. Also I 'm hungry most of the time and when i'm hungry just before dinner i start fo feel sick again. Also feel sick after a big meal too? Strange? Might need to eat smaller for a while.

I'm also experiencing extreme tiredness especially after meals and can't wait for my bed at night.

Most of all, my boobs!! Wowzers, they are painful and they keep tingling.

I would just like to mention i love all my symptoms and can't wait for my 7wk scan next wednesday. Boy, am i nervous!!!

Fingers crossed i get good news.

Hope all you girls are doing well. xx
I'm not really having many symptoms yet? But my boobs are spool sore. For last two days I've had to take off my bra. Not been in work thankfully and can do that at home but can't exactly walk around without it on!! X
Hi Ladies,

Im due Feb 4th so I am almost 9 weeks pregnant!

It is my first pregancy and it was a complete surprise (we used a condom, it broke so I took the morning after pill!) and so I am just starting to get excited... It was just such a shock!

I had my first scan last week and when I heard its little heart beat I knew that I had to keep it. It was absolutely amazing!

take care everyone.
- t
today still no feeling sick and my boobs are killing me too im popping out of my bras!!!!!!!
also my pants dont sit right anymore either humph!!!!!!!!!! im feeling very tired and my legs
feel like ive walked mile and are very achey and im staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrving!!!!!!!!!! im
eating every 3 hours like full sized meals !!!!!! all this weight ive lot is going to go straight back on
in a matter of weeks if i carry on i swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxx
When do you think you might need a bigger bra. I'm sure mine are already feeling tight on me. My poor OH my boobs are looking bigger than ever but they are so sore I won't let him anywhere near them.
Apparently we need to wear a non wiered bra now as it can affect the milk ducts. This is one question I'm going to ask the midwife xx
i think im going to have to get new ones soon like with in the next few weeeks!!!!!! they are like baloons but not that sore they just hurt when i take my bra off or knock then xxx
Mine are the same Vicki, they don't hurt all the time but if I hit them against something or brush against the nipples that is really sore.
its a horrible feeling isnt it id rather them hurt all the time tbh at least i would know i have to careful!!!!!!! lol
except they are so big i cant help knocking them :-( xxx
Im sooooooooooo tired ladies, been having a nap 8-9pm and then sleeping from 10.30 till 6.30.
Boobs getting well heavy and cannot stop munching!!!
No major sickness yet, keep getting bouts of nausa but dnt think its totally kicked in yet xx
Sickness has started - been feeling ill most of this week but yesterday and today I think it has properly started to kick in. Feel really happy because I feel pregnant, but HATE throwing up. Can deal with it ok this week as am off work but not looking forward to trying to cover it up at work!

Also, been enjoying naps this week so think I might be falling asleep at my desk next week!

Know what you girls mean about the boobs - might need to go bra shopping soon!

Feel quite horny too but, and I know it's silly, but I feel worried about having sex till I'm a little bit further along....
Sickness has started - been feeling ill most of this week but yesterday and today I think it has properly started to kick in. Feel really happy because I feel pregnant, but HATE throwing up. Can deal with it ok this week as am off work but not looking forward to trying to cover it up at work!

Also, been enjoying naps this week so think I might be falling asleep at my desk next week!

Know what you girls mean about the boobs - might need to go bra shopping soon!

Feel quite horny too but, and I know it's silly, but I feel worried about having sex till I'm a little bit further along....

We're both 6+4 and I've been feeling ill most of this week as well, being sick for the first time yesterday, and almost the day before. I'm also "relieved" because last week I had so few symptoms I started to worry! so I'm thrilled, but it's sooooo uncomfortable :(

The fatigue has just hit me as well just a couple of days ago, I'll easily sleep 9-10 hours a night, and still feel like taking a nap after being awake about 4 hours or soo...

I'm NOT feeling horny... but I have had some rather erotic dreams about me and my husband! More so than before... But yeah for me the nausea kind of puts me off bd'ing...
Hi Lewa,

So we've go the same due date, exciting stuff! Saw your post re ginger tea so I think I might get myself some!
Bot and Lewa..I also have the same due date!Was sick for the first time this morning.Feel queesy all day and sooo tired.
Had a wee cry last night at the thought of this feeling going on for weeks yet.Hard to act normal when we havn't told anyone yet.
This is my third pregnancy and I was sick with my first until 10 weeks and 14 weeks with the second.
So happy to be pregnant though...we had been trying for 2 and a half years!
Congratulations peachypam!

Threw up yesterday, dry heaving the day before and felt pretty sick the day before that.

This morning however.... I had a ginger biscuit when I got up and then had a Tesco's lemon and ginger tea (don't really even like ginger) but so far no vom! I feel a bit queasy but not like I'm actually going to throw up, so fingers crossed.

Also feel pretty sick whenever I get hungry.

Crying randomly now and then - and it kind of makes me laugh too because I know it's silly.
Congratulations peachypam! I haven't really cried yet, but I'm really NOT looking forwards to be nauseous for the next 10-14 weeks (My sister suffered from nausea until about week 20.. so I'm preparing for the worst...)
Threw up yesterday when getting a ride in the car of someone in church (had a bag with me) so we ended up having to tell them :P I don't know how long I can go without telling work either...

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