Finally feeling movements!!

Thanks ladies :) told me to have a shower to ease off the contractions.. Been monitored and contractions still there but easing off in strength which they r happy with.. Just testing my urine (barely managed to squeeze one out I made sure I went before monitor lol)
Just gotta wait for an update myself now!
They don't seem too concerned if I was in labour tbh :shock:
Thats because your quite far on chick!

And did you not say your dates got changed slightly with your last scan.

Baby would just be ever so slightly smaller than full term babies but i'd imagine just as healthy.

You've only around what 3 weeks til your full term anyway.

Try not to worry too much

what a horrible few days! Poor you! I hope you get more answers soon...

I agree with littlemiss, you are almost 34 weeks, even if you go into labour now, it's not such a big problem! xx
Tightenings have come stronger again but not unbearable.. Having lunch now.. Emergencies upstairs so we are right at the bottom lol... Will be examined soon to see if the contractions are actually doing anything.. Hopefully soon anyway lol x
Every 3 mins lasting 30-40 secs.. Nothing majorly strong though.. But enough to go ooh lol! Still getting pressure even though they felt baby's head above my pubic bone...strange..

He said baby was measuring exactly a week ahead but they haven't changed any dates or anything..
I'd be ok with having baby now tbh... I just wanna know either way!!!
This is my monitoring from 7am.. Left is baby's hb right is contractions..


  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1317470941.727121.jpg
    33 KB · Views: 20
Just noticed next to roa.. '1-2/5' is that engagement do u think??


  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1317471182.144859.jpg
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God love you having to go through all this. Been thinking about you xxx

Omg good luck if baby does come! If not really hope they figure out what's wrong!!

Just been examined she said I'm closed (not dilating yet) which is good but my cervix length isn't long like it was at 20w.. Coz I'm still havin pains they gonna keep an eye on me and she's gonna talk to her senior about giving me steroid injections for baby as we are under 34w... They are gonna keep me in anyway due to reduced fetal movements still... Not sure if they are gonna scan me again I think she will let me know in a bit..

Sigh..... :(
your body is acting just like mine was and i was on my 3rd to contractions all over the place and was in labour its all crazy xx
oh hunni was hoping they would let u home today !! at least they r giving u the steriods just in case. will keep my fingers crossed for u that u get info on what is going on and what route u r taking xxxxx
Just noticed next to roa.. '1-2/5' is that engagement do u think??

Yeah I think thats what it means esp coz it says ceph first, which means head is first to come out.

What a carry on eh! It must be murder not knowing either way.

Hows the girls getting on at your mums?

your body is acting just like mine was and i was on my 3rd to contractions all over the place and was in labour its all crazy xx

Blimey :shock: it's not unbearable pain though... They keep getting (nicely) annoyed with me coz I'm not complaining of any pain coz I'm managing it fine...
It feels like my bump is constantly tight now and constant backache :(
oh hunni was hoping they would let u home today !! at least they r giving u the steriods just in case. will keep my fingers crossed for u that u get info on what is going on and what route u r taking xxxxx

Thanks, I just wantsome straight answers... I've still got nothing really.. Good they may give us steroids just in case... She was unsure coz we are so close to 34w... But still under so they need to keep to the line she said... Cervix has shortened (good job I had it checked at 20w coz of my cin3) and that's all I know on that.. I asked about the scan and she explained it's a more in depth scan but not if I was goin to have one or not :roll:
They've not told me anything about my urine tests either... And they are constantly asking about my previous bloods from last week and am I actually booked in this hospital yet... I transferred and had mw booking in bloods last week (not got results yet) and antenatal clinic at hosp to be booked in on 13th oct... I've told 5 diff ppl now lol.. Theyve also got my previous hospital notes which they all struggle with as its so different to their notes and the old mws and docs handwritings are awful!! So they've only got pieces as I was due to collect my new notes from my 13th oct booking in app... And they've started a new set from when I was admitted lol so three sets of notes for me... :lol:
Just noticed next to roa.. '1-2/5' is that engagement do u think??

Yeah I think thats what it means esp coz it says ceph first, which means head is first to come out.

What a carry on eh! It must be murder not knowing either way.

Hows the girls getting on at your mums?


Cool thanks... So for it to be fully engaged it's 5/5...? So it's good I'm just 1-2/5 right? The mw never said I was before so maybe why I'm feeling pressure today and last night?

The kids are actually really happy thankfully!!!! They enjoyed staying at nannies last night and playing in the pool today :)
They would be as well starting the whole booking in again, I am sure they would get on a lot quicker and get proper answers if someone took the initiative and done it right now. You must be so frustrated! I am for you! Hope you get some answers soon x
i think 2/5 means that only 2/5ths of babies head os out of pelvis...i think 1/5 is fully engaged, but i could be wrong...xx
Thanks hun... Mw said it's like an a&e up in delivery at the mo and said us down here arent high priority.. Which is fair enough really... I think they want to keep me in anyway so I'm in no rush anymore... I'm used to sitting here doing sod all in the heat.. I'm literally sitting on the edge of my bed with my big fan almost touching my face lol!! Still getting chest tightenings with bh too and that with the heat just don't mix!!

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