Here we go again!!! Stupid cheapie tests teasing me!!

I have a quality save near me but by the time I finish work it'll be closed! I can get there on Friday afternoon as i finish earlier or Saturday. I will stock up in there thanks hun :D

Nurse I'm not 100% sure .. If my cycle followed my pattern i would be 16DPO today as AF was due yesterday.... But I have been making notes of CP and CM and noted on the 13th that I had everything including a stitch and a rupture pain in my left ovary. So if I'm right than I would only be urmmmmm 10DPO

When did you do your last FR? I did a FR at 10DPO and got a BFP!!
oh man, ye its hard when you dont use opk's to know exactly how many DPO, i can def see the line though
Sorry nurse I misread what you meant!! I was using OPKS up until this cycle as I figured I had gone regular but Ooohhhh no ! Bloody typical that it's threw me off guard!

Have you got any opks you could try now hunny? x x

Nope :(


I'm Gunna just lay if them until the weekend! Saves all the dodgy lines and will kno if I still get faint ones that it's all obviously evaps!

Thanks girls xxx

When did you do your last FR? I did a FR at 10DPO and got a BFP!!

Did a FR 2 days ago!


2 days is a long time, you could try your other FR???!! Sorry, not helping with the POAS addiction!!

Ooohh so tempted!!

I will crack open my FR on Friday morning!

Oooo, well done you, you've got WAY more self control than I have LOL. I've got everything crossed that it's a BFP on Friday hun. Good luck xxxxxxxx
Awww bless thanks girls!

I am ashamed to say I did test just now and once again another faint line. Not sure how good the pic is - let me know if you can't see it and I will try take a better one

I think I can see the line. Is it thick like the testing line? Because when I had my evaporation lines they were SUPER thin! I have a good feeling about this loopielouize! Hope I can join you with my own lines this weekend;)

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