Glasgow Xmas shopping day out/meet!! Mon 24th Nov**

Had a fab day - sorry wee dude wasn't too happy :(
LMAO I'm so crap I have a £20 and £10 in my wallet and I can't remember if I took it out or if one of the Sarah's gave me it for lunch and I short changed them :oops: :oops: :rotfl:

Let me know, I'm such an eejit :lol:
Well, that is me just literally 5min in the door and I am pooped! Arianna slept the whole way home on the train bless her, even through the drunken weegies trying to stuff 50p in her pocket for "a sweetie for the wee marydoll" :lol:

It was my £20, but dont worry... get wee Becky something extra from Santa with whatever the change should have been!
had a great day ladies. All your babies are super cute and Arianna is a little princess - with the cheekiest laugh ever :lol:

I didn't get any piccies so ladies that had a camera - get posting.
All the bubbies were just gorge! Here are what few pics I have.

Becky terrorising Aiden


Kaira and Finlay holding hands... mawww!


Arianna and her angel curls


My wean... can you tell she's hot and teething? :lol:


Oh and Sarah the money is in the post tomorrow :rotfl:
Bee - I hope Finlay has recovered from being terrorised by my little moster :lol:
drea b said:
Bee - I hope Finlay has recovered from being terrorised by my little moster :lol:

:lol: He's fine ;) Secretly loved it and hasn't shut up about it since we got in :D ;)
thanks ladies, i had a lovely day :)

sarah - i knew that lorna was one to watch, trying to bump you :wink: :lol:

i'll do pics tomorrow, just in from work and tireeeeed!! xx
Oof, Glasgow wore us out! I just woke up from a heavy sleep with Jacob in the livingroom! I think we must have been here for almost three hours, and apart from a little chattering with Shaun when we got home and a couple of feeds, Jacob has been asleep since we got home at around 6!

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