Gem's diary ......

its dropped and i feel awfull too , really sicky :cry: i think she's on her way for sure . Body must think i need surgery more then i need a baby :cry:
Hi Gem,

been following your diary. If af stays away when are you next going to test?

And your af-type pains. Do they come and go or have they consistently got worse? I only ask because my pains are worse some days and then better others. I think if they truly are af pains, they should consistently get worse, but if preggy, come and go.

Don't know if this makes any sense but I hope you get what I mean?

I knew this cycle becuase my (.)(.)s got bigger, and they NEVER change when I'm cycling normally. No soreness though.

Any other symptoms?

good luck gem and lots of baby dust... your an inspiration to all us ttc :hug:
Hi all , well huby suprised me by a night away and a da ice skating , was brilliant but i cant ice skat to save my life !

temp is very low again this morning and i have some spotting when wiping , pretty sure its af coming and nothing else :( im ok , honestly , i didnt expect it but when my temp was high till last min i kinda a wee glimps of hope . ill go to gynea next week and just concentrate now on having my op as early as poss so i can get back to ttc lol i had a dream last night that i had my op and cos u cant have sex for 4-6 weeks i dreamt that i got him to put his swimmers in a seringe and i used that :shock: how bad is that lol

thanks for all your baby dust xxxx
well af in full force , oh the pain ! i really dont wanna do anything ! hubby gone to work , wont be home till gone midnight and im feeling fat bloated and fed up , even the internet is on a go slow :wall:

so that s me cd1 and fed up *sigh*
dear diary ,

had a relly bad night last night , couldnt stop crying about my weight and why i hadnt got preggy yet , all my hopes are on my op and afterwards being able to loose some of this weight gain , it was awfull , my hubby is soooo skinny and with his new job ( been doing it 8 months) his got fitter and fitter and i cant helkp think he'd prefere someone with the same fitness level , he tries to reasure me , as they do but facts speak for them sleves , im huge right now , funny shape also , nfact u could seriously pass me off for being 7/8 months gone , and how i wish i was .

:cry: Gem , cd4
Hi G3M,

I just wanted to send you some hugs honey - lots and lots of them coming to you. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You know without me saying it, that regardless of your weight your hubby loves you regardless of what you look like - I'm a funny, funny shape too and I know what you mean but honestly, he loves you for you - not hoping you'll suddenly get skinny.

I think you need to get this appointment out of the road and get your op booked, then things will start too look up and you can start to be positive - it's so hard when you don't know what's round the corner.

Thinking of you

Valentine xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Sorry you are feeling crap- I am sure when you have got date for op and things you will be feeling a lot more positive. Maybe your condition isn't helping your weight so it could well drop off too after the op

Regardless of that OH chose you for who you are and I am sure doesn't even know what you are worrying about

Hope you feel better today
thanks girlies , bit better tonight , mucho long bath :) 1 full day at work then hossy thurs so all shall be well :pray:
thanks girlies , finished work for the day :cheer: really not sure what to make of tomorrow , they;ve asked for me to bring my diary so i hope that means they'll book my op there and then and not wait for more scans or tests :pray: just want it out lol my lil alien ( as my mates have named it) is stopping me getting to my dreams , so it has to go lol
good luck for tomorrow. Hope you get a date sorted ASAP :hug:
well hopefully todays the day huh, been having all sorts of dreams last night , dreamt i miss my appoinment cos i was working in another hospital !? i dont even work in a hospital !
im nervous , dredding that they wont operate soon or something even tho my dr has said it does need to come out ! everywhere ive read says a dermoid should come out cos otherwise it continuees to grow and may cause problems !

and another thing , check my chart , what on earth are my temps doing ? ive got a horseshoe apeared :rotfl: my coverline is gonna be very hard to tell at this rate !
good luck today- its not a horse shoe its a smiley face! :hug:
well leaving soon , shall post as soon as i get back , think the nerves ahve hit me , tummy all butterflies lol but its not like there doing anything today just nervous of the unknown !

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