Hey Ladies...whos due in Feb???? x

Ooooh thanks ladies- I'm not alone with my symptoms eh.
Last time my nausea was almost a sick stomach feeling but today I got an awful nausea with a watery mouth n everything, nothing came of it in the end but woah!
Called the midwife today to ask her about an early scan as the hospital told me they would when I had my MMC, she is going to get bk to me tomorro but said generally it is only done if there is bleeding or pain?!?!
Hope I get one, I really dnt wanna get my head round it being a 'baby' until I've seen it :)
I'm due around 20-22 of February, I;m 5 weeks pregnant today.
My main symptoms are sore boobs, sensitive nipples and bigger boobs :P
-Tired, (Yesterday I was COMPLETELY exhausted, took a long nap in the middle of the day and still had to sit down and rest during a 20 min walk because I got dizzy and lightheaded...)
-Waking up around 5am, SO annoying. I do manage to fall asleep again, but after 5 I keep waking up every 30 min or so..
-I've had some weird dreams that I remember better than I usually remember dreams
-Period pains on and off (Which is so scary!! But I know it's normal.. but it just feels so wrong..)
-some head aches on and off
-luckily no proper morning sickness yet but I have been kind of nauseous thinking it's about to start a couple of times..
-needed to pee frequently around the 4 week mark, but that has stopped and is more back to normal now...
-oh.. and irregular bowel movements... both in timing and in texture so to speak.. everything from constipation to uhm.. softer stools..
I think that's it for now. None of these things are really "big" yet though. But definitely noticeable. The most annoying is probably waking up so early..
Hi im due 2nd feb, so far before dating scan. ive had sickness and sore boobs since finding out xx
Update after scan today....I now have a blob with a heartbeat :)

It was looking like I'd still only see the sac (though she could make out the yolk sac inside this time) then after 10 mins of prodding and pushing I noticed a kinda different bit it the corner of the sac. It was just afterthat she pointed out a tiny flashing white dot at the bottom of it and announced it was a heartbeat. Made it all very real.

They said I'm 5 plus weeks no idea if that's lmp or conception, my cycle was everything from 23 to 45 days. The clearblue digital worked back to a conception date of around 19th May but hcg tests also showed my hormone was high so I'm wondering if its possibly dated me further on than I thought.

When I asked the sonographer if she could tell a due date yet she said no but reckoned around Valentines day....so I'm defo still in the Feb club.

Oh and I'm also in the waking up at stupid o clock in the morning club which is driving me mad! I was up changing the bed and doing dishes at 4am yesterday! :wall2:

Also tried travel sickness bands today. fingers crossed....but they seem to have taken the edge off the nausea
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I'm due feb, I'm 22, first baby, total suprise pregnancy unplanned but very welcome now that we have got used to the idea lol

I'm really scared, we aren't telling anyone until 12 weeks so I just came on here to find someone to talk to.

Looking for a bit of a buddy, someone I can talk through all of it with who is going through it at the same time as OH is the strong silent type lol Anyone feel like doing this with me? :oooo:
We'll all be here with you chick, I'm not in the same boat as you so might not make the best buddy, but I'm here online quite a lot especially as I'm away at the moment and OH is in the UK. You won' feel alone once you start chatting on here. Welcome to tri1 and feb mummies! xxx
Thankyou dyscochick =]
Its just hard not having anyone to talk to as my OH lives in hertfordshire and I like in buckinghamshire so I only see him at weekends at the moment =[
Lots of people in every situation on here. I've been there on the weekends only when OH was in the Navy so v glad he's not anymore, but I travel with work a fair bit and being away now has been tough, even though my symptoms are pretty mild! Bigs hugs chick, and keep online, it really makes a difference xxx
Morning all.....

Well what a ashitty night...again, I was up 5 times for the loo....grrrrr!!

Up so eaarly I've done 3 loads of waashing n just gonna peg it out, AsAD or what!!!

POPPYPANDA, dnt worry we'll all beb here for u and eachother, this forum is addictive in that ya can be totally open and honest especially when ur family n friends dnt neccessarilily know the truth.

We had a MC in april, so I'm under strict instruction from OH that I can only tell best friends n mum (although not told her yet), but ur right, my hubby doesn't want to talk about tngs or it being a baby incase the worst happens again. So this is my place ro vent n chat too, its great!! :) :) :)

Must be really tough for u not seeing OH, bless ya, but if its any consellation, sometimes when my hubby works late night which is a few time a week aat the month, I'm in bed before he gets bkat half 10 so we dnt have cuddle time either.
I tnk one of the main tngs ya need when ur in early pregnancy is someone to care, ask u how u are, how ur feeling today and to be there is u want to chat n share ur concerns, m hubby isn't great at that, which I dnt mind but when ur not telling anyone it makes u feel like u have noone to talk to, asao thias place ideal :) :)

If u need anything, PM me hun :)

Hi All,

I'm just over 5 weeks - due 20 Feb.

Feeling ok - gone off tea, weeing more than usual and was waking up really early but I think that was excitement!

Boobs hurt too.

No sickness yet.

Feels really weird - know i'm pregnant having taken tests and missed a period, but can't book an appointment till 10 weeks to see a midwife. I feel like I want someone official to say "yep, you're pregnant"!
I know the feeling bot, good to see you in tri1!
I've still got the early waking at 8 weeks :( xx
I'm awake at 5 every morning too, I was blaming the sun being up earlier (it never occured to be it's a pregnancy sx). Nipples sore but otherwise I feel perfectly well. It worries me that my hormones aren't high enough or something, that is stupid isn't it, being worried about feeling well. I need to get a grip, it all feels so new and scary still.
Me too mustard, I tnk its normal but I've been the same
Everytime I dnt feel bloated, sicky or 'pregnant' I start to worry it could be the start of a MC all over again.
Got an early scan booked for 7 weeks today tho so I'm abit more relieved, just hope bean gets to that point :)
Its instinct to be worried especially when its something ya want sooooo badly.
I keep thinking if I dnt come to terms with being pregnant then it'll protect me from the pain if I MC again, but I soooo want to get a lil' bit excited xx
Hi girls, I felt totally fine and well and couldn't really believe I was pregnant. I've hit 8 weeks and getting short, relatively mild bouts of nausea. Everyone is different and symptoms seem to really vary between people AND over time. just keeping us on our toes! I'm just hoping my ms stays mild whilst i'm on hols for next 2 weeks but part of me wants it to be bad, just to reassure me that i'm pregnant and its all healthy (i know its not a reliable marker but the only one we have before the scan!).
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Trust me DC, stick with the mild morning sickness....I hate this right now
having mild ms gives me an insight into what an awful time you girls must be having who have it bad. I really feel for you and think you are amazing for still managing to get into work etc etc. Hope it gets more manageable!
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Hi all Im due 7 feb,had an early scan monday as ive not had periods for about 5 years due to the type of pill i was on and had no idea how far gone i was

symptoms so far have been
.very bad cramps
.feeling bloated all the time
.sore boobs
.slight nausea in the evening
.very tired
.lots of trips to the loo:)that seem to sneak up on me

Still hasent sunk in yet was only off the pill 2 wks then:shock:
Wow, 2 weeks, that's good going Christinakb!

Know what everyone means about wanting to feel sick - it would mean I would feel pregnant! Feel for you girls that are bad with it though.
Hey girls..I'm due around the 20th Feb.Symptoms are as follows:

Starving all the time!
Tiredness but wake up really early
Boobs not sore at all (they usually are just before my period)
Slight sicky feeling but not actually been sick yet

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy pregnancy!:lol:
im roughly 7 weeks and according to the online due date calendars i am due in February. Although, i guess until my scan i wont be exactly sure. its a comfort to know that im not the only one going through the really sore boobs, extreme tiredness, headaches and sickness. someone once told me it was like having a constant hangover, sore boobs aside, im inclined to agree! has anyone else started to feel their clothes tightening on them? i have and its a bit of a shock as i didnt expect this for at least another month or so!

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