Finally feeling movements!!

I don't know what the plan is today besides being monitored again tonight... That's it! I wish they'd told me earlier I might not get the scan today.. I really don't like this mw!! :mad:
Might get mum to sneak me in some castor oil ;) lol!!
Ah how annoying when they don't tell you things!

Well maybe they really can't do much more apart from monitoring you twice a day at the moment...

Do they feed you nicely at least?
I wouldn't get so annoyed if they told me straight away it may not be til tomo!! Plus these idiots are getting louder..

The food is actually very nice :) has Mac n cheese for lunch :D xx
bless ya hun !! first chance u get try and get that room !!! is there no way u could just go in twice a day to b monitored ? once they have done the scan that is ? xxx
That's what she said I may have to do... But it's a bloody mission coming in for morning and evening.. I'm so tired I don't think cud manage school runs :(
omg.....u poor thing still being stuck there with no real answers! Must be so frustrating!......At least the food is ok.......not much but it's something I suppose! Hang in there hun xxx
That's what she said I may have to do... But it's a bloody mission coming in for morning and evening.. I'm so tired I don't think cud manage school runs :(
bless ya hun i'm struggling with school runs too !! ethan goes with the child minder in the morning 3 times a week so that helps, but other 2 days have a go with kian in tow too and he decides he doent want to walk half the time !! :shakehead:
lets hope the scan gives them more info so they can make a more definate plan xxx
Thanks :)
Had enough so called mil to come get me n take me home for some bits.. Hate the fact OH picked everything and got it all wrong bless him lol.. At least now I've got the things I need (minus my towel.. Shit lol) and got out for a bit.. Back in time for dinner of course (forgot salt too damn it!!!)
Got some snacks too :) and headphones so I can listen to music on my phone instead of those twats lol!!
I hope the scan can tell us why it's not moving so much... Have a feeling it's all gonna be normal and I'll have no explanations n be sent home but come back to be monitored every day
Do u think it's normal that my nose has been bleeding all day and night? It's been stuffy so I've blown it and fresh blood comes out... It doesn't hurt or trickle out my nose but there's a fair amount there... I would ask the mw but she will prob laugh at me!! I've had sinus infections before where I've had to blow it constantly and it's never bled... Unless I've cut myself and I'd know if I did.. Plus it would have healed by now.. Ive never had a nose bleed in my life..
It's prob nothing but its strange and all sorts are happening to me in here!!
glad u got out to get some bits and can now block out the kyles !!!! my nose has been stuffy for a while and had couple of nose bleeds so its probably just another of those random pregnancy things !!! if scan does come back clear wounldnt b surprised if they do another at later date anyway to keep eye on growth especially if u keep having reduced movements. r u still having pains ? xxx
My bp has been a little high, normal and a little low lol but they aren't concerned.. My pulse goes 122 to 98 which they wanted to do ECG on me but never did (??) I'll ask when nice mw comes..
They may monitor growth.. They were supposed to do all that anyway I rem at my 26w 'growth scan' they refused to do it while I was sitting there with my kids n OH who took the day off (old hosp) how annoying coz it would have been handy to compare now!!!!

Pains wise my back has eased off I'm not getting contractions but constant lower abdominal pain... :(
strange they never did the ecg !! some hospitals r terrible !! sounds like where u r now isnt too bad just busy !!! glad the food is half decent for u too !! would check with mw bout growth scans when they tell u if your able to go home they may even tell u at the scan tomorrow xxxx
Bad isn't it!! I'll ask later or tomo..
The whole Kyle clan is here now :roll: turns out it was the MOTHER that had the fight and that's pregnant!!! She was out with her daughter n shes like 'I felt her tooth in my hand!!' so mum n daughter fighting girls while mum is pregnant. Genius!! Still bragging about fighting what a charming daughter..
The other bunch are just loud n stuff.. Sitting in my lil dark corner on my own with my wordsearch lol!! I'm such a granny! OH won't finish work til later so might just get half hr with him.. Better than nothing!!
Gonna b monitored about 8-9 hope it goes the way I want!! Xx
It was nice n dark.. Was dozing... Then they turn the lights on with no warning to check induction girl :roll:
its soooooo anoying being on a ward much better in a room. And i can not belive fighting while preggers wtf??
but hope your doing ok and it all goes your way xx

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