Finally feeling movements!!

:hugs::hugs:oh hunni hope they get to the bottom of everything soon !! thats my worst nightmare being admitted and leaving the other 2 so know how u must b feeling. will keep everything crossed for u and lo. try and get some sleep tonight xxxx
Thanks.. I know Jaycee will be fine it's just Ellie :( feel so bad :( gotta try and explain it to them later I think I shouldn't say I'm home or she will wanna come home I'm gonna have to say I'm in hospital coz I need rest or something..
Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight, if not I've asked OH to grab some mags for me im so bloody bored!!!
Sure Ellie will b ok might help if she understands bit better bless them. your mind must be racing with everything. Baby sounds like a good size though which is good just need it to get a wiggle on !!!! might perk up once u have rested abit. will keep everything crossed for u and keep us posted xxxx
Cheers babe :) ive always been as honest as I can be with them.. Just don't want her to worry she has a wild imagination and talks about death alot lol don't want her to think the worst!!
I just don't know why they haven't monitored me yet and if I need an advanced scan just do it now!! Hate waiting!!! Not knowing what's wrong :(
I know their minds r so active at that age !! If it's anything like my hospital there r only certain people trained to do certain scans and that person has probably gone home !! Hope they get u on the monitor soon at least that's another box ticked !! Xxx
She had a listen to hb on the Doppler.. Mustn't think I need the full monitor graph thing.. Baby was happy.. Had a little movement :) it's got hiccups again now :roll:
Nearly time to talk to the kids :cry:
Yeah ur right they'll need a specialist or at least a sonographer to be working.. Maybe why she got the bedside one out?

Just wanna c my OH now :( he's still at work and he will have to leave at 9 :( everyone else has had someone with them all day from 8am-9pm.. I'm lucky to get 8:30pm-9pm lol

Told him to forget the spare clothes and shower stuff I wanna c him more than I need a shower lol... Just need some mags coz it gets so boring sitting in my cubicle for hours :(
Think its a good sign that they just used the doopler !! and sounds like u r going to have a very hiccupy baby !!! Ethan was like that when i carried him still the same now !! mighht find the girls feel better once they know whats going on although im sure they cant wait to have u home. Would pick company too over a shower !! although havent the hospital got a few bits u can have ? ! u have just reminded me to put a book in my bag ! dont want to get caught without one !! at least u have some internet connection my hospital is rubbish for that !! xxx
oh dear :( sorry to hear you are going through all this stress! But you are in the best place - they will take a good care of you and your baby and will keep an eye on things xxx Big hugs
Think its a good sign that they just used the doopler !! and sounds like u r going to have a very hiccupy baby !!! Ethan was like that when i carried him still the same now !! mighht find the girls feel better once they know whats going on although im sure they cant wait to have u home. Would pick company too over a shower !! although havent the hospital got a few bits u can have ? ! u have just reminded me to put a book in my bag ! dont want to get caught without one !! at least u have some internet connection my hospital is rubbish for that !! xxx

Defo take things to keep u and OH occupied!!!!
I'm lucky my phone has good signal in here gotta love o2 network!!!

OH left at 9 :( miss him :( mums just putting kids to bed now she won't offer them to call me just gonna wait to see if they ask.. Hopefully they won't! Want them to be happy x
They was going to use Doppler but went with full monitor graph thingfor half hr instead..
:hug: So glad they're looking after you so well. Really hope they can give you some answers soon and that everything's ok. Did they give you anything for a possible infection or don't they think it's that? x
Tbh they haven't really mentioned the infection they were more concerned with movements... It was horrible having that bedside scan baby just wasn't moving for ages even with big pokes!!
Been monitored now n baby set off the alarm three times for hb rising too quickly... My contraction monitor used to go up to 25 now it's hit over 45... But they don't seem too bothered about that... Bloody hurts tho lol!
Oh and baby got hiccups again :roll: loves doing that while monitoring/scanning!!
It's defo perked up a great deal now :)
Glad your scan went well. Cant believe you might have saw exciting!!

Hope you get some answers soon, you must be bored to tears being stuck in there, do you have one of those wee tv things that you have to pay for?


At least you can still get on PF - thats gotta be something!!

Yeah I've got a lil tv.. Got the tv card I bought my sister still in my purse.. Dint wanna waste it tbh lol silly I know.. Got my mags now just wont b able to read them til tomo coz of the lights.. I dint mind tho I can play on my phone tonight and read tomo :) today really dragged!! Not as much as last night though!! Up every 15 til 3.. Then from 3-6 pacing the halls and PF lol then when I finally got to sleep at 6 I was woken by banging monitors at 6:45 n been up since :( hoping to get some sleep tonight and proper answers tomorrow!!
I didn't really want to see anything but it was hard not to as the moment he put the thing on my bump he said 'ah look that's the bum!' lol!! They can't tell the gender here anyway even if I did want to know for sure he wouldn't be able to confirm it!
Thats brutal chick!! I've been waking up every few mins too, & thats me in the comfort of my own bed, its the heat tho.

Whats the plans for tomoro then? Are they coming round to check you first thing? You've got another scan too? I bet your wondering if you see anything this time!!

Any more movement tonight?

I'll get an advanced scan if no more movement but f*ck me this bugger is going for it!!! Just went for a wee and there was a bit of blood when I wiped... :roll: what else??!! Mw said as I've had some tightenings it's normal and prob just my show... I'm like... So is that ok seeing as I'm 33w.. And she seems to think it's ok... Omg this baby is going nuts I'm actually worried it's too active!!!! I kinda want a mw to feel it and say THAT is what I normally get 24/7 just so they understand just how active this one usually is! Some of them believe me but u can tell some of them don't..

Strong bh with pain and very active 4.15lb baby in a tiny bump = bloody painful!!!!!

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