Have you thought what it 'sounds like'?

i knew a girl who was called Joanna Hand Say it quickly enough and dread!! x
i knew a david davidson.

i also met a christopher peter chicken. or chris p chicken as his name badge read. lol. xx
We had a holly bird at school.

But the best was when other half rang up a school in his job and had to ask to speak to MR Barstard - everyone called him MR B though cause of the kids lol
Not really relevant, but on the subject of funny names, there's a Dr De'ath in Sunderland! Wouldn't fancy being his patient like!
At my old gp surgery there was an actual Dr Jones!
My doctor really is called Dr Payne. He's fabulous though!
i love chris p chicken!

i have come across some really good (or bad!) ones at work:

Truly Scrumptious
Connor Lennon and his little sister - Summer Strawberry Fields Forever
Bear October Orion Matthews (initials BOOM!!!)
Deejay Kris Evans (!!!!!!!!!)
Alfie Robert Ernie Terry Millwall Glasscock (this is my all time fav!!)

There is a colleague in another office called Sultana!

Can't think of anymore at the mo but I'm sure I'll remember more in a bit!
Before I got married I was a Parton. Everyone thought they were the first to ask if I was related to Dolly :roll:

Now though, I am Jennifer L Hewitt, tee hee, I love it!!

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