is it normal to go overdue with number 2?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Im 38 weeks on monday and I feel like Im overdue already lol! So ready to have the baby now.. Last time I was overdue 10 days wiht my LO, so I wonder if its normal to go overdue both times? think I have ready with your second pregnancy its not that normal to go much overdue etc?
i went 1 day overdue with my first, 5 days with my second and probably the whole 12 with this one lol x
Most of my friends who went over with first also did with second. I was over with my first so not even thinking about my due date, I'm going by at least a week later in my head!
I went over with my 2nd by ten days I feel over due already to lol x
I went 5 days overdue with my first and second, moaned that much to my mw with my third she give me a sweep and I had him 2 days early xxx
loooool lanny - i must remember that about the moaning, cant imagine it being a problem for me, I moan all the time anyway. Might save up my MW moans for after due date, so she takes notice.

I was induced with my first, a week early, but they noticed i was already 2cm, even though I wasn't contracting or anything, they said thats normal for a few days before due date. Anyone heard such a thing?

When she give me the sweep at 39wks she said I was 2-3 cm but I could of been for a wile, I was like that you just walk about dilated lol. I only went 5 days over with my first 2 but it was soooooooo nice going early last time even if it was only 2 day,xxxx
I'm 40 + 4 on my 2nd... I was 12 days over with my first
Im 38 weeks on monday and I feel like Im overdue already lol! So ready to have the baby now.. Last time I was overdue 10 days wiht my LO, so I wonder if its normal to go overdue both times? think I have ready with your second pregnancy its not that normal to go much overdue etc?

my mate and aunt were both 2 weeks overdue with their second kids, my aunt had to be induced
i was 8 days overdue with my first, 14 with my second and 8 days with my third. If i was getting induced with this one then i would assume i go over again.
I Was 10 days over with 1st & had induction. I went 3 days over with 2nd & a complete natural labour! x

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