How's breast feeding going for you love?
Breast feeding didn't go great for us, we spent two days at the hospital and I thought bub was latching just fine but the night we got him he just screamed and screamed and when we got up the next morning (after about an hours sleep) he was quite lifeless and his lips were dry.
Luckily I had some bottles and a microwaveable sterliser so I got my sister to bring round some formula and hey presto little man was well fed and content.
Breast feeding woman came round that afternoon and MW was also here neither of them could really help.... but bub def wasn't latching properly and he wasn't taking enough milk - you could see by the suck to gulp ratio.
So I took the decision to express for him and have been doing that since I got my electric pump a week ago.
I threw in a few formula feeds in the early days but I am now on day 5 of 100% expressing my breast milk.
He is a fab eater (4fl oz every 4 hours) and he isn't a sicky or windy baby!
The downside is of course that I am now expressing every 3-4 hours, and sterlising so I have extra "work" but I am totally fine with it all.
Great journal so far Nat! Glad to see you've been out and about baby James is just gorgeous!!
Thanks hun - I see you are in the "1am club" as well??
How are things going? How is Madison getting along!
Lol yes 1am club!! Usually anytime between 1 and 3am is feeding time!
Madison is doing really well, so far I've been very lucky and have a little lady who loves to eat then sleep, bf is going well i can't grumble. Not looking forward to oh going back to work in a week!
I bet you can't wait to see what your sil has! I hope it's pink so you can indulge in your pink!! we bought M's Xmas babygrow today!! Hehe She has a little reindeer outfit! Lol