Lakeside meet? - updated with date :D

Im interested am maybe if youy want Tracy2 we could meet and go together???
this might have to be last min decision well maybe can let you all know by mon or tuesday so im a maybe, at moment iv been put down to work fri but been given thurs off so im gonna see if i can swap the 2 days over be good if i can love to see you all.

morganuk- yeah be fab to see you if you can come, how you getting there? if i can go and sarah can get day off im picking her up from gravesend possibly but im sure we can work something out :hug: :hug:
bump - anyone else? doesn't look like there are many of us going :(
i am comming, baby shoppign for me hehe

sam you have my mobile number i text u when i arrive at lakeside x
Tracey you able to make this... sod it I think i'll just txt u incase you dont get on here! :)

If anyone thats going be happy to give me their mobile number so I can head in the right direction that would be great!? :D *gets down upon bended knee and looks puppy-dog-eyed*
I may come :think:
im going to be in Dartford on the 14th so could pop over
mind not sure if James wants to be dragged to another meet :lol:
sorry ive not been online, i will update the list now and pm those people who have said yes or maybe with my mobile number.

We are aiming to get there for 12 ish, and will head straight to the food court.

Can't wait! im hoping to get the bulk of my xmas shopping done tomorrow as well :lol:
hey guys

really thought i had replied on here turns out i havent lol. :lol:

anyway not been very well this wk and been off work for couple days and not sure if im gonna be able to make it its gonna have to be a last min thing deciding tonight if i feel strong enough to go or well enough but i may come down after lunch possibly.

if i dont see you guys have a great time, and will be along to next one otherwise,

will text someone later to let you know my final desion :hug: :hug:
Geordie&Bairn said:
I may come :think:
im going to be in Dartford on the 14th so could pop over
mind not sure if James wants to be dragged to another meet :lol:

Come come come!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Would love to see you again!! :D
looking farward to tommorrow.

i shall leave mine for about 12 ish so should get there about half past will text someone when arrive x

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