Gem's diary ......

Its i smiley face. Must be a good sign *giggle* Hope your appointment goes ok. Gonna keep checking back for news :)
taken from my other post

well suprise suprise , my doc messed up my referal and didnt put down who she wanted me to see , so i saw the shortist waiting list consultant who IS NOT SURGICAL so i now hve my appoinment with my surgical consultant for the 29th jan , actualy sugery may only be 2 weeks from that date BUT they may also want me to loose weight first ! my bmi is really bad but if u were to see me u acutally wouldnt think i weighed what i do :( so its still up in the air when i will be having surgery :wall: plus point is that i should be ok with having it by keywhole ! and not open so recovery quicker and only 1 day in hospital instead of 6 :cheer: as for the pcos , still not 100% confirmed i have the syndrome , i may just have pco because my cycles still fairly regular so ive had more blood tests today , including testosterone which i havent had done yet :shock:

so im a bit annoyed , still have no closure no answers and no surgery date :wall: and , ive also been refered to a dietition , ihopefully will help me loose soe weight which can only be a food thing dont really want to start meds to help just yet .

so i guess im free to carry on ttc this month lol altho the id of having a baby by end of 2007 seems impossible :cry:

can i add how crap i feel now , , im one for plannign and it seems i cant plan anything !
Dear diary ....

well what a boring part of my cycle im at ! cd 9 , my temps are no where near as settled as previous months , was nearly tempted to test just in case lol but think with at least some of them being low i havent bothered putting myself through the torture !

been to boots this week , have stocked up on magic meds ( here comes the upset tummy :puke: ) managed to get some baby aspirin both of which i started last night :cheer: :cheer: i can talk babies all i like with me bessy mate cos she's found out she's 6 weeks pregnant(so bloody happy for her !) and now has joined this forum :dance: (feefee) and she's given me some preconcieve stuff and some opk which are hopefulyl covered in her baby dust so i can join her asap ! least when she's moaing about morning sickness i can moan with her then ! :hug: (not fogetting baby shopping together)

Benn to my local ish leisure centre today for some swimming , im determind to go often ! first time always the hardest but least i now where it is now and what to expect when i get there , dh came with me today too but prob go on my own in the futire , they also do payg gym if i feel the need and will start aqua areobics neext week , altho it was cancelled today so hope its not next week too !feel ive made a positive move towards getting my fitness up :cheer:

so feeling quite good today , bet my legs ache tomrrow lol

Gem , cd9
How's the legs Gem ;)

Cant wait for you to get your BFP babe :hug:
i wasnt too bad , my neck was more sore lol

thanks for tea tonight hun :hug: and all my goodies . bring on the poss opk :cheer:
Your welcome thanks for playing chauffer!
Hurry up with that BFP :hug:
i dont like my temps this month :shock: there all over the place and if i get another rise tomorrow im gonna have to beleive ive ovulated already but yet ive had no pain so i dont think i have ! what are they rying to do to me :wall:
please dont say that :cry: my opk been neg but dont think i started them b4 then , ive 2 lines but its soooo faint

and as per other post , i think imay have to stop aspirin , my tongues not getting better lol tis swallon :shock:
dear diary ,

why am i soooo drianed this week , it sucks ! i can barely get out of bed in the moring , am shattered at night !

good news , didnt take aspirin last ngiht , and my nice swallon tongue has gone down nicely today ! and all chest pains ahve stopped ! im sooo glad , altho the wat if's have gone through my mind , like what would have happened if i hadnt of stopped taken them !

well took 2 more opk today ! one at 10 am and another at 4 pm ,both getting darker ! :cheer: looks like im going to ovulate on cd 14 again ! so maybe im in for another 'normal' ish cycle !

so here's for some bding , and lots of baby dust , really want this month to be it :pray: or i might just ahve to stop for a bit , its kinda killing our sex life !
Gemma, don't try so bloody hard babes, making love should be a pleasure not a chore for poor Bri!!
aww I hope you get somewhere soon gem chick, I know it's hard been here for 12 months with 3 failed pregancies but you have to keep the faith and just remember to laugh and smile and don't loose hope :hug:
FeeFee said:
Gemma, don't try so bloody hard babes, making love should be a pleasure not a chore for poor Bri!!

i havent told him that ive got my lines so to speak !

i even laughed and said did he wanna set the camera up tongiht , weve never done that b4 ! nothing like a bit fo spice !
I don't tell mine when its that time either- don't want any performance nerves!!
Dear diary !

Well , im sooo happy , we had SUCH a good night last night , cant beleive im abotu to write this , sorry if tmi lol

decided wanted something different , so i laed out blankets and duvet on floor in lounge , put loads of candles around and lit them , he chose the music , and considering is taste is not mine (usually oldskool hardcore) he managed to find something very nice indeed , he out on rkelly :D and well need i say more ! was best bd ive had for ages ! tried different pos too :oops: (tmi hehehe) and i dont care if we concieved or not (but would be nice) it was just nice to feel close to hubby again , he even gave me a massage AFTER and he usually turns over and sleeps lol was alll really nice !

so sorry for tmi ladies , but mine and dh sex life really has turned for th worst and this was just great !

so here's me , a happy chick , CD14 .
Glad you are feeling more chilled out- have a greast weekend :hug:
yeh shame i weighed yself this morning and after a hard week dieting ive not lost a single lb or inch anywhere :wall:

oh well , ill blame it on ovulating , i always feel bloated hehe

you have a good weekend too fothers !
glad you had a nice night and are feeling happier. never mind about the diet it's just one of those things sometimes it drops off other times it clings to your hips and dosn't go anywhere.
hope you have a good weekend.

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