When do you get a sweep?

I dunno Cantstop, i guess even if your get a nice midwife and she gives you one as early as your due date its not guaranteed to ndo anything so i shouldnt focus on it too much x
My midwife said to me today that I'm due back in 2 weeks which will make me 39+5 and she said I will be offered a sweep. Does that mean they will do it on that appointment if I want one? Hope I get that mw again, I had never had her before. I see a team of 3 midwives and it took me almost 9 months to meet the 3rd one, strange xxx
I'm booked in for a sweep in just under 2 weeks when I'll be 38 + 3, if that doesnt get me started then my consultant will give me a further 3 sweeps over the following week where I'll be booked in for induction at 39 +3 if the sweeps don't get me into labour.
The reason I'm getting them early is because my boy is measuring above average so they're not going to let me go overdue. From 37 weeks I'm going to be bouncing on my ball and eating pineapple to try and help things along.
Well due to my probs, they gave me as much of a sweep as they could yesterday, but nothing's happened. I couldn't understand what the hell the person I saw was saying, she's not english and I'm shit at accents and she didn't understand me either. But I've been told to let my midwife know to sweep me again next week, and then on the thurs at hospital they want to try again...

I rang my friend who was being trained as a midwife, she's going to be a doula instead now, and she explained this:

Stretching the cervix and sweeping the membranes away from the cervix makes the cervix start sending the right hormones to the right parts of you, to trigger off labour. It can take a few goes because of how ready you are. She also said to me that manjuice is the best thing, and to have as much sex as you can manage between you and your partner, because the inducing pessaries are just an artificial version of manjuice really. The senior person I saw yesterday suggested starting to sweep me because they would like to see if they can get me to go into labour myself without shoving more drips etc into me.

Hope this helps!
Im going to ask for a sweep on tues at my hosptial appt but i doubt they will give me one before im overdue. Plus it depends what baby is up to - might even need a c section yet :-s
Don't think they will do one until around your due date, u never know though.
A girl I know is 3 days over and they refused to do one. She goes to a different hospital to me. Just shows you how different all midwives are when that one I had yesterday is going to offer me it 2 days before I'm due. I'm hoping to go before that though, wishful thinking eh xxx
they dont offer them here unless you are over due so i wont get 1 till im at least 1 week over due
Its so silly. They should just have the same rules for everywhere. And to actually make women go 2 weeks over is just plain cruel, grrrr I'm in a very moony mood today! Xx
It's obviously pointless doing a sweep when your cervix isn't favourable as I have found out today lol. Have to say though it wasn't sore at all. I agree that they should have the same rules for everyone though.


well i answered my own question and got a sweep today a week before im due!! very suprised!
She also said to me that manjuice is the best thing, and to have as much sex as you can manage between you and your partner, because the inducing pessaries are just an artificial version of manjuice really.

Hope this helps!

Thats really interesting... i thought it was an old wives tale or something! xxx

Hope that sweep gets things going for you Cherelle. xxx

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