Gestational diabetes support thread

That's a fab reading Karen :-) I'm salivating at the thought of your cheese Burger!! my fasting readings yesterday were all good, and then my after food levels today we're 5.6 after breakfast, 5.4 after lunch and then 6.6 after dinner. So morning and pm were ok but evening levels were a bit high. Still haven't had any readings outside of my limit but hoping they don't climb any higher. I'm only having small carb portions as it is, and more protein and things. Just got to keep my fingers crossed I guess!!
Your readings sound good Naomi, as long as they are within your target don't stress about it, stress can play havoc with blood sugars xx
Yeh need to try and keep my stress levels a bit lower as definitely letting things get to me a lot more at the moment! Dread to think what my blood pressure is like haha.
Just got back from the park with mills and feeling absolutely shattered! Energy levels have definitely dipped again.
I've bought myself a little box of chocolates that I'm taking to the hospital for a treat after I deliver haha xxx
Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about what treats I'm taking with me! Told DH I want a box of Krispy cremes brought in for me after the birth :lol:
Yum!! May add that to my list haha! I'm literally dreaming of sugary foods at the moment haha. Want to try and keep relatively good though as think if I carry on as I'm doing with just the odd treat I will be able to lose a lot of the weight I've been wanting to lose for ages xx

Well my after breakfast level this morning was lower than my fasting level yesterday morning! 4.5. Although I've been dancing in the living room with millie this morning and had a low carb breakfast so think I worked it off!

My dad bought me some sugar free chocolates from his choir trip to Brussels so I had one of those last night after dinner as a treat. Was heavenly! Not quite like having a good bar of galaxy but was nice all the same! Xxx
How are people getting on?

I've got a friend coming over this eve so doing fajitas in a wholemeal wrap and hoping my levels will be ok. Breakfast level this morning was a little high (6.6) but then after lunch level dropped right down so I'm still generally doing ok.

Back to work tomorrow, boo! Roll on maternity leave! Find it harder in the office as people are forever bringing in cakes and chocolates, and most of my colleagues don't know about the GD so I end up making random excuses for not joining in on any sugar sessions lol. Xxx
I'm doing fine except for one blip on Friday, it was my nieces birthday and we all got fish and chips from the chip shop delivered cos that's what she wanted and I ate the batter on the fish and way too many chips ....... 8.0 two hours after :shock: won't be having that again!
I'm so glad I finished before the diagnosis and I could eat all the nice things!!! I'm looking forward to a packet of salt and vinegar crisps and a Turkish delight nomnom xx
Lol Karen! One blip won't hurt though I'm sure! God I could totally eat a fish and chips right now....
I also keep looking at my daughters coco pops in the morning - got a real craving for some haha!
Levels were good tonight after the fajitas, and it's one more week down!

When is your next scan? I've got another two and a half weeks til my next one. Hoping they will give me an induction date after that one as I will be nearly 35 weeks by that point. Xxx
Haven't had coco pops in years and now I want some lol

My next scan is 4th August when I'm 35+4, consultant left me 3 weeks between scans this time as she's on holiday this week when the fortnightly one was due and she wants to deal with me herself. I'm seeing the midwife weekly though for checks so got her on Wednesday x

I would imagine they'll give you an induction date then Naomi, unless they plan to scan you again and decide from there when would be best. I know when induction was talked about with me, consultant said a decision on when to induce would be made at the 38 week scan if all was ok up until that point xx
How's things?
I had a midwife app yesterday and had ketones in my urine so I've to pick up a ketone blood monitor from the diabetes nurse tomorrow. Blood sugars have all been fine though x
Hiya Karen. What does that mean if you have ketones?

My levels have all been good today. Went out for lunch and had a ham salad but was feeling rather envious of the chips that everyone else was consuming! The end is in sight now though.

Have had a couple of bad nights in a row with millie so feeling a bit lacking in energy. Came close to having an epic fail this eve as there's a large bar of chocolate in the cupboard but managed to stay strong! Part of me thinks oh one little bit won't hurt but I know once I have a bit I will want more and it will make it all harder then.
Oh I know what you mean, I'm an all or nothing type ...... no point in having one biscuit, got to have the packet :lol:
Aww what's been wrong with her?

Ketones basically mean that my body is using its fat stores for energy instead of glucose/carbs which isn't great so I need to increase my carbs which in turn could then increase my blood sugars :-(
Diabetic nurse would rather I kept an eye on it with the monitor as it's more accurate than the urine test and as long as the ketones stay within the target then a little is ok. If they're not in the target I'll need to increase my carbs more and probably start metformin to control the blood sugars.
So does that mean more blood tests for you then? How many times do you have to do it per day?

Thinking I might have the same issue as I've dropped my carbs right down.... seems like a catch 22??

At least you're quite near the end now though - do you have another appointment to check it next week now then? Xxx
Got my monitor today and I've just to test it once or twice a day depending on the reading, it's to be below 0.3. I done one when I saw the nurse and it was 0.4 but it was first thing this morning and all I'd eaten was a protein bar so no carbs, repeat test this afternoon was 0.2. Just to phone her on Monday with the readings over the weekend and she will speak to the diabetic consultant on Monday to see if he wants to do anything.
No more finger pricks though cos I can do both with the one finger prick cos they don't use much blood xx

Are you getting on ok with your readings still? Are your team happy with how you're doing?
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That's a relief that you don't have to do extra finger pricks. Hopefully your levels will stay fine so you don't have to go on any meds.

What are you eating on an average day at the moment? I'm getting a bit stuck for meal ideas now but still wondering whether I'm taking in what I need.

I haven't had a meeting with my team in two and a bit weeks. Got the next one on Wednesday but my levels have all been within range. One or two have gone a bit closer to the limit but never equal to or past it so that's good I hope. I'm just wondering now if I'm taking in enough carbs!

Got the appointment this week and then the following Wednesday I've got the next scan. Want to get to that to make sure baby is still growing ok, plus hoping at that appointment that I will be given a date for induction.

When will your final growth scan be before your section?
Since upping my carbs and general intake, a typical day now for me is
B - Either Greek yogurt with blueberries, chopped nuts and a weetabix or sone form of eggs with burgen bread (upped it to two slices instead of one)
Snack - 4 rich tea biscuits with cheese and butter and handful of nuts
L - burgen bread sandwich with either cheese and coleslaw or chicken breast and coleslaw and handful of nuts
Snack - Laughing cow bread stick dipper and handful of nuts
D - Meat, veg and new potatoes (about 4), spag Bol with wholewheat spag, chilli with basmati rice, meatballs with spag and arabiata sauce ..... things like that
Snack - Either 2 wholegrain crackerbread with dairylea and handful of nuts or 2 Nairns chocolate chip biscuits with clotted cream

I'm eating loads now these past couple of days the main meals are the same but I've increased my daytime snacks to keep a constant supply of carbs and hopefully it'll help reduce the ketones. It is pushing my blood sugars up to the high 5's and lower 6's but as long as it stays under 7 then it's ok.

I've got a scan next Thursday and I think I'll probably see consultant and scan again two weeks after that when I'll be 37+4, not sure if she'll arrange another one the following week or not suppose it just depends on how he's growing.
Yeah hopefully you'll get your induction date then, will they definitely induce you even if everything is ok with your scans and diabetes control?
Yeh that's definitely more carbs than I'm having. I haven't really been having snacks either. Wonder if I will end up having ketones in my urine next week?

Similar types of meals to me though. I tend to do greek yogurt and fruit with a weetabix or a sausage, a boiled egg and a piece of burgen bread for breakfast. Then a wrap or a salad with bread for lunch. Then something involving pasta or rice for dinner. Or been having sweet potatoes a bit too.

I'm definitely being induced by the 9th September because I got preeclampsia at the end of my last pregnancy and the consultant said that plus the GD means they don't want me going past 39 weeks. Want to know a date now so that I can plan things a bit better!
I didn't realise that you had pre eclampsia last time, must have missed a post somewhere!
Hopefully they'll be proactive and give you a date at your appointment xx
Yeh I didn't know until this pregnancy because I somehow was never told. Went for my first consultant appointment this time around and he said 'well, obviously because you had preeclampsia last time you are at higher risk of getting it again this time' and I was like what?!!!

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