Finally feeling movements!!

Do u reckon ur LO will reach 5.7 in two weeks??
not sure i've lost my appetite and have kytones in my urine which shows im breaking down my body fat to use as energy (do have plenty to spare !!!) but have been told i need to graze if i cant eat proper meals. will b putting my bags in the car when i go to the appointment though !! i will b 36+3 at appiontment so basicially term so would b end of world if they induced me then. but Kian was 6ib 13 at 39 weeks so baby may get to that weight who knows !! xx
oh hunni ask for the room i would u have had enough to put up with !!! think the main reason for my early inducetion was the growth as your lo is a good size they see it thats its getting everything it needs !! at least they r keeping an eye on u. when they doing the scan ? nipples could b your milk coming in i started leaking at 33 weeks but only if i squeeze !! lol but the hurt if i dont !! but had tingly nips too xxx

Thanks babe :)
I don't know what time my next scan is they gonna let me know :)
I'm sick of the jeremys in here... I don't wanna start sounding stuck up coz I'm worried mws will think 'sod you!' plus they might send me home anyway and I'd look a div asking for a room.. If they come n say they r keeping me in a might ask for a room seeing as I've been here since thurs!!
Today's gonna be a crappy day for me I can see it coming!!!

I think it's odd how baby's decided to measure a week ahead now when it was always right on the mark...
would definatly ask for a room if they keep u in !! lo might just have had a growth spurt did they say what it weighs today ? xxx
Do u reckon ur LO will reach 5.7 in two weeks??
not sure i've lost my appetite and have kytones in my urine which shows im breaking down my body fat to use as energy (do have plenty to spare !!!) but have been told i need to graze if i cant eat proper meals. will b putting my bags in the car when i go to the appointment though !! i will b 36+3 at appiontment so basicially term so would b end of world if they induced me then. but Kian was 6ib 13 at 39 weeks so baby may get to that weight who knows !! xx

Go to mcdonalds every day!!!
Hopefully you won't need to be induced this time.. Fx for u!!!

Ooh the chav is getting induced.. Alright for some!! Lol
would definatly ask for a room if they keep u in !! lo might just have had a growth spurt did they say what it weighs today ? xxx

No I didn't think to ask tbh!! I'll ask at the next scan.. You'd think they'd check that too..

One min I think I need a room!!! Then I think well I'll be so lonely and no gossip lol!! Just the loudness and that Jeremy family were so irritating!!! 'slurp slurrrrrp munch munch' ergh!!!
As ling as the family stays away I think I'll be ok lol!!
They might not have done but if u r having reduced movement it would make sense to !! To me anyway !! There's company and there is annoyance !!! Oh well if she is being induced might not b there all that long and at least family won't b allowed after 9 !! Xxx
I've been lucky so far with people in here
Have a feeling today ain't my day!!!
Not sure what to say, but hope the next scan goes well and sending you lots of hugs!

Awww god what a carry on!!!

I know what you mean about not wanting to sound stuck up about the wierdo's next to you. Thats not just common, thats disgusting tbh.

Glad to hear your scan went well & you got to see baby's wee face!!

So do you have another 1 scan today & then you find out if you can go home??

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! I'm away out on the school run but i'll check in as soon as I get back, i'm hoping your not another night in there anyway!!

If I have to stay another night I think I'll ask for a room if it's free and noone more important needs it..
Got another scan Duno when.. And I assume they'll let me know the plan after..

They're all just disgusting people!!
Talking about smoking in the loo now! Didn't think they'd have smoke alarms.. Dick!!!
Nice lady came in and asked if they wanna buy a baguette and when she left they were like 'shuda whacked her n nicked her money hahaha' fucking idiots!!!
omg horrible family!! I would hate listening to this! Do you have headphones so you can listen to some music instead?
Plural!!! Plural!!! TWO families!!!!
Na no headphones unless I wanna pay for the tv and there's no pint we all know day time tv is rubbish!!

They seem v busy today... Don't think it's the right time to ask for a room lol!! I just wanna know what time my scan is... They told this girl they'd induce her ASAP at 12:30 and she still hasn't been seen.. So I don't think I'm high priority again :roll: maybe one day lol!
Just been catching up, cant belive this is still ongoing. Really feel for you andhope you get home to your girls later xx
FFS now I've asked what time next scan is she said it might not even be today! Told her I've had no other movements (to keep them updated) and she's like well that's what your here for so we can monitor u twice a day we don't need to do any more than that..

I really don't like this mw she's not sympathetic at all just makes me feel like I'm being a pain!!! Can't wait til they switch shifts!!!!!
Geez some of them can be such bitches!!!! makes ya wonder why they are midwife's to start with pfft hugzzzzz
I honestly think you need to kick up a fuss, what good is all this doing you and the baby. They might be busy but you are just as important as everyone else. Are you seeing the Dr again today? You are entitled to know what the plan is for you at least, if there is a problem with the scan you should be told why u have to wait for it. This makes me so mad, it's not too much to ask that they keep you informed surely. Feel like coming down there myself and demanding lol.

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