Gestational diabetes support thread

Still a bit all over. The doc today say my post meal is fine ( between 7-9, not great but she thinks just diet tweaking) but they will keep a close eye on my fasting and pre meal bloods, seem they are never below 5, always around 6 which isnt too bad but she says that from 32 weeks itll be tougher. Consultant appointment was fine just explained it more gave me a load of info didnt say anything about the weight and there was that much info i didnt even remember to ask! then saw a dietician who gave me meal plans like rough portions of carbs and what to eat. She really wasn't helpful with night shifts though. Kinda looked like a deer in headlamps when i asked for advice haha! But i think ill manage just need to mindful of time when im in work. Yeah every two weeks ive to go they check bloods and ill see the metabolic dr and sonographer, dietitian is there if I need them too. Ive to take a pic of reading s and send it them via email weekly which is kinda handy too.

Awk hope they are happy too. How have your measurements been? Not long now! Have they mentioned being induced or anything? Have you found from 32 weeks it was harder to manage your blood sugars?
Hope everyone is doing well! Im sure some of your babies are on their way now! Ahhh exciting!

Sorry totally forgot I hadn't replied to your last message!

I'm being induced on the 12th where I will be 39+2. My consultant said she generally doesn't let GD patients go full term. My levels have all been within the range though and my scans have shown baby is measuring pretty much on the 50th percentile so the GD doesn't seem to have had much effect on the baby which is good.

How are your measurements? And your levels now, are they getting better?
Still just my morning ones when i first wake up, not majorly high but always above 5.5. otherwise seem to managing fine. Once you get tge hang of it its not too bad just overwhelming at start Thank you all so much for your help though! I get measured again on Tuesday so ill let you know :)

Ahh the 12th is so soon! Im glad to hear baby is measuring well. Thats fantastic. How have you been feeling generally?
I find I have to stop eating by 8:30 in the evening to make sure my morning levels are ok, and I try and have at least 2 glasses of water after dinner. Glad your other levels are all ok though :-) and has baby measured ok do far?

And it's no problem, it's very overwhelming when you first get the diagnosis. I haven't found it too bad although I am looking forward to being able to have chocolate and nice stuff again!!

Yep only 9 more sleeps! I've been feeling ok just very achy now. And tired. Finding it harder and harder to run around after my two year old. Finished work last Wednesday though so at least I'm off now :-)

How are you doing generally? Xxx
Oh all i want is chocolate! I got a wholenut bar and have had a square as dessert after my lunch or dinner, i was craving it so bad! Will be nice not to worry about it. Oh my gosh, nine sleeps! Thats nothing!

How do you do it with atoddler as well! Fair play to you! Im exhausted and its just me lol. Ive just 10 shifts in work, finish in three weeks i cannot wait!

In terms of how baby is measuring i really dont know on August 10th all was good, sonographer said baby measuring bang on. Then i had a scan at fetal medicine for something else. The dr never said anything about babies measurements but when i read my notes they were off the scale they used, abdominal circumference and everything and estimated weight had went up by two pounds! In 12 days?! There was noone ive seento talk to or ask so just have to wait until Tuesday when they measure baby again and see. Im hoping it was just different people different measurements :/.

I usually dont have anything after my dinner and my levels are good before bed. The doc had said at start that i may need insulin just for the morning as there is nothing i can do if my levels are rising as i sleep but once i have breakfast they are fine again.

What are your target pre and post meal blood glucose? Mine arent the same as nice guidelines, seems that its based on hospital. Pre is between 3.5-5.5 and one hour post meal is 8 and below.

Generally im okay. Work is hard so i think its just work is my problem haha! Just want sleep.
Yeh 8 more now - a week tomorrow I will be heading in! Hoping it might start naturally before then as a bit nervous about induction.

Ah lush about the wholenut. I don't trust that I'd keep to just one piece so I've had to avoid it completely. Although my dad got me some diabetic chocolates which I've had from time to time. They're no galaxy though!

Hopefully the next three weeks will fly by for you. I'm so thankful to have finished now. My maternity leave doesn't officially start until the date of my induction but took just over a weeks annual leave to start it off :-) and haha yeh I've definitely found it harder this time around. First time around I'd come home from work and just vege, and then once I was on mat leave I watched a load of series on Netflix. This time millie seems intent on making sure I keep as active as possible!

That's strange about the change in measurements. Hopefully it will be all cleared up on Tuesday for you. I imagine there could be differences between how different sonographers measure things. And I'm sure they'd have spoken to you about it if they were concerned.

My levels have got to be below 5.6 pre meals, and below 7.8 an hour post meals. Haven't had any above those, although had a couple of mornings where I had 5.2 first thing.

Ah sleep, I've kind of forgotten what that feels like haha! Millie was a terrible sleeper for the first 6-7 months so I'm praying for a better sleeper this time around haha! No idea how I will cope with hourly or two hourly feeds for that long when I'm running round after millie during the day!!
Oh my gosh just a week to go! Ahh. Oh Millie is a lovely name! I love your profile pic too she is just adorable! Do you know gender of this baby? Wont be long to find out :) ive just 8 shifts left now so not too long to go. Netflix is a complete Godsend, i just watch everything. I am hoping I get a few weeks just to rest for baby. Haha but lets see what happens :)

Got my scan tomorrow so hopefully they can clear it up for me and let me know. I think little monkey might have moved breech! Suddenly all the hiccups are above my belly button not down low like theyve been the whole time. I also listened to baby heartbeat using a stethoscope in work last night but i couldn't find it where it usually is it was up high! Better not have the cheeky little bean lolol if its meant to be so big it shouldn't have the room haha! Ill def get it cleared up tomorrow :)
I know, a week today I may have had him or her! Very exciting. Hoping the pessary works so that it doesn't end up in c section. And aw thank you - we didn't know gender last time either and millie was in our top 8 for girls but not the top 4, but it ended up being the name that felt right! Struggling more with names this time around. Have no gut feeling this time if it's pink or blue so quite excited to see what it ends up being next week!

Do you know what you're having? And yes Netflix is the best! Although I end up staying up way too late binge watching series!

Oh no about the potential move breech! Although should still be time for baby to move back. Best of luck for tomorrow - looking forward to hearing how you get on. Hopefully the measurement confusion will all be cleared up.
Awh scan was great. Although baby is currently estimated 6lbs 1! Eek! But abdominal circumference and head were measuring on par with each other so she was actually happy with it. The obstetrician was so lovely. Explained about fluid amounts and says mines looks good and showed where the placenta and everything was, id never had that. Baby is head down definitely so thank heavens for that, she said it was more than likely I could hear heartbeat and feel hiccups through its back. My bp was high and i had trace protein in my urine so had to go into a day unit to have bp monitored but after about ten minutes it was fine so i got to go home wooohoo! Blood sugars were good too, i was worried cause they've been creeping up even with the same foods but the metabolic dr wasnt concerned said they looked good! Pleasantly surprised!

Oh my gosh your countdown really has begun! Ive heard the pessary is great so hopefully that does the trick for you :) im looking forward to hearing all about it :). Ive no idea about gender but ive a feeling it might be a boy, dont know why! Guess ill just gave to wait and see, got our names and stuff picked now. Callum for a boy and Lucy for a girl :) so how is your baby measuring?
Aw really glad it all went well!! What percentile line does that put babies weight at? As long as they were happy with everything I doubt there's anything to worry about :-) my baby was just under 5.5 at 34+4 so following the 50th percentile line just about. Got my final scan tomorrow so will be interested to see how much baby is estimated to weigh now!

Great news that baby is head down :-) my BP has been higher once or twice but I swear sometimes it's the stress of just having had a scan or blood test done as it always comes down quickly afterwards!

Fab that they're happy with your levels too :-) hopefully you'll be able to be diet controlled the whole way.

I'm hoping the pessary does the trick on Monday! Bit nervous about what to expect and I've blocked out how bad the pain of contractions was first time around haha!! It's exciting being team yellow isn't it. I don't have a strong feeling either way so am excited to find out. Love your name choices :-) at the moment we are liking James or cooper for a boy, and keira or sienna for a girl. Will depend on what feels right when we see baby though I think!

Has your consultant spoken to you about induction yet? Xxx
Oh I like your name choices! iI really like Cooper, one ive never thought of. Definitely exciting being team yellow, my friends and family are a bit annoyed though causr they want to know haha.

Well it just says in my notes '>90 percentile' they only do 10th, 50th, 90th by the looks of it . Oh def let me know how you get on today! Consultant didnt mention anything about induction but said that they'll likely have a plan based on baby 35th week measurements (appt on 20th) When did they have a plan for you?

The hours of waiting about does nothing for blood pressure either mind you!
Aw thanks :-) I find it a bit stressful thinking of name options - don't want to make a bad decision and end up with a name that doesn't suit him or her, or a name that we end up regretting!

There's been a few bigger babies born on the forum recently - some completely naturally so I'm sure you'll be fine :-) millie was a bigger baby - 8lb 15oz. She was emergency c section in the end but that was due to labour not progressing, nothing to do with her size.

I had a birth plan and induction date at my 35 week appointment with my consultant. They don't let mums go full term with GD here so inductions usually happen between 37-39 weeks depending on how mum and baby are both doing :-) xxx
So how did it go what is your babies estimated weight at now? Yeah ive seenthere has been some big babies! A girl in work just had a baby and it was 10lb! She didnt have GD or anything just a big baby. Crazy lol. Ive had to start my mat leave early. Bit disappointed but i really struggled and was near in tears. Pretty hard work and my blood pressure was soaring in work with stress. My manager was so lovely and understanding.

Ive had afew high readings after meals this week. Bit annoyed at myself as ive been so careful. I can no longer eat weetabix so back to porridge :( ,bananas are out and ive now found that salad cream for me is def a no no (i only used little bits!) But frustrated i feel i dont have a lit of food options. Ive had to completely rule out eggs, it triggers the gallstone pain :(

Anyone made their own pasta sauces? I cant eat tomatoes as its really hurting with gallstones and need sone inspiration! Just a bit frustrated!

I know what you mean abput names. I lo e my name bit hate it too as everyone gets it wrong and i dont want that to happen to my kid!

So have you got everything ready?
Ah sorry for some reason I didn't get a notification that there was a new post here!!!

Scan went well, baby was estimated 7lb 3oz so hoping they are fairly spot on and I've got a smaller baby this time - hoping it will make birth smoother!

Ah sorry you're suffering but glad you've got an understanding boss and we're able to bring forward your mat leave. I think you've got to take it on a day to day basis with work - you can be fine up to a point and then it will suddenly get too much and it's not worth putting yours or baby's health at risk.

I haven't tried making pasta sauce with anything other than chopped tomatoes and herbs - have done like a spag bol thing a few times and have used shop bought sauces that have been low in sugar. That sucks that your readings are getting higher - that can happen to some people towards the end. See what they say at your next appointment.

Kind of got stuff ready - putting the hospital bags in the car today and the car seat. Crib is all ready for when we get back. Got some neutral newborn clothes from.last time around that are washed ready. My parents are taking my little girl out today and I'm going to spend the time watching my husband hoover and mop haha - I've told him iM not doing anything today as need to rest ready for tomorrow! Xxx
Ahhh how exciting! I cant wait to hear all about it :):) oh thats nice make sure you get youre feet up and your pointing finger ready haha. My mum is going to come up to my house closer to the time with her fancy steam mop. Its sad that i am so excited! Think nesting has started!

my mum has been on my back about sorting hosp bag. I have most of the bits but thats it. Ive weeks to go lol. Im sooo glad im off now. Just even being off a few days has really helped. I didn't realise how much strain it was putting on me.

My levels are high after dinner and before bed and im not eating anything after dinner, ive been going for a walk and everything :( i have to send my results in to the diabetic nurses on tues morning so maybe they can give me advice. They made me feel bad, telling me to stick to diet, i really am! (results have to be sent in every friday morning) Really frustrating i am being so friggin good! Not even my one square of chocolate its grim. But sure. Not long to go but i know theyll get on my back about weight and risk of type 2 and depress me even more. Nevermind the fact im 4kg lighter than booking appointment. Noone seems to care i haven't gained any weight at all.

Sorry that just turned into a big rant there haha.
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Haha I love my steam mop :-) that's good that your mum is coming round :-) I packed my hospital bag a few weeks ago but the peril of doing it too early is that I can't really remember if I packed anything haha! I figure we live close to the hospital though so worst comes to worst I can send simon home to get stuff.

Aw hun that's so frustrating about your levels. Its so frustrating that you're doing everything you can and still having high levels. Keep a food diary to take with you to your next appointment so you can argue if they suggest you're not sticking to it.

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