Finally feeling movements!!

i think 2/5 means that only 2/5ths of babies head os out of pelvis...i think 1/5 is fully engaged, but i could be wrong...xx

Keep getting confused with palpable... One is 5/5 and the other is 1/5 and mean the same lol (I think!!) just don't know which one is which!!
Haha!!! You'd think being my third I'd know this stuff by now but I didnt need to with the girls!! Just went into labour at 39w!!
loys of poop is a labout sign i would think.......nlimey its all go xx
Sigh... I'm so sexy lol!!!

Wanna find out which way round it is... 1-2/5 engaged... Hmmm
i find that this pregnancy has made me soooooo attractive,
Haha! I'm gonna google the engagement stages I think... I've been good and not googled since I've been here (apart from once shhhh!!)
They gave me steroids at 34 + 5 with Ethan to b on safe side but he was small !! I don't think Kian engaged properly till I was in full labour they say it happens later once u have already had kids !! Glad the girls are ok it's one less thing to worry bout !! Xxx
I'm not finding anything but this.... AND THEY STILL DON'T KNOW WHICH WAY :lol: :wall:
So they can either feel 1-2/5 of the head left over so 3-4/5 of the head is in my pelvis.... OR head is only 1-2/5 into my pelvis...

The head lady just came and told me I'm gonna have the steroid injections one now and one 12hrs from now so 3am lol good job I'm not sleeping at all lol!! Plus she said I'll prob be here all weekend an theyll scan me monday..
They gave me steroids at 34 + 5 with Ethan to b on safe side but he was small !! I don't think Kian engaged properly till I was in full labour they say it happens later once u have already had kids !! Glad the girls are ok it's one less thing to worry bout !! Xxx

Thanks hun :)
Do u know what 1-2/5 means???

They wanna keep me in all weekend and Monday :( my poor girls :(
Think its how much of the head has gone into your pelvis . Just looked in my notes and 1-2/5 means engaged as most of the head is below rim of pelvis if they say 0/5 means deeply engaged . Is your oh off at weekend ? Will they not let u pop home for couple of hrs if things settle ? Might b worth asking xxx
Engagement of the Fetal Head: In order to reduce the risk of complications, symphysiotomy should only be performed with an engaged fetal head. Vaginal examination for fetal head engagement when labour is obstructed could be misleading, as the presence of marked caput and moulding may obscure the true station of the fetal head. Using the classification described by Philpott (1973) of dividing the fetal head into fifths and describing descents as the number of fifths of fetal head that have passed through the brim of the maternal pelvis can be helpful in this circumstance (26). Symphysiotomy should only be undertaken only if less than two-fifths of fetal head is palpated above the maternal pelvic brim. See Figure 1.

(forget procedure details lol it's all I could find on google on my phone)


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Think its how much of the head has gone into your pelvis . Just looked in my notes and 1-2/5 means engaged as most of the head is below rim of pelvis if they say 0/5 means deeply engaged . Is your oh off at weekend ? Will they not let u pop home for couple of hrs if things settle ? Might b worth asking xxx

So that means it's right down in there??

My mums house is 30min drive away and I think it might upset them to see me then I have to leave... They seem happy enough I wouldn't want to disturb them even though I miss them soooo much!!! I wouldn't be able to do much with them and they are very cuddly kids..

OH works seven days a week :( he finally might be finishing early tonight which means I will get more than half hour with him :cheer: as he has to leave at 9pm :(
Wish I had my own bloody room now!!!
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1/5 is really good! Means that only 1/5 of the head is above the pelvis :) Wish my LO was doing that well, he's a nightmare!

They say don't they that first babies engage earlier and then subsequent babies engage a lot closer to labour...?

Hope you're doing okay and not too fed up in there!

Yeah I've read subsequent babies engage during labour usually... Or pop in and out as they please thru last few weeks.. Surely it can't go that deep and pop back up now??

I'm alright actually lol never been on my own so long!! I miss my girls terribly but the rest is well needed!! I know they are safe and happy that's the main thing :)
Glad the girls r ok and your getting rest!! Think it's highly unlikely that lo will come back out if head is that far down !! Glad u r getting more company tonight have u had first steroid injection yet ? Xxx
Yeah I had it at dead on 3 so I'll have to have the next one at 3am... Feeling quite sick at the moment the smell of dinner made me feel ill :( still v hot mw says I look pale.. Maybe the steroids?
Also stronger contractions but not that irregular now I've got up to go to the loo... Still coming just not as regular as before I got up.. Usually bh go with movement don't they.. I'm kinda hoping this is it now I've had enough.. Baby is a good weight, we r having steroids even tho baby is measuring a week ahead.. I've had pressure in my moo all day... Bh are starting to hurt enough for me to breathe thru them... If I'm going thru all this for a false alarm I'm gonna be upset lol!! Is it wrong of me?? Plus reduced fetal movements... Baby may be better off out than in!! Only getting a scan on Monday nothing else to check it's ok besides hb monitor x

If my contractions change slightly coz I moved it's not labour is it??
Even though when I was in labour with Ellie my contractions were VERY irregular... It's just hard to tell this time as I'm early! So frustrating!!!!! :wall: god my back is constantly killing!!!!!!
I'm not 100% but i'm sure it sounds like your in labour. I know exactly what you mean about wanting it over, don't feel bad about it, i'd be going insane if I was you. You're being very patient.

Everything is pointing in the direction of labour, esp if your saying you had irregular contractions with Ellie. And for the BH to be painful, i'd say thats not in - not normal unless your in labour.

I'd be suprised if this isn't the start of things, cant think of anything else it could be that would cause all of this.


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