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Gem's diary ......

i got my first PROPER PROPER PROPER poss opk today

i dont think dh will wanna bd 3 nights running :think: i'll have to think of something else tonight to charm his ways hehehe
well , weekends over , im cd16 and what i belive dpo2 , even tho my temp is saying i only ovulated yesterday ! but i had no pains no cm nothing , had it all friday ! so who knows :think:
have been proper emotional today , had some problems on a website im admin on and been a bit tearfull in the process , didnt even get dressed till i ahd a shower and dh best mate turned up so i had to put clothes on lol and this was at like 5 pm !

so had a very quiet weekend , done nothing , felt too drained , hard time at work right now ! only gonna get worse this week , not looking forward to it at all !

and now on 2ww aswell , i take ibrophun (spl) for a shoulder problem , hoping that i can still take it if needed during this 2ww time .

so here;s from a slightly subdude Gem , CD16 ,DPO 2
woohoo ive got my lines at last !

have had a fairly big rise up to 36.8 :shock: , think nim experiencing creamy cm ?? but not really had it before so not sure :wall: and very gassy too :shock: :oops: no other symptims to report ,

ff says im only 3dpo , i think i may be 4. my test date is feb 4th :cheer:

would be loverly to get a bfp this month ( any month lol) dh bday is on the 8th feb :D

one thing different tho , last 2 months ive ben thinking through my whole 2ww , this is it , and this month at mo , i really think it isnt ! everything been so different this month , temps weird , we bd lots not like usual ! i had cm (thanks magic meds) too aspirin b4 i had reaction to it :wall: but i really dont think this is it ?!!!

oh well , time will tell !

Gem cd18 , 3dpo .

oh and today im doing a pantz job , gonna be really hard manual work and to make it 10 times worse its in central london (ish) and i'll need a mortgage to pay for car parking :wall:
FF says I have to test 5th Feb- seems a long time away doesn't it?

Maybe the fact things haven't been as normal this cycle for you will be a good thing :pray:
:pray: lets hope so huh

oooo were kinda testing together , think mum2be is aswell :cheer:
I don't think I will last til 5th Feb- my mums birthday is on the first so might sneak in a cheapie early test! :wink:
heheh , u think i will either ! imagine a whole weekend without not testing , i dont think so !
Dear diary

only 6 dpo , seems so long till i can test , and will my temp to stay up , its still higher then its been before at only 6dpo , but when i look at my chat and think its still gotta stay up there for so much longer i can feel the next week or so dragging LOTS !

been waking up durring the night , where as this isnt unusual for me , ive been waken much earlier then i normally do , like 1/2 am instead of 4/5 am .


this is probably cos im working really hard , and its fairly manual stuff so takes it out of ya . even considering not going to my mums this weekend cos im soooo tired

not getting hopefully (trying not too) trying not to sympton spot (but thats impossible)

nothing else is going on in my life right now , part from wor work work , so its easy to think way to much !

oh well fingers crossed huh

Gem , cd 21 ,6dpo , 8 days till testing ( if i wait till af due ! )
i feel so down , dh is working , ive hurt my shouler working so havent driven to my mums , and i feel this 2ww is dragging and dragging this time and i cant handle it anymore . life is precious but yet i wishing it away in order to grow another , does that even make sense :| i dont know how ill cope with any bfn, but i suppose u have no choice but too.

loving chatting about all things preggy with feefee but then i have to remind myself , i probably am not pregnant yet and to stop getting carried away but when u have good signs its hard not to let down your guard and get your hopes up a bit.

fair , this time is so confusing , heart aching and just dam frustrating i wanna cry , but i wont , not yet !

gettign some af/crampy twinges today , also had a temp dip this morning (poss implantation one can only hope) , ive been (tmi) constipated :oops: for 3 day now ! i suffer from ibs and i can tell u this isnt usually my problem :oops:

and u know what ? ive not even got dressed today , had a long soak in the bath and back in pj's ! *sigh*

sorry for the rant ladies :hug:

cd 22 , 7 dpo and too many days till testing
I really hope this is your month.

I do not want to get your hopes up, but just wanted to say that my 1st sign was getting AF aches/cramps about 6dpo and i was sure AF was going to come early!!!

Hope it is a good sign for you too x
I'm so sorry Gem, wish i could make it all better, promise no more baby talk eh? :hug:
noooo i loove the baby talk , its great cos i know u dont think im silly for talking about prams when im only ttc lol i love it honestly i do hun , wouldnt chat about it for hours i i didnt ! just need to reality check myself every now n then lol
my temps gone back up and for 2nd morning in a row ive felt rotten in the morning :pray:
my nips are also sore to touch , but i cant hope , too many times before ive had symptons and not been :wall:
dear diary

back from 2 ngihts away with work , weds ngiht was in a travelinn, and honestly ive never been so hot in a room EVER ! pretty sure its prob messed up my temps that day , and going to bed at midnight aswell prob didnt help .

last night (thurs night) was in a posh marriot , in preston. much cooler room thank god ! but much later night as we had a party / awards etc etc . went to bed at 2 am , to only wake up at 2.45 with eerm toilet trouble , i do suffer from ibs , and im think it was just a bad attack , but ive had NO sleep , prob only and 2 hours at most , so again my temp prob all messed up just when i need it to be acurate !

well durring the early hours i had some spotting :( thought it might have been cos i was going to toilet every 5 mins :oops:

but this afternoon , driving back to london stopped at services and well , more spotting , but (tmi info alert) it was dark brown and dark brown clots when i wiped. :shock: :cry: followed by some af type cramps. have had a bit more spotting on wiping since then.

so i guess with my temps not being acrurate and the fact ive had some dark brown spotting . i suppose the witch is about to visit (due sunday)

ive bursted into tears , for the last few miles of my drive home , why doesnt someone out their want me to be a mum . im not sure how much more i can take of this , but no i dont own an off button to stop trying either :doh:

dunno what to do , proper upset , havent seen hubby since weds moring , and his gone to pub after his shift finished at 6pm , bad timing on his part :cry: i want him home .

sorry for the long post girls , im just feeling very devestated

unhappy me , cd 28 , 13dpo.
Hey Gem,

I've just read your post in the Symptoms section too - sounds promising honey! I don't want to get your hopes up but if this is unusual for you, then you never know...

I am really rooting for you - and loving the diary by the way - keep it up.

Love and baby dust

Valentine xxx
thanks valentine , tbh , this whole cycle has been different so im clutching at straws , hasnt stopped me bursting into tears cos im sure its just gonna be af making her monthly unwanted visit !
not this morning im not :cry: witch woke me up at 5.30 am specially to tell me she was here :cry: :wall:
Aw hun, so sorry witch came..... she is a right bitch when she wants to be...

More BDing next month and wishing you loads of luck...

I have 4 days to testing and been ttc for 12months..... had wierd symptoms this month but again she will no doubt naff things up as she does every month.. eventually.

xx :hug:

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