Going Overdue


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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I've noticed the poor amount of mummies to be on here going overdue. I had a research into why that is the case and have found out that although doctors can measure you by your due date you could have conceived at a different point and actually be 38 weeks when you believe you're 42 weeks. So science isn't exact and there is no way of predicting whether or not you will have your baby on your due date, that is devastating :(
It is so variable, and midwives often get the dates wrong because they stick to their little date wheels even if women know exactly when they conceived. Poor Kanga was put forward but look where that got her! Overdue and frustrated. I got put back 6 days and have been measuring ahead at all my appointments. Sometimes they should just listen to women who know when they ovulated, when they dtd, etc (just look at the ttc forums to see how obsessed you can get in there, the majority of us knew exactly when bubs was created) but they have to stick to their methods for consistency.
It does create some very fed up women who just want their baby to arrive when it's expected!! xx
I actually reckon my dates are spot on. But no baby yet. They come when they are ready i think!
I actually hate my due date. I feel like its been drummed into me, that the day the babies going to come... :( but realistically I know that it's not going to be then. But I think it's quite deflating. I don't know the ins and outs of ttc an ovulation. I know the date of my period gave the midwife the date of 24th July. And my 12weeks scan gave the date of the 25th... I had my 20week scan and baby measured exact dates, and had a 3d scan at 27weeks and again was measuring exact to the day... :(
I really don't want to be overdue :( xxx
I don't want to be overdue either, I kinda wanted the baby to be born on my mother's b-day but that's 9 days early, just cause I thought it might be funny, knowing me I will go over by 2 weeks heh
I really do believe that babies just come when they are ready. In my maternity notes it says that the EDD is just that, estimated, and that they expect most babies will come sometime in the two weeks before or two weeks after. Although it must be really frustrating going overdue I would prefer baby to be overcooked than undercooked. My DD came early and spent 4 weeks in intensive care. Leaving your baby in hospital every night whilst you go home really is devastating! x
In my area they let you go 10days overdue, then induce you.
My mum was late with both me and my sister. My sis 12days and me 8.
My sister did the toilet, and had muconim in the waters. And she had swilled it. When ment she had to stay in longer...

I just really want a July baby...xxx
I am really trying to think of it as a 'due month' rather than a due date.... I keep telling people I am due in August and not specifying which date exactly.... the thought of getting loads of texts asking me if I have dropped does not appeal to me! x
I am really trying to think of it as a 'due month' rather than a due date.... I keep telling people I am due in August and not specifying which date exactly.... the thought of getting loads of texts asking me if I have dropped does not appeal to me! x


Everyone keeps saying "Oh I think you'll be early" Much as id love for that to be the case It will just be more fustrating if I go over! x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
In my head I'm going by dates rather than when the dating scan set me for as it's 5 days later than the scan date. I have a feeling I'm going over. That way if he comes when the dating scan says its a bonus, but if he doesn't I've another 5 days before it really starts getting to me.
I guess our baby will come when they feel ready to come... I keep getting told she will come early but i dont believe it my luck she be lazy like her daddy!
Im hoping the big event will happen at 38 weeks for me!! lol, but thats probably wishful thinking!! I'm sure my dates are spot on...I dont mind waiting til my actual due date but definitely dont want to go over!!! xx
As me and my OH were not exactly trying for a baby I did not have a clue when she was conceived, nor when my last period was in fact I wasn't even aware I was late ( the only way I knew was that my cleaner had her period one week before mine and I remember her having two bad periods before I realised I hadn't had one!!!!). So I have always had to go off my scan dates! When I say baby wasn't planned, she sure is wanted and will be so loved. My two boys aged 11 & 9 are so excited and growing just as impatient as me now, good luck to all us overdue mummies, bet tonite is the night as there are plenty floods planned! Lol xxx
WOw so it looks like a lot of peopel are in the same boat, well knowing me I'll have an October baby.
I'm hoping that I go a day early for reasons that I can't be bothered explaining. But I really don't want to go over because I'd get so fed up and pissed off! X
We worked out our due date as we knew exactly when I caught, they moved me forward a week at my scan and baby came officially 10 days late but only 3 days late by my dates
i'd hoped my baby will come today/due date as my birthday is 4/4 partners is 6/6 and baby could be 7/7!!
so nice as that wud be, i bet it wont happen.
By dates i was due on 8/7 but by scan they took it back a day.
hmm annoying lol
I was desperate not to go over due but now I'm thankful for being 11 days late as my little man only weighed 6lb 12oz. If I'd have had him on time he would have been even smaller cxx

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