Funny story - not pregnancy related

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Hey ladies!

This has nothing to do with pregnancy but could have caused an early labour, just thought I would share.
So this morning I got up an made myself a cuppa and went back to bedroom to start getting ready as was going to my mums. I heard this weird noise that sounded like it was defo in my house but couldn't figure out what it was so just thought it must be downstairs dog scratching the door or something. So off I went out once I was ready and didn't go back into livingroom or kitchen. I told my oh about the noise when I heard it, cos I was texting him at work.
So I kinda forgot all about it, told my mum but apart from that I wasnt that concerned.
Then my oh text me when he got home from work as I was still out, he said quite sarcastically...
'I think I know what that noise was'
'it's possible'
'it's because there is a fucking bird in our living room'
Hahahahaha I couldn't stop laughing. Mostly because I knew if I had have noticed that this morning I would have went into labour, stuff like that creeps me right out. Birds eeeeeew I would have ran out the house screaming.
You girls are prob thinking that's not that funny but I found it hilarious and thought I would share. We still have no idea how it got in the house though, no windows were open lol I'm still freaked out xxx
Ha ha... This happened to me once but i heard something from the back of the sette and sure enough if was a bird.... Was i hell touchin it lol xx
Oh no how can you. They flap about and make me really edgy! I'm not good with things that fly or creepy crawlies. I'm now paranoid another bird will get in and my oh won't be here to get it out haha xx
Arr.... Wow you got a parrot lol. My OH's mam has an African Grey... I used to have cockatiels (sp) when i was little lol. xx
Bless ya..... Have any of you ladies seen that film called 'Birds'? xx
Haha, i hate creepy crawlies! Can never hurt them though lol i always have to get OH to take them out of the house. If i could i would be stroking birds in the street lmao...i am an animal person though, would have a house full if i could! xxx
I havent seen that no, yeah my african grey loves me...everyone else is scared of it, hes really friendly just with me though lol xxx
I hate it when OH's mams African Grey looks at me lol. Scares me. You wont want too watch that film im on about then lol as its a bit gorey ha ha..

I aint a big fan or creepy crawlies either, they are awful little things lol. xx
I have seen a clip from that film the birds and it looks horrid!! X
Yeah it is, Its really bad actually. I wouldnt recommend it, Especially if your scared of birds lol x
Ive just looked it up is it really Oh poor thing, when ours does that we shout beady eye... he tends to say "beady eye little shit" I dunno how people can't like them lol...mines at my mams at the minute driving her round the bend because its started screaming lol. We aint allowed animals so hopefully i will get the house i want then it will drive me crazy lol xxx
ahhh i cant stand birds! and there is something absolutely terrifying about one flapping around in the house! haha, ive had this a few times due to the cat dragging it in and it escaping his grips.

its not ideal!

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