From miscarriages to miracle - James Michael. Our sticky bean born on Daddy's B'day

Symptoms are crying mostly and maybe pulling the legs up on his tummy, lots of wind passing, fussing with the bottle (some of those not all)
Amelie had crying and pulling the legs and all the other symptoms ocassionaly.
Thanks Hope, I did have a quick Google actually!

James does have some symptoms, but the crying is never relentless and he feeds very well?

His legs are still quite "pulled up" in general, and he is terrible to wind.

Personally I think he has trouble settling as he still has wind? I wind him during a feed, after and then have to pick him up a few times and wind him. Or else I let him fall asleep on me in a kind of upright position? He does always - eventually - drift off!

He's sound asleep now and not due a feed for the next hour or two.... So I can actually cook - yay!

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Bless him, sounds a bit like Jacob with his wind, Jacob has always refused to let it go. I tried infacol which helped a little, didn't give it for too long as it can give them belly ache, I also more recently tried dentinox for a few days but he hated that, he seems to have sorted himself now though.
Glad you seem to have got on top of the nappy issues, I hated it when I couldn't seem to keep Jacob dry, 1st size pampers just seem so useless lol.
How heavy is James now? X x
We're off to be weighed at baby clinic this afternoon! That will be fun as James hates to be undressed and screams blue murder.

He was 7lbs 15oz on Monday so he's gained 7oz's already!

We've gone from one extreme to another. After a few big pooh's yesterday evening we've had nothing since (we've had 3 wet nappies!) so I think he def has a bit of tummy trouble.

He's slept and is eating fine so seems OK, I'll mention it to MW this afternoon.

I feel a bit apprehensive as I am going to baby clinic alone??? So I have to pram to manage and I know he'll play up when he has to be weighed!

We'll go and register at Dr's after if we make it through baby clinic in one piece :lol:

Don't be nervous as they pickupon tension
Honestly there's always loads of babies screaming In baby clinic no one cares!
Every time u do sommin brave u should treat yourself like going out alone= a tub of Ben a d Jerry's!
Just popping in for a nosey :)
James sounds like he's do great and your doing a fab job being a mummy!! It's always good to get baby weighed to see that we are giving them what they want :) Madison is now 8lb 4oz!!! Wee chunk!
I'm thinking of investing in L plates for our pram as I'm always bumping into things with it!

Have a good day lovely x
I'm cheating and getting my Mum to come baby clinic with me :shock:

I'll meet her on route though so I'll have to get pram & bub in and out on my own!

I have to confess the main reason I am getting my Mum to come is to keep an eye on pram, they make you leave pram's outside and sadly there has been a spate of pram theft where I live!

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I'm cheating and getting my Mum to come baby clinic with me :shock:

I'll meet her on route though so I'll have to get pram & bub in and out on my own!

I have to confess the main reason I am getting my Mum to come is to keep an eye on pram, they make you leave pram's outside and sadly there has been a spate of pram theft where I live!


Omg people would steal your pram! that's shameful :(

Hope your clinic visit went well and little James didn't protest to much! :D

I noticed you mentioned he is difficult to wind. My second was a nightmare to wind but I found an amazing winding position that sorted him out.

I have tried to google an image of what I mean but I can't find anything so I'll try to explain it lol.

So I sat on the sofa both feet on the floor but my one knee raised up higher than my other one by my foot, then sat him on my lower knee so his tummy was resting into the knee of my other leg. Then when I rubbed his back the pressure from his tummy pressing my knee worked wonders and he burped every time. Obviously it was a gentle pressure and I wasn't forcing his delicate tummy to push hard into my knee (please don't call childline lol) It worked so much better than just lying him upright on my chest and saved him always puking down my back lol. Just a clean bib on my knee caught any sick.

Try it, anything is worth a shot to help a windy baby :D
Not cheating I take my mum everywhere ha ha swimming, nursery visits, baby clinic !
Good to see your out and about with pram, practicing in and out I hope :p

That's terrible stealing a pram!!! Buy a chain and lock LOL!

Pram theft has become a lot more common since you have dopes like me that spend a lot of money on a pram! Doh....

James is now up to 8lbs 1oz and we've been discharged from the MW (and HV who saw us on Monday)

I also registered him at my GP's today.

Tomorrow we're off to my Mum's as she is having us all round for afternoon tea. So that is me, my sis, SIL, bro and all 4 grandsons!!

Wow little tubs! Glad he's gaining weight he's obv eating properly then despite his little tummy problems.

My nephew suffered bad constipation and my cousin used to bend extend his legs she said it helped sometimes.

Oh yes, and, get more yummy pics on!

Awwwww there he is :)

I think, I could be wrong (as I don't know what OH looks like) to say he looks quite like you, from what I seen on your bump pics etc, your quite sallow skinned aren't you? I remember you always having nice tanned bumps mine is almost transparent lol!
Sounds like you are doing really well hun. Well done xx

Don't give yourself a hard time, I'm only just gettig the hang of getting out on my own and A is 12 weeks!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
I still can't fold and unfold the pram by myself :roll::faint: I doubt I will ever be able to :wall:
Have fun today!!! Did your SIL have the baby yet btw? How are you feeling about that now that James is here? I know you were quite concerned about that at the beginning.

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