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Gem's diary ......

Get BDing girl!! Looks like we might be testing together if I get my temp rise :cheer:
dear diary

i dunno whats going on :( i got a really good poss opk on friday 16th , it wasnt really poss yesterday but nearly. so i thought i must of ovulated yesterday , had some dull achey type cramps , nothing compared to i use to ovulate tho and ive had no real temp rise , it has gone up a bit , but that could also be cos its weekend and im in bed later and up later ?

im worried that im not gonna ovlulate this month even tho i got a poss 2 days ago , shouldnt i ahve ovulated by now and got my rise this morning ?
dear diary ,

got my cd 21 blood test for progesterone this morning , and dh has also go to take his spermy sample to lab too , bless him , dont think his looking forward to it one bit !

have had more of a temp rise, but im not getting excited , its weird for a couple of weeks i was sleeping through the night like a baby , last 2 nights ive had the most hurrendous sleepless nights from about 2 am :cry: trouble is the work im doing right now makes me sooo tired and achey i really need the sleep so why wont my body let me :roll:

ive got a 6 week progect type thing at work , as its new year all new paint colours and products are released and its me who put them on the shelves in homebase and b&q , its alot of work ! alot of lifting and too many hours overtime that i dont get a penny for :evil:

so im very glad its friday ! and dh has the weekend off too :cheer: altho his going out with a girly mate tongiht but i think ill just sit in , chill , read me book and get an early night so i dont feel pantz all weekend !

excited to be testing with chellie and fothers ! last time i did a group test kj got her bfp so hoping i have the same effect on both of them ! :pray: be nice to get my bfp too , specially with chellie incase i move back to ips (trying too ) and we'd be due same time ! would be extra cool lol

so here's me just wuick updating , cd21 7dpo
Good luck to you and oh at the docs today

You will be able to tell us all the latest trendy paint colours to paint our nurseries soon hopefully! :pray:

Have a good weekend and allow lots of time for naps :hug:
i know all them lol can design ya house too as ive done interior design , basically i should be able to tell u most things about paint ! how sad am i , joys of being a rep for crown paint lol
Good luck with the tests.

Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend, sounds like you deserve one!

would be amazing if we both got BFPs and then you did move back to Ips.....a very exciting prospect!
god how awfull was this morning , i know bding can be bad when its for a reason but this morning took the mick ! good job he hadnt had it for a while :oops: just got to await results know , dunno how long they take !

one this different this month , im experiencing more cm , i did b4 ovulation and now ive still got patches of cm everyday for passed couple of days , i never get this ever ! but still , u try not to sympton spot , and ive got no reason to think this month different but my cm deffo is lol :oops:
the suspense is too much for the next week isn't it?

Some people have lots of creamy cm if they are pregnant in 2ww I think so lets hope it is a good sign :hug:
i just feel like i sympton spot every month and its not been a bfp , trying not to see the lovery creamy cm as a sympton but its soooo hard ! why does our bodies do this to us ? doesnt it relise how much it controls are life , are way of thinking , and plans for the future well just about every aspect of my being ! inc wishing our short lives away ! face it where not here forever but we spend the whole month wish ever week would go by quicker , either for ov or 2ww ! i wanna stop and enjoy life but yet i think what if i stop and i lesson my chances as i wont know when or if i ovulated ! what a horrible circle this cycle is !
I know exactly how you feel. We would normally be planning a summer holiday etc now and I keep thinking- o maybe we should wait because if I get pregnant..... but if it gets to summer and I'm not and we don't get away on hoiliday will be major depressed. Now willing it to be near the end of next week so 2ww nearly over.

OH is away at a conference next week though so will be able to get big forum fix and birth programs on tv without feeling I need to hide my obsession :rotfl:

don't forget there are always last minute holidays.....thats my plan anyway!
Hi Gem, sorry you are having a bit of a down day at the moment. Loads of hugs :hug: . you symptoms sound interesting, I know it is REALLLLLLLY hard not to symptom spot :wall: , hope this week brings good news.
You are definately right about TTC taking over everything. i have tried not to let it get too in the way of things...I am just agreeing to do things now and if I get pregnant, well I can cross that bridge when I get to it.
We booked our summer hols a few weeks ago to help us get over mc as baby would be due then. I have worked out that if I get PG this months then I will be 27 weeks when we fly to Hong kong. One week past the 26 week doo da...but either I can get a cert from docs and be fit enough...or not. If not, I would rather have a baby than a hols anyway, so sign off the money...don't get me wrong, we don't have money to throw away...but we decided to just make plans and try and enjoy life because things have been so sad recently...and we are taking nothing for granted.

I hope you start to feel a bit better soon...I am thinking of you and I really hope we both get our BFPs next week!!!!!

M :hug:
Dear diary

well im working so dam hard right now , doing silly hours and not even get paid for em SUCKS ! think ive got over tired , last 4 / 5 nights have had proper restless sleep and waken up at 2 / 3 am and thats it , nights sleep over! last ngiht , against better judgement i took a nytol , i know im close to testing but for my own sanity i had to do something , so i eventullay got to sleep at about 11.30 ( after dh coming home drunk and randy ......not like him ! couldnt refuse lol) and slept through till 5 am :dance: still tired tho !

been having weird dreams

one was really , awkward , as it was clearly about ttc , but it envloved my ex , who i did fall pregnant with ( an accident would u beleive ?) and i was dreaming of having a son . freak me out a bit , and upset me as it was dh i was dreaming of :cry: think it must of just been playing on my mind. i hate how that past creeps up on u and bites ya bum !

had a really awfull ngihtmere she's about my mum , this week she had an reaction to painkillers but in my dream this actually killed her , woke up at 3 am , cying nearly wanted to call her , why do dreams sometimes feel so real , and what on earth could this dream have ment !??? :cry:

mums fine now tho , lots of itchy scabs as if she's has chicken pox lol

think ive been suffering from pms too , boy have i been snapping a dh ! i shouted at him after he didnt canswer his phone and i was lost in london after a road got shut lol altho not feeling like i ahve it todday ?!

well af due this sat , had a temp drop this morning so doesnt look good for this month again :cry: really starting to get to me , i know i prob need a break and if i had something else (but work?) to conentrate on maybe i would , but i then cant help think , what if i havent made the most of this month and miss my time !

plus i really wanna go away for our 1 st anniversary , and more time goes by just dont think we will , wish we could book something and ust go! maybe if i dont get a bfp this month i will take a break next month and then go away in april. we had a really horrid honeymoon , just wanted a vacation on our 1st anniversary to make up for it !

sorry long post huh , should update more often !

so me , counting down to bfp :cheer: ? or af :evil:
cd26 , 12 dpo
as i promised temp was up ( see chart stalker) and took the clearblue , BFN :cry: why did i do it , im now gonna be miserable as sin at work now :wall: did think it would be a bfp , think after this long every month u dont expect it but still hope that outa the blue it would have been . *sigh* this sucks right now

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