Could not believe the mw today!

Mrs CW

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2010
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Hi all,
I had my 28 week MW appointment today and thought I was going to meet my new MW as my previous one has left to be a helth visitor. Instead I meet another stand in who I really was not impressed with at all!
Over the weekend I posted that I was having very bad stomach pains which I still have but not as bad. At the weekend I phoned the hospital and was told to see my GP on monday as I could have a UTI which I did and a sample was sent off.
When the MW read that I had been seen yesterday she asked what I was doing seeing her today :shock:, I pointed out that I needed bloods doing and only saw my GP as I saw it as an emergency. She refused to check my urine sample as she only had a few sticks left and she didn't see the point in wasting one. She then told me I looked too healthy for someone with a possible UTI!
She measured my bump and listen to hb for about 5 seconds, felt where baby was but told me she wasn't going to bother telling me the position as LO would have moved by the time I walked out of the door. Whats the point in checking then?!
She asked where my pain was and then told me that it wasn't where I thought it was!! I think I know my own body! She said "Welcome to the world of pregnancy, your obviously not going to enjoy it much are you?!" I was fuming, I've had hip pain for which I'm having some physio and I've had bad stomach pains (I felt like I was being stabbed) which concerned me, I don't remember complaining about anything else, I'm extremely grateful to be pregnant!
She then went through a list of things I should look out for and told me I should contact the hospital/GP/MW if they occur and one of them was abdomin pain. So 5 minutes before she was basically telling me that my abdo pain was nothing and I was "too focused on the pregnancy" so getting anxious about every little twinge and pain then she was telling me to report any abdo pain.:wall2:
Sorry for the rant and long post, I hope I never see her again!
x x x
Me too! Although I'm worried that she might be the same as the one I saw today! x
I saw MW today for 28 week app as well!

We get someone different every single time we go, I've never met the person who is supposedly my midwife. I've given up worrying about it as it seems jolly unlikely that she will be at the birth or anything. But in contrast to you the woman I met today was really helpful, felt everything, checked urine, answered silly questions and gave me yet more leaflets (I really should start looking at them at some point).

I was booked in for my next one in 3 weeks time, do you have another then? It goes so fast that maybe you will get someone good that time? If not then I would reschedule! xx
God some of them sound like a complete total nightmare. Makes you wonder why they decided to do any form of nursing when they clearly don't care much.
I hope your next visit is with a nice MW :hug: x
Am I the only person who isn't getting a 28 week mw appointment? Mine's not til 30 weeks :oooo: x
I'm booked in to see someone again in 3 weeks too Star. They've told me I should be seeing my new mw then so fx! Being a health professional myself I don't get how some people can be so uncaring! x
In my book both from the trust and the general nhs one it says you should be seen at 28 weeks then again at 31 weeks x
:eh: that's strange. I had a 25 week midwife appt and she told me to just book another for five weeks time, when I'd be 30 weeks. I checked my notes and she did put down to wait 5 weeks before seeing me again. Maybe its different in Northern Ireland, although I can't see why. We do get an extra scan as a matter of course at 36 weeks so it is a bit different x
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Must be slightly different. I wish it was routine for a 36 week scan in England! x

I am raging!!

She said -

Welcome to the world of pregnancy, your obviously not going to enjoy it much are you?!

Thats disgusting!!

I'd be doing a complaint letter ASAP

U should use that at work Hun! Welcome to the world of cancer! Don't think you'd get away with it :hug:

I have thought about complaining. My mum was with me and told me she was a typical old school mw so I might ask her opinion about it! x
I don't think I would MrsMc, although I'm frequently told by patients that they have cancer don't you know! I never know quite how to respond! x
Lol I hear that one alot too! It is when u get the ones who say they don't know why they r here cos they hasn't got cancer which get me, and they have like mets everywhere! So sad!

thats really bad. i deffo think you should complain, even if she is old school. times are changing, plus everyones pregnancy is different, and your just worried about lo, isnt that a good sign, my mw told me if anything feels not right i should call her immediately x
Don't think I could handle seeing a different midwife every time, that's terrible! Over here, you see YOUR midwife right from the start and then she will also deliver baby ( all going to plan!)
I was able to choose my midwife too, and luckily have the same midwife who delivered my first baby, so we're totally comfortable / familiar with each other and she knows hubby too.
I would be disgusted if any health professional spoke to me like that .... Hopefully you won't have to see her again :)

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