Here we go again!!! Stupid cheapie tests teasing me!!

Im thread stalking I still see a line but its super faint. Keep using your cheapies and try fr in morningor Thursday morning. I really hope they are not playing games with you like last month. I have everything crossed for ya x
I love this forum cos you realise that none of us our 'text book' if that makes sense. Whether it's our cycles or AF or pregnancy, we are all completely different & reading through posts shows that anything is possible

I've got everything crossed for you hun xxx Everybody is different, like Kezza said, and hopefully you're just more concentrated with second morning urine good luck xxx
I have been doing my nut in to see this today ;-) no power so wifi down and waiting for a decent signal! Hope u get some clarity on it soon xxx

More pictures for you all lol ( sorry )

The top one is second morning urine
The bottom was the same one as earlier done with first morning urine.

Stupid tests are bugging me now!!!


I would do a fr with your fmu hunny tomorrow hunny, fingers crossed this is for you :fx: x x

I really hope this is it for you hun, sorry to say I have tilted my screen every which way and can't see anything on your latest pics. :(

FX for you though my lovely! x x
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Somebody ban me from these tests lol!
I have once again got myself another line! This one is more like the one I did yesterday dinner time too!
What the hell is going on!!!

Post a pic hunny!!!

I cant see any lines in latest pic, what the flip are these tests playing at. Could DEF see line in pics yesterday, got my fingers crossed very tightly for you. xxx

Only just noticed the lines are to close together ! DAMMIT!!!!

That's it now! No more cheapies!!!


I can see a pink line but it's next to the control? WTF????
Yeah me too. What about doing a FR now? What DPO are you on? When is AF due?
Sorry, ignore me, I've just read your original post to get the info I was asking. So you are 15DPO and AF due today.

This is bizarre. How frustrating for you x
Ooohhhh Ohhh sorry ignore last pic!! I hadn't given the dye time to settle!!!
Sorry girls lol I'm a pain!
Will upload a new pic now

AF due today if I followed the same 31 day cycle as last month... I'm usually between 31 - 34 days


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