Haven Meet **Details Update**

Alfiesmummy said:
Budge thats a shame :hug: poor little lady i hope she is ok! how are you hunny? i bet your exhausted having a little un unwell and 3 others. how are the other 3?

yes i heard that this bug is taking every down at the minute i had it myself the other day a 24 hour version

it looks as if im not going either but im not going to say for defineate untill after we see doctor today. Im exhausted myself and Ians a pain in my arse so if going to enbd up throttling him. I really hope we can make it trying to keep Alfie off milk and hydrated but you try telling a 7 month old hunk that he isnt allowed his milky bot bot before a nap!

yep im absolutely knackered. Rebekah has had it too and so have i and hubby but not half as bad as Bethany.
Hope alfies well soon. Make sure you give him dyroalyte to keep him hydrated. 10mls every ten minutes.
have been really busy so havnt been on since weds, suz its fine to pick you up will pm you a number now :).

Steephhh and chezzaaa are you coming? :cry: :shock: is your mum ok and is alfie ok?????
yep yep yep and i spoke to chez yesterday looks like shes coming too soo i will see you ladies later :cheer:
"were all going on a haven holiday
no more working for a day or two
fun and laughter on our ... Haven holiday
Bet you wish you could cooooooooooome tooooo ...
dooooooooooooont YOU!"
yep iam coming not sure what time i will get there but have steph'snumber so will give her a bell
Juast wanted to say Hope you all have a lovely weekend at haven :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

And don't miss me too much :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Serioulsy hope you all have a great time :hug:
just wat to say
to my Gal, hes 26 today yey, Haven holiday here we come not long now ppl

happy birthday!!!!!!!!! :D

and yey its today!!!!!!! suz il pm you the number now xxxxx
not seen you around much lately cassi, hope uve been ok, cant wait to meet everyone :cheer:
Im working again :( In between full time work iv had jay and an engine to rebuild and a friends house to paint :lol: its all fun and games I think I deserve this break now :D then off to the canaries on tuesday :D
wow you lucky cow, hehe, sounds like you have alot on ur hands then, ill be working again soon too so i will know how u feel :hug:
right im off steph has my number and i just pm'd it to suz so gimme a call when u know when ur train is due in :D

see you all at the gates at 2 il be the one with shoulder length dark brown hair and jay will have black converse on :D

Im gonna be running late it seems...alan is taking ages to get ready and thought it was closer than it is :oops: 4.5 hours away, il be there at about 3 xx
gals the same hes not ready yet, or even out of bed, :x , hopefully be there by 2 though

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