Finally feeling movements!!


It could be the start of things then chick.

Maybe its going to be an early baby, but try not to worry you're really far on in your pregnancy, thats probs why the MW isn't overly concerned.

Is it really sore BH you're getting? Does it feel like the start of things?

Tbh if I was further on and at home feeling these bh I'd be timing them etc.. I honestly don't think it is even tho bh getting stronger etc.. Think it's all down to a bloody uti!! Just went to the toilet and no more blood so maybe it was actually in my urine?? She asked if it was sticky I said no more like pinky urine.. But she doesn't seem bothered..
My itchy shoulders are back with a vengeance!!! That'll keep me awake lol!! I've managed to sleep til now so at least I got a good hour n half in!! xxx
I forgot that the show could have been related to the blood in your urine. I've never seen actual plug but is it not kinda green & stuff as well?

Thats a shame ur itchy shoulders are back, I have a strange itch too, see on the top of your feet, if u imagine having trainers on, where the laces would be on your feet, that bit is sooo itchy i've scratched away a big chunk of skin, its rlly bad, but thats coz I wear black trainers to work I only tie them really loosly but coz my feet are so swolen I think its making them itchy coz it only happens when i've been wearing them & walking alot. I find savlon helps take the edge off. I'm stopping myself from going to bed coz OH is sleeping & i'll only keep him awake with my scratching.

I live in sandals now for that reason lol!!

I've never seen a show before so I dint know either.. Think it's like blood tinged clump of dc.. It defo looked like just pinky urine... Nothing in bowl just on wiping.. Still getting strong bh.. Feel like I need to pee all the time :roll: that's the latest one lol!! Felt pressure down there all day so baby prob just squishing my bladder..

Part of me just thinks well clearly baby hasn't been happy in there to be that still after that much poking... Maybe it would be better for it to just come out... I mean, 5lb is pretty healthy! I'm getting tired of all this pregnancy drama I've never had this much trouble!!! Defo takes after it's dad :lol:

U shouldn't have to stay up coz of that babe!! He should be scratching it for u while u sleep ;) lol!!
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Been monitored (bubs hiccupped all the way thru again!!) and still getting strong bh with pain round my back.. She told me off (nicely) for not telling anyone I was in pain.. She's gonna send a doc to assess me so I assume that means looking at my moo!! Baby moved a bit today :cheer: I'd like to have that advanced scan, clearly something was wrong there's no way baby should've been that still for that long being battered by mws!!
Will see what happens... Glad baby's moving (slightly) now of course, still not enough to reassure me...
Green numbers on monitor were going up to 25 when I was admitted now hitting 53..
Cant believe this is still ongoing and your no closer to knowing whats going on. Hope all is ok todfay and you get some answers xx
Wow, you're really being put through the mill! At least you're in the right place and are getting the best care possible. Hope things settle down for you soon :)
Thanks! I can't believe it either!!! I don't even know the main reason I'm here!! Came in with blood in urine n pain.. Stayed for no fetal movements.. Now it's had a wiggle I'm contracting regularly!!
I want my urine results.. A reason why my baby stopped moving (that scan.. I've never been so scared in my life!!!) and why I'm contracting so strong...!!
Still not been checked but it's breakfast time so I assume they'll wait til after... I should eat even though I really don't feel like it!!
You should definitely eat, need to keep your strength up! Hopefully you'll get a better picture of what's happening today. I reckon baby is a little boy -only a male could cause so much trouble even before they arrive!!!! :)
What a nightmare, make sure you demand some answers. Have they done any blood tests as this could tell you wether your kidneys are ok, if your anaemic, if there is some other underlying infection? Hope your doing ok, try to stay calm (i know pretty hard) thinking of you xx
You should definitely eat, need to keep your strength up! Hopefully you'll get a better picture of what's happening today. I reckon baby is a little boy -only a male could cause so much trouble even before they arrive!!!! :)


Hope u r ok hunni glad little one has woke up !! Hope the contractions slow sown and they tell u what's going on xxx
Oh sweetheart Iv just read the last few pages :( u poor thing, hope u get some answers this morning :hugs: xxx
I really hope you get some answers soon

All this not knowing whats going on must not be good for the ole stress levels.

Hoping your getting ready to go home now!

Hope everythings ok hun you poor thing :( we're all getting battered by tri3 by the sounds of things :(

Keep us posted hun xxxx

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