Glasgow Xmas shopping day out/meet!! Mon 24th Nov**

and my massive one!! :D Arianna is gonna look HUGE next to all these bubbas!

means you can't switch her for any others :lol:
I am having the what to wear problem, too! I am so annoyed by my looks lately, with the baby weight, my bad skin and now my eye! :evil: A lot of it is to do with being worried about being too hot or cold, though. Also, what if Jacob is miserable and crying the whole time, what if he has a reflux attack and I need to change my clothes, what if what if.

I will share nappies, too! :D That reminds me. Bee, if you are still up for the wraps thing, it might be easier to bring them than post them... Or not. Either way is fine with me!
moss said:
I am having the what to wear problem, too! I am so annoyed by my looks lately, with the baby weight, my bad skin and now my eye! :evil: A lot of it is to do with being worried about being too hot or cold, though. Also, what if Jacob is miserable and crying the whole time, what if he has a reflux attack and I need to change my clothes, what if what if.

I will share nappies, too! :D That reminds me. Bee, if you are still up for the wraps thing, it might be easier to bring them than post them... Or not. Either way is fine with me!

I know what I am wearing :lol: and I am a fat blob. Moss I wouldn't worry - you haven't long had Jacob. I had Finlay 7 months ago so I have no idea what my excuse is. Bring a spare top incase he has a pukey session but don't worry. I am always covered in drool :lol:

Oh good idea :lol: I was just looking at them too and didn't think :lol: The Motherease nappies isn't it? Blue ones and the green one? I get lost
Ermmm..... almost 2.5yr old here and I am still a blob!
Yes, the motherease ones. Yay! Well I won't be judging anyone's looks so you don't have to worry about me! I know no one will... I'm just nervous.
ok I will get them now and put them in a bag so I don't forget :lol:

Don't be nervous. I like meeting new people :D and babies, esp ones smaller than mine cos my one drives me potty after 5 minutes of fidgiting :lol:
moss said:
I am having the what to wear problem, too! I am so annoyed by my looks lately, with the baby weight, my bad skin and now my eye! :evil: A lot of it is to do with being worried about being too hot or cold, though. Also, what if Jacob is miserable and crying the whole time, what if he has a reflux attack and I need to change my clothes, what if what if.

I will share nappies, too! :D That reminds me. Bee, if you are still up for the wraps thing, it might be easier to bring them than post them... Or not. Either way is fine with me!

Ooh have you tried the Gaviscon yet? If not do you want me to bring a couple of (sneaky) sachets for you to try?

I'll bring her in the buggy but will be carting along sis in laws little sack n seat thing as some high chairs are crap for my skinnymalink, changing bag and the mei tai just in case. Actually, I think I'll bring a backpack :lol: We'll be good and wear clothies as well.

Oh and please don't worry about clothes. Hell it's been 7 and a half months for me too and I weigh about 42 stone more than Bee!
daftscotslass said:
moss said:
I am having the what to wear problem, too! I am so annoyed by my looks lately, with the baby weight, my bad skin and now my eye! :evil: A lot of it is to do with being worried about being too hot or cold, though. Also, what if Jacob is miserable and crying the whole time, what if he has a reflux attack and I need to change my clothes, what if what if.

I will share nappies, too! :D That reminds me. Bee, if you are still up for the wraps thing, it might be easier to bring them than post them... Or not. Either way is fine with me!

Ooh have you tried the Gaviscon yet? If not do you want me to bring a couple of (sneaky) sachets for you to try?

I'll bring her in the buggy but will be carting along sis in laws little sack n seat thing as some high chairs are crap for my skinnymalink, changing bag and the mei tai just in case. Actually, I think I'll bring a backpack :lol: We'll be good and wear clothies as well.

Oh and please don't worry about clothes. Hell it's been 7 and a half months for me too and I weigh about 42 stone more than Bee!

Lorna you do not weigh 42 stone more than me! :lol: God I need to sort out the changing bag and food for monster. Takes me ages. What am I going to dress the boy in? :lol:
Oh - Arianna's clothes are all picked out.... and I have picked my hand bag as it is massive to get lots in.... but no idea whatelse to wear!
SarahH said:
Oh - Arianna's clothes are all picked out.... and I have picked my hand bag as it is massive to get lots in.... but no idea whatelse to wear!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: God Sarah you are mad! I only have one bag :( Bottles, I need to bring bottles. Wish I was still breastfeeding :( Can't fit the stupid milk container in the bloody changing bag :(
daftscotslass said:
Ooh have you tried the Gaviscon yet? If not do you want me to bring a couple of (sneaky) sachets for you to try?

I'll bring her in the buggy but will be carting along sis in laws little sack n seat thing as some high chairs are crap for my skinnymalink, changing bag and the mei tai just in case. Actually, I think I'll bring a backpack :lol: We'll be good and wear clothies as well.

Oh and please don't worry about clothes. Hell it's been 7 and a half months for me too and I weigh about 42 stone more than Bee!

42 stone?! :shock: You must be a blob then! Seriously, we will all be too busy looking at everyone's cute babies to worry. I haven't been able to get to the doctor yet (oops), so I would love to try the Gaviscon, if you don't mind. I found the chair cloth seat thing so will bring it in case anyone needs it. Jacob is too young for it, even though I think he probably could use it.
Well prepare for carnage as I'm bringing pasta bolognese for her lunch and a pear :lol:

I have my bag all packed, woohoo! I'll be the tit with the backpack :rotfl:
Bee said:
SarahH said:
Oh - Arianna's clothes are all picked out.... and I have picked my hand bag as it is massive to get lots in.... but no idea whatelse to wear!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: God Sarah you are mad! I only have one bag :( Bottles, I need to bring bottles. Wish I was still breastfeeding :( Can't fit the stupid milk container in the bloody changing bag :(

Yup, I am mad!!

Glad you know that before meeting... can be awkward if you are expecting a fully sane person!
Oh I better sort Finlay's changing bag out. Think we will do finger foods for lunch as he's not overly bothered about food at lunchtime just now :lol:

Moss - the cloth seat thing is what my sis has. I keep meaning to get it off her since her LO is 2 and a half :lol:

Sarah - I wasn't expecting a sane person at all :lol: ;) I'm not sane.
Oh, good! I am insane, too. It's good if there are a few like us.
I think its motherhood that does it to you :lol:

I'm sure I was perfectly normal beforehand but OH will say the opposite :lol:
daftscotslass said:
Well prepare for carnage as I'm bringing pasta bolognese for her lunch and a pear :lol:

I have my bag all packed, woohoo! I'll be the tit with the backpack :rotfl:

make that two tits :rotfl:

better start packing now or I'll forget something :roll:
hmmm... just thinking my bag wont go with my coat!! Oh poo!!! Start again!

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