Here we go again!!! Stupid cheapie tests teasing me!!

Just done another and once again another faint line :-)

Surely getting an evap on every test is impossible!!

I'm far to impatient but this is my last one until the weekend now!

It unlikely you would get so many evaps in a row hun!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeekkk! wish pics wouls show better!
This one isn't to bad .. I think the line is abit clearer..

Will upload now!


Oooohh post a piccy hunny :)
Did you say you had another fr? I would definetly try it with your fmu tomorrow morning x x

Are you using the same brand?? I agree with Nurse so maybe after the weekend use something different? x x

Please tell me you can all see it and I'm not cracking up!?!?!
Sorry girls was me having technical issues lol - I've just attached again. X

Are you using the same brand?? I agree with Nurse so maybe after the weekend use something different? x x

Yeah they are all the same brand cheapies that I got from home health uk.

I have one FR left and not much cash so I was going to save it until i got a remotely decent line on these cheapies.

I think your right though I do need a different approach!

I think I see something hun. I'd do another in a few days and see if it's darker. x
I see something but im on my phone so pics arent very clear.
Do you have a savers nearby hunny? I got a box of 3 tests for £1 yesterday, they look like the cheapies but abit longer, they are 25miu and they seem really good x x

Yep now you done the close up one i can see a faint line. what dpo are you louize?
Latest pic I see but others I did not.... I really think you need to try an alternative cheapie test hon.

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